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coreplugin.py - Implements core PyLink functions as a plugin.
import gc
import sys
import signal
import os
import utils
2016-04-09 09:54:04 -07:00
import conf
import classes
from log import log
import world
def _shutdown(irc=None):
"""Shuts down the Pylink daemon."""
for name, plugin in world.plugins.items():
# Before closing connections, tell all plugins to shutdown cleanly first.
if hasattr(plugin, 'die'):
log.debug('coreplugin: Running die() on plugin %s due to shutdown.', name)
except: # But don't allow it to crash the server.
log.exception('coreplugin: Error occurred in die() of plugin %s, skipping...', name)
for ircobj in world.networkobjects.values():
# Disconnect all our networks. Disable auto-connect first by setting
# the time to negative.
ircobj.serverdata['autoconnect'] = -1
def sigterm_handler(_signo, _stack_frame):
"""Handles SIGTERM gracefully by shutting down the PyLink daemon."""
log.info("Shutting down on SIGTERM.")
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler)
def handle_kill(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle KILLs to PyLink service bots, respawning them as needed."""
target = args['target']
sbot = irc.isServiceBot(target)
if sbot:
spawn_service(irc, source, command, {'name': sbot.name})
utils.add_hook(handle_kill, 'KILL')
def handle_kick(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle KICKs to the PyLink service bots, rejoining channels as needed."""
kicked = args['target']
channel = args['channel']
if irc.isServiceBot(kicked):
irc.proto.join(kicked, channel)
utils.add_hook(handle_kick, 'KICK')
def handle_commands(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle commands sent to the PyLink service bots (PRIVMSG)."""
target = args['target']
text = args['text']
sbot = irc.isServiceBot(target)
if sbot:
sbot.call_cmd(irc, source, text)
utils.add_hook(handle_commands, 'PRIVMSG')
def handle_whois(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handle WHOIS queries, for IRCds that send them across servers (charybdis, UnrealIRCd; NOT InspIRCd)."""
target = args['target']
user = irc.users.get(target)
if user is None:
2015-09-19 10:25:50 -07:00
log.warning('(%s) Got a WHOIS request for %r from %r, but the target '
'doesn\'t exist in irc.users!', irc.name, target, source)
f = irc.proto.numeric
server = irc.getServer(target) or irc.sid
nick = user.nick
sourceisOper = ('o', None) in irc.users[source].modes
# Get the full network name.
netname = irc.serverdata.get('netname', irc.name)
# https://www.alien.net.au/irc/irc2numerics.html
# 311: sends nick!user@host information
f(server, 311, source, "%s %s %s * :%s" % (nick, user.ident, user.host, user.realname))
# 319: RPL_WHOISCHANNELS; Show public channels of the target, respecting
# hidechans umodes for non-oper callers.
isHideChans = (irc.umodes.get('hidechans'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideChans) or (isHideChans and sourceisOper):
public_chans = []
for chan in user.channels:
c = irc.channels[chan]
# Here, we'll want to hide secret/private channels from non-opers
# who are not in them.
if ((irc.cmodes.get('secret'), None) in c.modes or \
(irc.cmodes.get('private'), None) in c.modes) \
and not (sourceisOper or source in c.users):
# Show prefix modes like a regular IRCd does.
for prefixmode in c.getPrefixModes(target):
modechar = irc.cmodes[prefixmode]
chan = irc.prefixmodes[modechar] + chan
if public_chans: # Only send the line if the person is in any visible channels...
f(server, 319, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, ' '.join(public_chans)))
# 312: sends the server the target is on, and its server description.
f(server, 312, source, "%s %s :%s" % (nick, irc.servers[server].name,
# 313: sends a string denoting the target's operator privilege if applicable.
if ('o', None) in user.modes:
# Check hideoper status. Require that either:
# 1) +H is not set
# 2) +H is set, but the caller is oper
# 3) +H is set, but whois_use_hideoper is disabled in config
isHideOper = (irc.umodes.get('hideoper'), None) in user.modes
if (not isHideOper) or (isHideOper and sourceisOper) or \
(isHideOper and not irc.botdata.get('whois_use_hideoper', True)):
# Let's be gramatically correct. (If the opertype starts with a vowel,
# write "an Operator" instead of "a Operator")
n = 'n' if user.opertype[0].lower() in 'aeiou' else ''
