2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
< html > < head > < title > Python: module classes< / title >
< meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "text/html; charset=utf-8" >
< / head > < body bgcolor = "#f0f0f8" >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "heading" >
< tr bgcolor = "#7799ee" >
< td valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#ffffff" face = "helvetica, arial" > < br > < big > < big > < strong > classes< / strong > < / big > < / big > < / font > < /td
>< td align = right valign = bottom
>< font color = "#ffffff" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "." > index< / a > < br > < a href = "file:/home/gl/pylink/classes.py" > /home/gl/pylink/classes.py< / a > < / font > < / td > < / tr > < / table >
< p > < tt > classes.py - Base classes for PyLink IRC Services.< br >
< br >
This module contains the base classes used by PyLink, including threaded IRC< br >
connections and objects used to represent IRC servers, users, and channels.< br >
< br >
Here be dragons.< / tt > < / p >
< p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#aa55cc" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#ffffff" face = "helvetica, arial" > < big > < strong > Modules< / strong > < / big > < / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td bgcolor = "#aa55cc" > < tt > < / tt > < / td > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > < table width = "100%" summary = "list" > < tr > < td width = "25%" valign = top > < a href = "hashlib.html" > hashlib< / a > < br >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< a href = "inspect.html" > inspect< / a > < br >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< a href = "logging.html" > logging< / a > < br >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< / td > < td width = "25%" valign = top > < a href = "os.html" > os< / a > < br >
< a href = "socket.html" > socket< / a > < br >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< a href = "ssl.html" > ssl< / a > < br >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< / td > < td width = "25%" valign = top > < a href = "structures.html" > structures< / a > < br >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< a href = "sys.html" > sys< / a > < br >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< a href = "threading.html" > threading< / a > < br >
< / td > < td width = "25%" valign = top > < a href = "time.html" > time< / a > < br >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< a href = "utils.html" > utils< / a > < br >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< a href = "world.html" > world< / a > < br >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ee77aa" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#ffffff" face = "helvetica, arial" > < big > < strong > Classes< / strong > < / big > < / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td bgcolor = "#ee77aa" > < tt > < / tt > < / td > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > < dl >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "builtins.html#Exception" > builtins.Exception< / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#BaseException" > builtins.BaseException< / a > )
< / font > < / dt > < dd >
< dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#ProtocolError" > ProtocolError< / a >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< / font > < / dt > < / dl >
< / dd >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dd >
< dl >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dd >
< dl >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#FakeIRC" > FakeIRC< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < / dl >
< / dd >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#IrcChannel" > IrcChannel< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#IrcServer" > IrcServer< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#IrcUser" > IrcUser< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#Protocol" > Protocol< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < dd >
< dl >
< dt > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > < a href = "classes.html#FakeProto" > FakeProto< / a >
< / font > < / dt > < / dl >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< / dd >
< / dl >
< p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "FakeIRC" > class < strong > FakeIRC< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > Fake IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > used for unit tests.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > < dl > < dt > Method resolution order:< / dt >
< dd > < a href = "classes.html#FakeIRC" > FakeIRC< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > < / dd >
< / dl >
< hr >
Methods defined here:< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-connect" > < strong > connect< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Runs the connect loop for the IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > . This is usually called by< br >
__init__ in a separate thread to allow multiple concurrent connections.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-run" > < strong > run< / strong > < / a > (self, data)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Queues a message to the fake IRC server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-send" > < strong > send< / strong > < / a > (self, data)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Sends raw text to the uplink server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-takeCommands" > < strong > takeCommands< / strong > < / a > (self, msgs)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a list of commands parsed from the output of < a href = "#FakeIRC-takeMsgs" > takeMsgs< / a > ().< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-takeHooks" > < strong > takeHooks< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a list of hook arguments sent by the protocol module since< br >
the last < a href = "#FakeIRC-takeHooks" > takeHooks< / a > () call.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-takeMsgs" > < strong > takeMsgs< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a list of messages sent by the protocol module since< br >
