/** * Lots of routes.. would be good idea to do some separation I guess. */ module.exports = (app, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => { const config = require('./config'); let processSubreddit = require('./inc/processJsonSubreddit.js')(); let processPost = require('./inc/processJsonPost.js')(); let processUser = require('./inc/processJsonUser.js')(); let processSearches = require('./inc/processSearchResults.js')(); let processSidebar = require('./inc/processSubredditSidebar.js')(); let tedditApiSubreddit = require('./inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')(); app.get('/about', (req, res, next) => { return res.render('about', { user_preferences: req.cookies }) }) app.get('/preferences', (req, res, next) => { return res.render('preferences', { user_preferences: req.cookies }) }) app.get('/resetprefs', (req, res, next) => { res.clearCookie('theme') return res.redirect('/preferences') }) app.get('/privacy', (req, res, next) => { return res.render('privacypolicy', { user_preferences: req.cookies }) }) app.get('/search', (req, res, next) => { let q = req.query.q let restrict_sr = req.query.restrict_sr let nsfw = req.query.nsfw let sortby = req.query.sort let past = req.query.t let after = req.query.after let before = req.query.before if(!after) { after = '' } if(!before) { before = '' } if(restrict_sr !== 'on') { restrict_sr = 'off' } if(nsfw !== 'on') { nsfw = 'off' } let d = `&after=${after}` if(before) { d = `&before=${before}` } return res.redirect(`/r/all/search?q=${q}&restrict_sr=${restrict_sr}&nsfw=${nsfw}&sort=${sortby}&t=${past}${d}`) }) app.get('/:sort?', (req, res, next) => { let past = req.query.t let before = req.query.before let after = req.query.after let sortby = req.params.sort let api_req = req.query.api let api_type = req.query.type let api_target = req.query.target let d = `&after=${after}` if(before) { d = `&before=${before}` } if(!sortby) { sortby = 'hot' } if(!['new', 'rising', 'controversial', 'top', 'gilded', 'hot'].includes(sortby)) { console.error(`Got invalid sort.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect('/') } if(past) { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { if(!['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'all'].includes(past)) { console.error(`Got invalid past.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect(`/`) } } else { past = undefined } } else { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { past = 'day' } } if(req.query.hasOwnProperty('api')) api_req = true else api_req = false let key = `/after:${after}:before:${before}:sort:${sortby}:past:${past}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error('Error getting the frontpage key from redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log('Got frontpage key from redis.'); (async () => { if(api_req) { return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'redis', api_type, api_target, '/') } else { let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'redis', null, req.cookies) return res.render('index', { json: processed_json, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } })() } else { fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/${sortby}?api_type=json&g=GLOBAL&t=${past}${d}`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { redis.setex(key, config.setexs.frontpage, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => { if(error) { console.error('Error setting the frontpage key to redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { console.log('Fetched the frontpage from reddit API.'); (async () => { if(api_req) { return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'from_online', api_type, api_target, '/') } else { let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'from_online', null, req.cookies) return res.render('index', { json: processed_json, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } })() } }) }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching the frontpage JSON file.', error) }) } }) }) app.get('/comments/:post_id/:comment?/:comment_id?', (req, res, next) => { let post_id = req.params.post_id let comment = req.params.comment let comment_id = req.params.comment_id let post_url = false let comment_url = false if(comment) if(comment !== 'comment' || !comment_id) return res.redirect('/') if(comment) comment_url = true else post_url = true let key = `/shorturl:post:${post_id}:comment:${comment_id}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error('Error getting the short URL for post key from redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log('Got short URL for post key from redis.') json = JSON.parse(json) if(post_url) return res.redirect(json[0].data.children[0].data.permalink) else return res.redirect(json[1].data.children[0].data.permalink) } else { let url = '' if(post_url) url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/comments/${post_id}?api_type=json` else url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/comments/${post_id}/comment/${comment_id}?api_type=json` fetch(encodeURI(url), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { redis.setex(key, config.setexs.shorts, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => { if(error) { console.error('Error setting the short URL for post key to redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { console.log('Fetched the short URL for post from reddit API.') if(post_url) return res.redirect(json[0].data.children[0].data.permalink) else return res.redirect(json[1].data.children[0].data.permalink) } }) }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching the short URL for post with sortby JSON file.', error) }) } }) }) app.get('/r/:subreddit/search', (req, res, next) => { let subreddit = req.params.subreddit let q = req.query.q let restrict_sr = req.query.restrict_sr let nsfw = req.query.nsfw let sortby = req.query.sort let past = req.query.t let after = req.query.after let before = req.query.before if(!after) { after = '' } if(!before) { before = '' } let d = `&after=${after}` if(before) { d = `&before=${before}` } if(restrict_sr !== 'on') { restrict_sr = 'off' } if(nsfw !