# I want to normalize the syntax: PERSON is an OPERTYPE on NETWORKNAME.
# This is the only syntax InspIRCd supports, but for others it doesn't
# really matter since we're handling the WHOIS requests by ourselves.
f(server, 313, source, "%s :is a%s %s on %s" % (nick, n, user.opertype, netname))
# 379: RPL_WHOISMODES, used by UnrealIRCd and InspIRCd to show user modes.
# Only show this to opers!
if sourceisOper:
2015-09-19 10:25:50 -07:00
f(server, 378, source, "%s :is connecting from %s@%s %s" % (nick, user.ident, user.realhost, user.ip))
f(server, 379, source, '%s :is using modes %s' % (nick, irc.joinModes(user.modes)))
# 301: used to show away information if present
away_text = user.away
log.debug('(%s) coreplugin/handle_whois: away_text for %s is %r', irc.name, target, away_text)
if away_text:
f(server, 301, source, '%s :%s' % (nick, away_text))
# 317: shows idle and signon time. However, we don't track the user's real
# idle time, so we simply return 0.
# <- 317 GL GL 15 1437632859 :seconds idle, signon time
f(server, 317, source, "%s 0 %s :seconds idle, signon time" % (nick, user.ts))
if (irc.umodes.get('bot'), None) in user.modes:
# Show botmode info in WHOIS.
f(server, 335, source, "%s :is a bot" % nick)
# Call custom WHOIS handlers via the PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS hook.
irc.callHooks([source, 'PYLINK_CUSTOM_WHOIS', {'target': target, 'server': server}])
# 318: End of WHOIS.
f(server, 318, source, "%s :End of /WHOIS list" % nick)
utils.add_hook(handle_whois, 'WHOIS')
def handle_mode(irc, source, command, args):
"""Protect against forced deoper attempts."""
target = args['target']
modes = args['modes']
# If the sender is not a PyLink client, and the target IS a protected
# client, revert any forced deoper attempts.
if irc.isInternalClient(target) and not irc.isInternalClient(source):
if ('-o', None) in modes and (target == irc.pseudoclient.uid or not irc.isManipulatableClient(target)):
irc.proto.mode(irc.sid, target, {('+o', None)})
utils.add_hook(handle_mode, 'MODE')
def handle_operup(irc, source, command, args):
"""Logs successful oper-ups on networks."""
otype = args.get('text', 'IRC Operator')
log.debug("(%s) Successful oper-up (opertype %r) from %s", irc.name, otype, irc.getHostmask(source))
irc.users[source].opertype = otype
utils.add_hook(handle_operup, 'CLIENT_OPERED')
def handle_services_login(irc, source, command, args):
"""Sets services login status for users."""
irc.users[source].services_account = args['text']
except KeyError: # User doesn't exist
log.debug("(%s) Ignoring early account name setting for %s (UID hasn't been sent yet)", irc.name, source)
utils.add_hook(handle_services_login, 'CLIENT_SERVICES_LOGIN')
def handle_version(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles requests for the PyLink server version."""
# 351 syntax is usually "<server version>. <server hostname> :<anything else you want to add>
fullversion = irc.version()
irc.proto.numeric(irc.sid, 351, source, fullversion)
utils.add_hook(handle_version, 'VERSION')
def spawn_service(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles new service bot introductions."""
if not irc.connected.is_set():
# Service name
name = args['name']
# Get the ServiceBot object.
sbot = world.services[name]
