module.exports = function() { const config = require('../config') this.moreComments = (fetch, redis, post_url, comment_ids, id) => { return new Promise(resolve => { (async () => { let key = `${post_url}:morechildren:comment_ids:${comment_ids}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${key} key from redis (moreComments()).`, error) resolve(false) } if(json) { json = JSON.parse(json) resolve(json) } else { let url = `${comment_ids}&limit_children=false&link_id=t3_${id}` fetch(encodeURI(url), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { if( { if( { let comments = redis.setex(key, config.setexs.posts, JSON.stringify(comments), (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error setting the ${key} key to redis (moreComments()).`, error) resolve(false) } else { console.log(`Fetched the JSON from Reddit (endpoint "morechildren") for URL: ${post_url}. (moreComments())`) resolve(comments) } }) } else { resolve(false) } } else { resolve(false) } }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from Reddit. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText} (moreComments())`) resolve(false) } }).catch(error => { console.log(`Error fetching the JSON from Reddit (endpoint "morechildren") with url: ${url}. (moreComments())`, error) resolve(false) }) } }) })() }) } }