== 'on') { nsfw = 'off' } let key = `search:${q}:${restrict_sr}:${sortby}:${past}:${after}:${before}:${nsfw}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error('Error getting the search key from redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log('Got search key from redis.'); (async () => { let processed_json = await processSearchResults(json, false, after, before) return res.render('search', { json: processed_json, q: q, restrict_sr: restrict_sr, nsfw: nsfw, subreddit: subreddit, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() } else { fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/search?api_type=json&q=${q}&restrict_sr=${restrict_sr}&include_over_18=${nsfw}&sort=${sortby}&t=${past}${d}`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { redis.setex(key, config.setexs.searches, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => { if(error) { console.error('Error setting the searches key to redis.', error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { console.log('Fetched search results from reddit API.'); (async () => { let processed_json = await processSearchResults(json, true, after, before) return res.render('search', { json: processed_json, q: q, restrict_sr: restrict_sr, nsfw: nsfw, subreddit: subreddit, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() } }) }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error('Error fetching the frontpage JSON file.', error) }) } }) }) app.get('/r/:subreddit/:sort?', (req, res, next) => { let subreddit = req.params.subreddit let sortby = req.params.sort let past = req.query.t let before = req.query.before let after = req.query.after let api_req = req.query.api let api_type = req.query.type let api_target = req.query.target if(req.query.hasOwnProperty('api')) api_req = true else api_req = false let d = `&after=${after}` if(before) { d = `&before=${before}` } if(!sortby) { sortby = 'hot' } if(!['new', 'rising', 'controversial', 'top', 'gilded', 'hot'].includes(sortby)) { console.error(`Got invalid sort.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect(`/r/${subreddit}`) } if(past) { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { if(!['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'all'].includes(past)) { console.error(`Got invalid past.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect(`/r/${subreddit}/${sortby}`) } } else { past = undefined } } else { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { past = 'day' } } let key = `${subreddit.toLowerCase()}:${after}:${before}:sort:${sortby}:past:${past}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${subreddit} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log(`Got /r/${subreddit} key from redis.`); (async () => { if(api_req) { return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'redis', api_type, api_target, subreddit) } else { let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'redis', null, req.cookies) let sidebar_data = await processSubredditSidebar(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) if(!processed_json.error) { return res.render('subreddit', { json: processed_json, subreddit: subreddit, sidebar_data: sidebar_data, subreddit_front: (!before && !after) ? true : false, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { return res.render('subreddit', { json: null, error: true, data: processed_json, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } } })() } else { fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/${sortby}?api_type=json&count=25&g=GLOBAL&t=${past}${d}`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { redis.setex(key, config.setexs.subreddit, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error setting the ${subreddit} key to redis.`, error) return res.render('subreddit', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { console.log(`Fetched the JSON from reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.`); (async () => { if(api_req) { return handleTedditApiSubreddit(json, req, res, 'from_online', api_type, api_target, subreddit) } else { let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(json, 'from_online', null, req.cookies) let sidebar_data = await processSubredditSidebar(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) return res.render('subreddit', { json: processed_json, subreddit: subreddit, sidebar_data: sidebar_data, subreddit_front: (!before && !after) ? true : false, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } })() } }) }) } else { if(result.status === 404) { console.log('404 – Subreddit not found') } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) } return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error(`Error fetching the JSON file from reddit.com/r/${subreddit}.`, error) }) } }) }) app.get('/r/:subreddit/comments/:id/:snippet/:comment_id?', (req, res, next) => { let subreddit = req.params.subreddit let id = req.params.id let snippet = encodeURIComponent(req.params.snippet) let sortby = req.query.sort let comment_id = '' let viewing_comment = false let more_comments_cursor = req.query.cursor let context = parseInt(req.query.context) if(req.params.comment_id) { comment_id = `${req.params.comment_id}/` viewing_comment = true } if(!sortby) { sortby = config.post_comments_sort } if(!['confidence', 'top', 'new', 'controversial', 'old', 'qa', 'random'].includes(sortby)) { console.error(`Got invalid sort.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect('/') } let comments_url = `/r/${subreddit}/comments/${id}/${snippet}/${comment_id}` let post_url = `/r/${subreddit}/comments/${id}/${snippet}/` let comments_key = `${comments_url}:sort:${sortby}` redis.get(comments_key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${comments_url} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { post: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log(`Got ${comments_url} key from redis.