doctype html html head title overview for #{data.username} include includes/head.pug body include includes/topbar.pug if user === null h1 Error occured p #{JSON.stringify(error_data)} else #user #links details summary if !sortby || sortby === 'new' span sorted by: new if sortby === 'hot' span sorted by: hot if sortby === 'top' span sorted by: top if sortby === 'controversial' span sorted by: controversial ul li(class=!sortby || sortby == 'new' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/u/" + data.username) new li(class=sortby === 'hot' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/u/" + data.username + "?sort=hot") hot li(class=sortby === 'top' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/u/" + data.username + "?sort=top&t=" + past + "") top li(class=sortby === 'controversial' ? 'active' : '') a(href="/u/" + data.username + "?sort=controversial&t=" + past + "") controversial if sortby === 'top' || sortby === 'controversial' details summary if past === 'all' span links and comments from: all time if past === 'hour' span links and comments from: past hour if past === 'day' span links and comments from: past 24 hours if past === 'week' span links and comments from: past week if past === 'month' span links and comments from: past month if past === 'year' span links and comments from: past year ul li(class=past === 'hour' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=hour") past hour li(class=past === 'day' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=day") past 24 hours li(class=past === 'week' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=week") past week li(class=past === 'month' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=month") past month li(class=past === 'year' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=year") past year li(class=past === 'all' ? 'active' : '') a(href="?sort=" + sortby + "&t=all") all time .entries each post in data.posts if post.type === 't3' .entry.t3 .upvotes div.arrow span #{kFormatter(} div.arrow.down .image if post.thumbnail !== 'self' a(href="" + post.permalink + "") img(src="" + post.thumbnail + "", alt="") if post.duration span #{secondsToMMSS(post.duration)} else a(href="" + post.permalink + "") .title a(href="" + post.permalink + "") #{post.title} .meta p.submitted(title="" + toUTCString(post.created) + "") submitted #{timeDifference(post.created)} by a(href="/u/" + data.username + "") #{data.username} | to a(href="/r/" + post.subreddit + "", class="subreddit") #{post.subreddit} a.comments(href="" + post.permalink + "") #{post.num_comments} comments if post.type === 't1' .entry .meta .title a(href="" + post.url + "") #{post.link_title} .author p by if post.link_author !== '[deleted]' a(href="/u/" + post.link_author + "") #{post.link_author} else | [deleted] .subreddit p in a(href="/r/" + post.subreddit + "") #{post.subreddit} .comment details(open="") summary a(href="/u/" + data.username + "") #{data.username} #{} points p.created(title="" + toUTCString(post.created) + "") #{timeDifference(post.created)} .meta a(href="/u/" + data.username + "") #{data.username} #{} points p.created(title="" + toUTCString(post.created) + "") #{timeDifference(post.created)} .body div !{post.body_html} a.context(href="" + post.permalink + "?context=10") context a.comments.t1(href="" + post.url + "") full comments (#{post.num_comments}) if data.before || data.after p view more: if data.before && !data.user_front a(href="/u/" + data.username + "?before=" + data.before + "") ‹ prev if data.after a(href="/u/" + data.username + "?after=" + data.after + "") next › .info h1 #{data.username} p(class="user-stat") #{kFormatter(data.link_karma)} post karma p(class="user-stat") #{kFormatter(data.comment_karma)} post karma br p(title="" + toUTCString(data.created) + "") account created: #{toDateString(data.created)} p verified: #{(data.verified) ? "yes" : "no" }