the last < a href = "#FakeIRC-takeMsgs" > takeMsgs< / a > () call, so we can track what has been sent.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Methods inherited from < a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, netname, proto, conf)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initializes an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > . This takes 3 variables: the network name< br >
(a string), the name of the protocol module to use for this connection,< br >
and a configuration < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > .< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-applyModes" > < strong > applyModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, changedmodes)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Takes a list of parsed IRC modes, and applies them on the given target.< br >
< br >
The target can be either a channel or a user; this is handled automatically.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-callCommand" > < strong > callCommand< / strong > < / a > (self, source, text)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Calls a PyLink bot command. source is the caller's UID, and text is the< br >
full, unparsed text of the message.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-callHooks" > < strong > callHooks< / strong > < / a > (self, hook_args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Calls a hook function with the given hook args.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-checkAuthenticated" > < strong > checkAuthenticated< / strong > < / a > (self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given user has operator status on PyLink, raising< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
NotAuthenticatedError and logging the access denial if not.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-disconnect" > < strong > disconnect< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Handle disconnects from the remote server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-getHostmask" > < strong > getHostmask< / strong > < / a > (self, user, realhost=False, ip=False)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns the hostmask of the given user, if present. If the realhost option< br >
is given, return the real host of the user instead of the displayed host.< br >
If the ip option is given, return the IP address of the user (this overrides< br >
realhost).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-getServer" > < strong > getServer< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Finds the SID of the server a user is on.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-initVars" > < strong > initVars< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > (Re)sets an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > to its default state. This should be called when< br >
an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > is first created, and on every reconnection to a network.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-isInternalClient" > < strong > isInternalClient< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given numeric is a PyLink Client,< br >
returning the SID of the server it's on if so.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-isInternalServer" > < strong > isInternalServer< / strong > < / a > (self, sid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given SID is an internal PyLink server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-isManipulatableClient" > < strong > isManipulatableClient< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is marked as an internal, manipulatable< br >
client. Usually, automatically spawned services clients should have this< br >
set True to prevent interactions with opers (like mode changes) from< br >
causing desyncs.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-isOper" > < strong > isOper< / strong > < / a > (self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user has operator status on PyLink. This can be achieved< br >
by either identifying to PyLink as admin (if allowAuthed is True),< br >
or having user mode +o set (if allowOper is True). At least one of< br >
allowAuthed or allowOper must be True for this to give any meaningful< br >
results.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-isServiceBot" > < strong > isServiceBot< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given UID is a registered service bot. If True,< br >
returns the cooresponding ServiceBot < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > .< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-logSetup" > < strong > logSetup< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initializes any channel loggers defined for the current network.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-msg" > < strong > msg< / strong > < / a > (self, target, text, notice=False, source=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Handy function to send messages/notices to clients. Source< br >
is optional, and defaults to the main PyLink client if not specified.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-nickToUid" > < strong > nickToUid< / strong > < / a > (self, nick)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Looks up the UID of a user with the given nick, if one is present.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-parseModes" > < strong > parseModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Parses a modestring list into a list of (mode, argument) tuples.< br >
['+mitl-o', '3', 'person'] => [('+m', None), ('+i', None), ('+t', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')]< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-reply" > < strong > reply< / strong > < / a > (self, text, notice=False, source=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Replies to the last caller in the right context (channel or PM).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-reverseModes" > < strong > reverseModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, modes, oldobj=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Reverses/Inverts the mode string or mode list given.< br >
< br >
Optionally, an oldobj argument can be given to look at an earlier state of< br >
