@model HomeViewModel @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Blood Servers"; Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; string b = "Blood"; string cp = "Cryptic Passage"; string dw = "Death Wish"; string fo = "Fleshed Out"; string twoira = "The Way of Ira"; Func ListServers = @
@foreach (var server in Model.Servers.Where(s => s.Mod == item).OrderBy(s => s.MaximumPlayers)) {

Players: @(server.CurrentPlayers - 1)/@(server.MaximumPlayers - 1)

@if (server.IsStarted) {

Game Type: @server.GameType

@foreach (var player in server.Players.Skip(1)) {

@player.Name: @player.Score

} else { @if (server.CurrentPlayers < server.MaximumPlayers) {

Command to join: @server.CommandLine

} }
; }

The client EXE

Use this exe to connect: https://lerppu.net/wannabethesis/nblood/20200130-2151/

@Model.ManHoursPlayed man-hours played since @Model.RunningSinceUtc

If you want to play with friends only and keep your port secret, request a private server by clicking the button below:

@b 1.21

Show @b version 1.21 servers

The below files must be in your Blood directory:



Show @cp servers

The below files must be in your Blood directory:

Don't forget to send back the ferry every time at the end of the last map, otherwise you cannot go back if the boss kills you!


@dw 1.6.10

Show @dw version 1.6.10 servers

The below files must be in your Blood directory:


@twoira 1.0.1

Show @twoira version 1.0.1 servers


The below folder (TWOIRA) must be in your Blood directory, and inside that the other additional files:
