module.exports = function() { const config = require('../config') this.processPostMedia = (obj, post, post_media, has_gif, reddit_video, gif_to_mp4) => { return new Promise(resolve => { (async () => { if(post_media || has_gif) { if(!has_gif) { if(config.valid_embed_video_domains.includes(post_media.type)) { if(post_media.type === '') { obj.has_media = true let video_url = post_media.oembed.thumbnail_url video_url = video_url.replace('size_restricted.gif', 'mobile.mp4') = { source: await downloadAndSave(video_url), height: post_media.oembed.thumbnail_height, width: post_media.oembed.thumbnail_width } } if(post_media.type === '') { obj.has_media = true = { source: 'YouTube', height: post_media.oembed.thumbnail_height, width: post_media.oembed.thumbnail_width, thumbnail: await downloadAndSave(post_media.oembed.thumbnail_url, '', false, true), author_name: post_media.oembed.author_name, author_url: replaceDomains(post_media.oembed.author_url), title: post_media.oembed.title, duration: null, is_gif: null, not_hosted_in_reddit: true, embed_src: null } try { let str = post_media.oembed.html let r = /iframe.*?src=\"(.*?)\"/; let src = r.exec(str)[1] let youtube_id = src.split('/embed/')[1].split('?')[0] let youtube_url = `${youtube_id}` = replaceDomains(youtube_url) } catch(error) { console.error(`Error while trying to get src link from embed youtube html.`, error) } } } else { obj.has_media = true let video if(!reddit_video) { video = post_media.reddit_video } else { video = post.preview.reddit_video_preview } if(video) { = { source: await downloadAndSave(video.fallback_url), height: video.height, width: video.width, duration: video.duration, is_gif: post_media.reddit_video.is_gif } } else { if(post_media.oembed) { = { source: 'external', height: post_media.oembed.height, width: post_media.oembed.width, provider_url: replaceDomains(post_media.oembed.provider_url), provider_name: post_media.oembed.provider_name, title: post_media.oembed.title, duration: null, is_gif: null, not_hosted_in_reddit: true, embed_src: null } try { let str = post_media.oembed.html let r = /iframe.*?src=\"(.*?)\"/; let src = r.exec(str)[1] = replaceDomains(cleanUrl(src)) } catch(error) { //console.error(`Error while trying to get src link from embed html.`, error) } if(! { = replaceDomains(post_media.oembed.url) } } } } } else { obj.has_media = true if(!gif_to_mp4) { if(post.preview) { = { source: await downloadAndSave(post.preview.reddit_video_preview.fallback_url), height: post.preview.reddit_video_preview.height, width: post.preview.reddit_video_preview.width, duration: post.preview.reddit_video_preview.duration, is_gif: true } } else { obj.has_media = false } } else { = { source: await downloadAndSave(gif_to_mp4.url, null, true), height: gif_to_mp4.height, width: gif_to_mp4.width, duration: null, is_gif: null } } } } else { /** * Sometimes post has an image, but all the common keys which are implying * that the post has an iamge, are null or don't exist. Awesome Reddit! */ if(!post_media && !has_gif && !post.gallery_data && post.url != '') { try { let u = new URL(post.url) if(config.valid_media_domains.includes(u.hostname)) { let ext = u.pathname.split('.')[1] if(ext === 'jpg' || ext === 'png') { obj.images = { source: await downloadAndSave(post.url) } } } } catch(error) { //console.error(Invalid URL supplied when trying to fetch an image', error) } } } resolve(obj) })() }) } }