a channel/user < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > , e.g. for checking the op status of a mode setter< br >
before their modes are processed and added to the channel state.< br >
< br >
This function allows both mode strings or mode lists. Example uses:< br >
"+mi-lk test => "-mi+lk test"< br >
"mi-k test => "-mi+k test"< br >
[('+m', None), ('+r', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')< br >
=> {('-m', None), ('-r', None), ('-l', None), ('+o', 'person')})< br >
{('s', None), ('+o', 'whoever') => {('-s', None), ('-o', 'whoever')})< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-runline" > < strong > runline< / strong > < / a > (self, line)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Sends a command to the protocol module.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-schedulePing" > < strong > schedulePing< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Schedules periodic pings in a loop.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-toLower" > < strong > toLower< / strong > < / a > (self, text)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a lowercase representation of text based on the IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > 's< br >
casemapping (rfc1459 or ascii).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-version" > < strong > version< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a detailed version string including the PyLink daemon version,< br >
the protocol module in use, and the server hostname.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Static methods inherited from < a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeIRC-joinModes" > < strong > joinModes< / strong > < / a > (modes)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Takes a list of (mode, arg) tuples in < a href = "#FakeIRC-parseModes" > parseModes< / a > () format, and< br >
joins them into a string.< br >
< br >
See testJoinModes in tests/test_utils.py for some examples.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< hr >
Data descriptors inherited from < a href = "classes.html#Irc" > Irc< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "FakeProto" > class < strong > FakeProto< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "classes.html#Protocol" > Protocol< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > Dummy protocol module for testing purposes.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > < dl > < dt > Method resolution order:< / dt >
< dd > < a href = "classes.html#FakeProto" > FakeProto< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "classes.html#Protocol" > Protocol< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > < / dd >
< / dl >
< hr >
Methods defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-connect" > < strong > connect< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-handle_events" > < strong > handle_events< / strong > < / a > (self, data)< / dt > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-join" > < strong > join< / strong > < / a > (self, client, channel)< / dt > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-spawnClient" > < strong > spawnClient< / strong > < / a > (self, nick, *args, **kwargs)< / dt > < / dl >
< hr >
Data and other attributes defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > Class< / strong > = < class 'classes.FakeProto'> < dd > < tt > Dummy protocol module for testing purposes.< / tt > < / dl >
< hr >
Methods inherited from < a href = "classes.html#Protocol" > Protocol< / a > :< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, irc)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-parseArgs" > < strong > parseArgs< / strong > < / a > (self, args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Parses a string of < a href = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1459.txt" > RFC1459< / a > -style arguments split into a list, where ":" may< br >
be used for multi-word arguments that last until the end of a line.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-removeClient" > < strong > removeClient< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Internal function to remove a client from our internal state.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "FakeProto-updateTS" > < strong > updateTS< / strong > < / a > (self, channel, their_ts)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Compares the current TS of the channel given with the new TS, resetting< br >
all modes we have if the one given is older.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Data descriptors inherited from < a href = "classes.html#Protocol" > Protocol< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "Irc" > class < strong > Irc< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > Base IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > for PyLink.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > Methods defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, netname, proto, conf)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initializes an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > . This takes 3 variables: the network name< br >
(a string), the name of the protocol module to use for this connection,< br >
and a configuration < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > .< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-applyModes" > < strong > applyModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, changedmodes)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Takes a list of parsed IRC modes, and applies them on the given target.< br >
< br >
The target can be either a channel or a user; this is handled automatically.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-callCommand" > < strong > callCommand< / strong > < / a > (self, source, text)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Calls a PyLink bot command. source is the caller's UID, and text is the< br >