# Look up the nick or ident in the following order:
# 1) Network specific nick/ident settings for this service (servers::irc.name::servicename_nick)
# 2) Global settings for this service (servicename::nick)
# 3) The preferred nick/ident combination defined by the plugin (sbot.nick / sbot.ident)
# 4) The literal service name.
# settings, and then falling back to the literal service name.
nick = irc.serverdata.get("%s_nick" % name) or irc.conf.get(name, {}).get('nick') or sbot.nick or name
ident = irc.serverdata.get("%s_ident" % name) or irc.conf.get(name, {}).get('ident') or sbot.ident or name
# TODO: make this configurable?
host = irc.serverdata["hostname"]
# Prefer spawning service clients with umode +io, plus hideoper and
# hidechans if supported.
modes = []
for mode in ('oper', 'hideoper', 'hidechans', 'invisible', 'bot'):
mode = irc.umodes.get(mode)
if mode:
modes.append((mode, None))
# Track the service's UIDs on each network.
userobj = irc.proto.spawnClient(nick, ident, host, modes=modes, opertype="PyLink Service",
sbot.uids[irc.name] = u = userobj.uid
# Special case: if this is the main PyLink client being spawned,
# assign this as irc.pseudoclient.
if name == 'pylink':
irc.pseudoclient = userobj
# TODO: channels should be tracked in a central database, not hardcoded
# in conf.
for chan in irc.serverdata['channels']:
irc.proto.join(u, chan)
utils.add_hook(spawn_service, 'PYLINK_NEW_SERVICE')
def handle_disconnect(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles network disconnections."""
for name, sbot in world.services.items():
del sbot.uids[irc.name]
log.debug("coreplugin: removing uids[%s] from service bot %s", irc.name, sbot.name)
except KeyError:
utils.add_hook(handle_disconnect, 'PYLINK_DISCONNECT')
def handle_endburst(irc, source, command, args):
"""Handles network bursts."""
if source == irc.uplink:
log.debug('(%s): spawning service bots now.', irc.name)
# We just connected. Burst all our registered services.
for name, sbot in world.services.items():
spawn_service(irc, source, command, {'name': name})
utils.add_hook(handle_endburst, 'ENDBURST')
# Register the main PyLink service. All command definitions MUST go after this!
mynick = conf.conf['bot'].get("nick", "PyLink")
myident = conf.conf['bot'].get("ident", "pylink")
utils.registerService('pylink', nick=mynick, ident=myident, manipulatable=True)
# Essential, core commands go here so that the "commands" plugin with less-important,
# but still generic functions can be reloaded.
def identify(irc, source, args):
"""<username> <password>
Logs in to PyLink using the configured administrator account."""
if utils.isChannel(irc.called_by):
irc.reply('Error: This command must be sent in private. '
'(Would you really type a password inside a channel?)')
username, password = args[0], args[1]
except IndexError:
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Not enough arguments.')
# Usernames are case-insensitive, passwords are NOT.
if username.lower() == irc.conf['login']['user'].lower() and password == irc.conf['login']['password']:
realuser = irc.conf['login']['user']
irc.users[source].identified = realuser
irc.msg(source, 'Successfully logged in as %s.' % realuser)
log.info("(%s) Successful login to %r by %s",
irc.name, username, irc.getHostmask(source))
irc.msg(source, 'Error: Incorrect credentials.')
u = irc.users[source]
log.warning("(%s) Failed login to %r from %s",
irc.name, username, irc.getHostmask(source))
def shutdown(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Exits PyLink by disconnecting all networks."""
irc.checkAuthenticated(source, allowOper=False)
u = irc.users[source]
log.info('(%s) SHUTDOWN requested by "%s!%s@%s", exiting...', irc.name, u.nick,
u.ident, u.host)
def load(irc, source, args):
"""<plugin name>.
Loads a plugin from the plugin folder."""
irc.checkAuthenticated(source, allowOper=False)
name = args[0]
except IndexError:
irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.")
if name in world.plugins:
irc.reply("Error: %r is already loaded." % name)
log.info('(%s) Loading plugin %r for %s', irc.name, name, irc.getHostmask(source))
world.plugins[name] = pl = utils.loadModuleFromFolder(name, world.plugins_folder)
except ImportError as e:
if str(e) == ('No module named %r' % name):
log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: The plugin could not be found.', name)
log.exception('Failed to load plugin %r: ImportError.', name)
if hasattr(pl, 'main'):
log.debug('Calling main() function of plugin %r', pl)
irc.reply("Loaded plugin %r." % name)
def unload(irc, source, args):
"""<plugin name>.
Unloads a currently loaded plugin."""
irc.checkAuthenticated(source, allowOper=False)
name = args[0]
except IndexError:
irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.")
if name in world.plugins:
log.info('(%s) Unloading plugin %r for %s', irc.name, name, irc.getHostmask(source))
pl = world.plugins[name]
log.debug('sys.getrefcount of plugin %s is %s', pl, sys.getrefcount(pl))
# Remove any command functions defined by the plugin.
for cmdname, cmdfuncs in world.services['pylink'].commands.copy().items():
log.debug('cmdname=%s, cmdfuncs=%s', cmdname, cmdfuncs)
for cmdfunc in cmdfuncs:
log.debug('__module__ of cmdfunc %s is %s', cmdfunc, cmdfunc.__module__)
if cmdfunc.__module__ == name:
log.debug("Removing %s from world.services['pylink'].commands[%s]", cmdfunc, cmdname)
# If the cmdfunc list is empty, remove it.
if not cmdfuncs:
log.debug("Removing world.services['pylink'].commands[%s] (it's empty now)", cmdname)
del world.services['pylink'].commands[cmdname]
# Remove any command hooks set by the plugin.
for hookname, hookfuncs in world.hooks.copy().items():
for hookfunc in hookfuncs:
if hookfunc.__module__ == name:
# If the hookfuncs list is empty, remove it.
if not hookfuncs:
del world.hooks[hookname]
# Call the die() function in the plugin, if present.
if hasattr(pl, 'die'):
except: # But don't allow it to crash the server.
log.exception('(%s) Error occurred in die() of plugin %s, skipping...', irc.name, pl)
# Delete it from memory (hopefully).
del world.plugins[name]
if name in sys.modules:
del sys.modules[name]
if name in globals():
del globals()[name]
# Garbage collect.
irc.reply("Unloaded plugin %r." % name)
return True # We succeeded, make it clear (this status is used by reload() below)
irc.reply("Unknown plugin %r." % name)
def reload(irc, source, args):
"""<plugin name>.
Loads a plugin from the plugin folder."""
name = args[0]
except IndexError:
irc.reply("Error: Not enough arguments. Needs 1: plugin name.")
if unload(irc, source, args):
load(irc, source, args)
def _rehash():
"""Rehashes the PyLink daemon."""
old_conf = conf.conf.copy()
fname = conf.fname
new_conf = conf.loadConf(fname, errors_fatal=False)
new_conf = conf.validateConf(new_conf)
conf.conf = new_conf
for network, ircobj in world.networkobjects.copy().items():
# Server was removed from the config file, disconnect them.
log.debug('rehash: checking if %r is in new conf still.', network)
if network not in new_conf['servers']:
log.debug('rehash: removing connection to %r (removed from config).', network)
# Disable autoconnect first.
ircobj.serverdata['autoconnect'] = -1
del world.networkobjects[network]
ircobj.conf = new_conf
ircobj.serverdata = new_conf['servers'][network]
ircobj.botdata = new_conf['bot']
# Clear the IRC object's channel loggers and replace them with
# new ones by re-running logSetup().
while ircobj.loghandlers:
# TODO: update file loggers here too.
for network, sdata in new_conf['servers'].items():
# New server was added. Connect them if not already connected.
if network not in world.networkobjects:
proto = utils.getProtocolModule(sdata['protocol'])
world.networkobjects[network] = classes.Irc(network, proto, new_conf)
if os.name == 'posix':
# Only register SIGHUP on *nix.
def sighup_handler(_signo, _stack_frame):
"""Handles SIGHUP by rehashing the PyLink daemon."""
log.info("SIGHUP received, reloading config.")
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, sighup_handler)
2016-04-09 09:54:04 -07:00
def rehash(irc, source, args):
"""takes no arguments.
Reloads the configuration file for PyLink, (dis)connecting added/removed networks.
Plugins must be manually reloaded."""
irc.checkAuthenticated(source, allowOper=False)
2016-04-09 09:54:04 -07:00
2016-04-09 09:54:04 -07:00
except Exception as e: # Something went wrong, abort.
log.exception("Error REHASHing config: ")
2016-04-09 09:54:04 -07:00
irc.reply("Error loading configuration file: %s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e))