full, unparsed text of the message.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-callHooks" > < strong > callHooks< / strong > < / a > (self, hook_args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Calls a hook function with the given hook args.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-checkAuthenticated" > < strong > checkAuthenticated< / strong > < / a > (self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given user has operator status on PyLink, raising< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
NotAuthenticatedError and logging the access denial if not.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-connect" > < strong > connect< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Runs the connect loop for the IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > . This is usually called by< br >
__init__ in a separate thread to allow multiple concurrent connections.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-disconnect" > < strong > disconnect< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Handle disconnects from the remote server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-getHostmask" > < strong > getHostmask< / strong > < / a > (self, user, realhost=False, ip=False)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns the hostmask of the given user, if present. If the realhost option< br >
is given, return the real host of the user instead of the displayed host.< br >
If the ip option is given, return the IP address of the user (this overrides< br >
realhost).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-getServer" > < strong > getServer< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Finds the SID of the server a user is on.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-initVars" > < strong > initVars< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > (Re)sets an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > to its default state. This should be called when< br >
an IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > is first created, and on every reconnection to a network.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-isInternalClient" > < strong > isInternalClient< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given numeric is a PyLink Client,< br >
returning the SID of the server it's on if so.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-isInternalServer" > < strong > isInternalServer< / strong > < / a > (self, sid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given SID is an internal PyLink server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-isManipulatableClient" > < strong > isManipulatableClient< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is marked as an internal, manipulatable< br >
client. Usually, automatically spawned services clients should have this< br >
set True to prevent interactions with opers (like mode changes) from< br >
causing desyncs.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-isOper" > < strong > isOper< / strong > < / a > (self, uid, allowAuthed=True, allowOper=True)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user has operator status on PyLink. This can be achieved< br >
by either identifying to PyLink as admin (if allowAuthed is True),< br >
or having user mode +o set (if allowOper is True). At least one of< br >
allowAuthed or allowOper must be True for this to give any meaningful< br >
results.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-isServiceBot" > < strong > isServiceBot< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Checks whether the given UID is a registered service bot. If True,< br >
returns the cooresponding ServiceBot < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > .< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-logSetup" > < strong > logSetup< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initializes any channel loggers defined for the current network.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-msg" > < strong > msg< / strong > < / a > (self, target, text, notice=False, source=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Handy function to send messages/notices to clients. Source< br >
is optional, and defaults to the main PyLink client if not specified.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-nickToUid" > < strong > nickToUid< / strong > < / a > (self, nick)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Looks up the UID of a user with the given nick, if one is present.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-parseModes" > < strong > parseModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Parses a modestring list into a list of (mode, argument) tuples.< br >
['+mitl-o', '3', 'person'] => [('+m', None), ('+i', None), ('+t', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')]< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-reply" > < strong > reply< / strong > < / a > (self, text, notice=False, source=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Replies to the last caller in the right context (channel or PM).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-reverseModes" > < strong > reverseModes< / strong > < / a > (self, target, modes, oldobj=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Reverses/Inverts the mode string or mode list given.< br >
< br >
Optionally, an oldobj argument can be given to look at an earlier state of< br >
a channel/user < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > , e.g. for checking the op status of a mode setter< br >
before their modes are processed and added to the channel state.< br >
< br >
This function allows both mode strings or mode lists. Example uses:< br >
"+mi-lk test => "-mi+lk test"< br >
"mi-k test => "-mi+k test"< br >
[('+m', None), ('+r', None), ('+l', '3'), ('-o', 'person')< br >
=> {('-m', None), ('-r', None), ('-l', None), ('+o', 'person')})< br >
{('s', None), ('+o', 'whoever') => {('-s', None), ('-o', 'whoever')})< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-run" > < strong > run< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Main IRC loop which listens for messages.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-runline" > < strong > runline< / strong > < / a > (self, line)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Sends a command to the protocol module.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-schedulePing" > < strong > schedulePing< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Schedules periodic pings in a loop.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-send" > < strong > send< / strong > < / a > (self, data)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Sends raw text to the uplink server.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-11 21:56:02 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-toLower" > < strong > toLower< / strong > < / a > (self, text)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a lowercase representation of text based on the IRC < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > 's< br >
casemapping (rfc1459 or ascii).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-version" > < strong > version< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a detailed version string including the PyLink daemon version,< br >
the protocol module in use, and the server hostname.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Static methods defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Irc-joinModes" > < strong > joinModes< / strong > < / a > (modes)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Takes a list of (mode, arg) tuples in < a href = "#Irc-parseModes" > parseModes< / a > () format, and< br >
joins them into a string.< br >
< br >
See testJoinModes in tests/test_utils.py for some examples.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "IrcChannel" > class < strong > IrcChannel< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > PyLink IRC channel class.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > Methods defined here:< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, name=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-deepcopy" > < strong > deepcopy< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a deep copy of the channel < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > .< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-03-26 11:42:12 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-getPrefixModes" > < strong > getPrefixModes< / strong > < / a > (self, uid, prefixmodes=None)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns a list of all named prefix modes the given user has in the channel.< br >
< br >
Optionally, a prefixmodes argument can be given to look at an earlier state of< br >
the channel's prefix modes mapping, e.g. for checking the op status of a mode< br >
setter before their modes are processed and added to the channel state.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isAdmin" > < strong > isAdmin< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is admin (& ) in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isHalfop" > < strong > isHalfop< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is halfop in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isHalfopPlus" > < strong > isHalfopPlus< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is halfop or above in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isOp" > < strong > isOp< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is op in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isOpPlus" > < strong > isOpPlus< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is op or above in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isOwner" > < strong > isOwner< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is owner (~) in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isVoice" > < strong > isVoice< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is voice in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-isVoicePlus" > < strong > isVoicePlus< / strong > < / a > (self, uid)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Returns whether the given user is voice or above in the channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcChannel-removeuser" > < strong > removeuser< / strong > < / a > (self, target)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Removes a user from a channel.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "IrcServer" > class < strong > IrcServer< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > PyLink IRC server class.< br >
< br >
uplink: The SID of this < a href = "#IrcServer" > IrcServer< / a > instance's uplink. This is set to None< br >
for the main PyLink PseudoServer!< br >
name: The name of& nbsp;the server.< br >
internal: Whether the server is an internal PyLink PseudoServer.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > Methods defined here:< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcServer-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, uplink, name, internal=False, desc='(None given)')< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcServer-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "IrcUser" > class < strong > IrcUser< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > PyLink IRC user class.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
< td width = "100%" > Methods defined here:< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcUser-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, nick, ts, uid, ident='null', host='null', realname='PyLink dummy client', realhost='null', ip='', manipulatable=False, opertype='IRC Operator')< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "IrcUser-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "Protocol" > class < strong > Protocol< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > Base < a href = "#Protocol" > Protocol< / a > module class for PyLink.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< td width = "100%" > Methods defined here:< br >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Protocol-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, irc)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Protocol-parseArgs" > < strong > parseArgs< / strong > < / a > (self, args)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Parses a string of < a href = "http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1459.txt" > RFC1459< / a > -style arguments split into a list, where ":" may< br >
be used for multi-word arguments that last until the end of a line.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Protocol-removeClient" > < strong > removeClient< / strong > < / a > (self, numeric)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Internal function to remove a client from our internal state.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "Protocol-updateTS" > < strong > updateTS< / strong > < / a > (self, channel, their_ts)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Compares the current TS of the channel given with the new TS, resetting< br >
all modes we have if the one given is older.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > dictionary for instance variables (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#000000" face = "helvetica, arial" > < a name = "ProtocolError" > class < strong > ProtocolError< / strong > < / a > (< a href = "builtins.html#Exception" > builtins.Exception< / a > )< / font > < / td > < / tr >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< tr bgcolor = "#ffc8d8" > < td rowspan = 2 > < tt > < / tt > < / td >
< td colspan = 2 > < tt > Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.< br > < / tt > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td > < / td >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< td width = "100%" > < dl > < dt > Method resolution order:< / dt >
< dd > < a href = "classes.html#ProtocolError" > ProtocolError< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "builtins.html#Exception" > builtins.Exception< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "builtins.html#BaseException" > builtins.BaseException< / a > < / dd >
< dd > < a href = "builtins.html#object" > builtins.object< / a > < / dd >
< / dl >
< hr >
Data descriptors defined here:< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __weakref__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > list of weak references to the object (if defined)< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< hr >
Methods inherited from < a href = "builtins.html#Exception" > builtins.Exception< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__init__" > < strong > __init__< / strong > < / a > (self, /, *args, **kwargs)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__new__" > < strong > __new__< / strong > < / a > (*args, **kwargs)< font color = "#909090" > < font face = "helvetica, arial" > from < a href = "builtins.html#type" > builtins.type< / a > < / font > < / font > < / dt > < dd > < tt > Create and return a new < a href = "builtins.html#object" > object< / a > . See help(type) for accurate signature.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Methods inherited from < a href = "builtins.html#BaseException" > builtins.BaseException< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__delattr__" > < strong > __delattr__< / strong > < / a > (self, name, /)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Implement delattr(self, name).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__getattribute__" > < strong > __getattribute__< / strong > < / a > (self, name, /)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return getattr(self, name).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__reduce__" > < strong > __reduce__< / strong > < / a > (...)< / dt > < dd > < tt > helper for pickle< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__repr__" > < strong > __repr__< / strong > < / a > (self, /)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return repr(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__setattr__" > < strong > __setattr__< / strong > < / a > (self, name, value, /)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Implement setattr(self, name, value).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__setstate__" > < strong > __setstate__< / strong > < / a > (...)< / dt > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-__str__" > < strong > __str__< / strong > < / a > (self, /)< / dt > < dd > < tt > Return str(self).< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< dl > < dt > < a name = "ProtocolError-with_traceback" > < strong > with_traceback< / strong > < / a > (...)< / dt > < dd > < tt > < a href = "builtins.html#Exception" > Exception< / a > .< a href = "#ProtocolError-with_traceback" > with_traceback< / a > (tb) --< br >
set self.< strong > __traceback__< / strong > to tb and return self.< / tt > < / dd > < / dl >
< hr >
Data descriptors inherited from < a href = "builtins.html#BaseException" > builtins.BaseException< / a > :< br >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __cause__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > exception cause< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __context__< / strong > < / dt >
< dd > < tt > exception context< / tt > < / dd >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __dict__< / strong > < / dt >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __suppress_context__< / strong > < / dt >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > __traceback__< / strong > < / dt >
< / dl >
< dl > < dt > < strong > args< / strong > < / dt >
< / dl >
< / td > < / tr > < / table > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < p >
< table width = "100%" cellspacing = 0 cellpadding = 2 border = 0 summary = "section" >
< tr bgcolor = "#55aa55" >
< td colspan = 3 valign = bottom > < br >
< font color = "#ffffff" face = "helvetica, arial" > < big > < strong > Data< / strong > < / big > < / font > < / td > < / tr >
< tr > < td bgcolor = "#55aa55" > < tt > < / tt > < / td > < td > < / td >
2016-05-27 22:39:27 -07:00
< td width = "100%" > < strong > conf< / strong > = {'bot': {'nick': 'PyLink', 'realname': 'PyLink Service Client', 'serverdesc': 'PyLink unit tests', 'user': 'pylink'}, 'logging': {'stdout': 'CRITICAL'}, 'servers': defaultdict(< function < lambda> at 0x7fcfaf78de18> , {})}< br >
2016-03-11 23:13:55 -08:00
< strong > confname< / strong > = 'testconf'< br >
< strong > curdir< / strong > = '/home/gl/pylink'< br >
< strong > files< / strong > = None< br >
< strong > log< / strong > = < logging.RootLogger object> < br >
< strong > logdir< / strong > = '/home/gl/pylink/log'< br >
< strong > logformatter< / strong > = < logging.Formatter object> < br >
< strong > stdout_level< / strong > = 'CRITICAL'< / td > < / tr > < / table >
2015-12-26 16:55:59 -08:00
< / body > < / html >