`); (async () => { if(!more_comments_cursor) { let processed_json = await processJsonPost(json, false, req.cookies) let finalized_json = await finalizeJsonPost(processed_json, id, post_url, null, viewing_comment) return res.render('post', { post: finalized_json.post_data, comments: finalized_json.comments, viewing_comment: viewing_comment, post_url: post_url, subreddit: subreddit, sortby: sortby, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { let key = `morechildren:${post_url};1` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${key} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log(`Got ${key} key from redis.`); redis.get(post_url, (error, post_json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${post_url} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(post_json) { redis.get(`morechildren_ids:${post_url}`, (error, morechildren_ids) => { (async () => { post_json = JSON.parse(post_json) json = JSON.parse(json) post_json[1].data.children = json let processed_json = await processJsonPost(post_json, true, req.cookies) let finalized_json = await finalizeJsonPost(processed_json, id, post_url, morechildren_ids) return res.render('post', { post: finalized_json.post_data, comments: finalized_json.comments, viewing_comment: false, post_url: post_url, subreddit: req.params.subreddit, sortby: sortby, more_comments_page: 1, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() }) } }) } }) } })() } else { fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com${comments_url}?api_type=json&sort=${sortby}&context=${context}`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { redis.setex(comments_key, config.setexs.posts, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error setting the ${comments_url} key to redis.`, error) return res.render('post', { post: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { console.log(`Fetched the JSON from reddit.com${comments_url}.`); (async () => { let processed_json = await processJsonPost(json, true, req.cookies) let finalized_json = await finalizeJsonPost(processed_json, id, post_url, null, viewing_comment) return res.render('post', { post: finalized_json.post_data, comments: finalized_json.comments, viewing_comment: viewing_comment, post_url: post_url, subreddit: subreddit, sortby: sortby, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() } }) }) } else { if(result.status === 404) { console.log('404 – Post not found') } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) } return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, http_statustext: result.statusText, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error(`Error fetching the JSON file from reddit.com${comments_url}.`, error) }) } }) }) app.get('/user/:user', (req, res, next) => { res.redirect(`/u/${req.params.user}`) }) app.get('/u/:user/:sort?', (req, res, next) => { let user = req.params.user let after = req.query.after let before = req.query.before let user_data = {} if(!after) { after = '' } if(!before) { before = '' } let d = `&after=${after}` if(before) { d = `&before=${before}` } let sortby = req.query.sort let past = req.query.t if(!sortby) { sortby = 'new' } if(!['hot', 'new', 'controversial', 'top'].includes(sortby)) { console.error(`Got invalid sort.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect(`/u/${user}`) } if(past) { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { if(!['hour', 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year', 'all'].includes(past)) { console.error(`Got invalid past.`, req.originalUrl) return res.redirect(`/u/${user}/${sortby}`) } } else { past = '' } } else { if(sortby === 'controversial' || sortby === 'top') { past = 'all' } else { past = '' } } let key = `${user}:${after}:${before}:sort:${sortby}:past:${past}` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the user ${key} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log(`Got user ${user} key from redis.`); (async () => { let processed_json = await processJsonUser(json, false, after, before, req.cookies) return res.render('user', { data: processed_json, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() } else { fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/user/${user}/about`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { user_data.about = json fetch(encodeURI(`https://oauth.reddit.com/user/${user}/overview?limit=26${d}&sort=${sortby}&t=${past}`), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { user_data.overview = json redis.setex(key, config.setexs.user, JSON.stringify(user_data), (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error setting the user ${key} key to redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { post: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { (async () => { let processed_json = await processJsonUser(user_data, true, after, before, req.cookies) return res.render('user', { data: processed_json, sortby: sortby, past: past, user_preferences: req.cookies }) })() } }) }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error(`Error fetching the overview JSON file from reddit.com/u/${user}`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) }) }) } else { if(result.status === 404) { console.log('404 – User not found') } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) } return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, http_statustext: result.statusText, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.error(`Error fetching the about JSON file from reddit.com/u/${user}`, error) }) } }) }) /** * POSTS */ app.post('/saveprefs', (req, res, next) => { let theme = req.body.theme let flairs = req.body.flairs res.cookie('theme', theme, { maxAge: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, httpOnly: true }) if(flairs === 'on') flairs = 'true' else flairs = 'false' res.cookie('flairs', flairs, { maxAge: 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, httpOnly: true }) return res.redirect('/preferences') }) app.post('/r/:subreddit/comments/:id/:snippet', (req, res, next) => { /* morechildren route */ let all_ids = req.body.all_ids let post_url = req.body.url if(!all_ids || !post_url || !post_url.startsWith('/r/')) { return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { let post_id = post_url.split('/')[4] let ids_to_show = '' all_ids = all_ids.split(',') // TODO: paging let page = 1 if(all_ids.length > 100) { ids_to_show = all_ids.slice(0,100) ids_to_show = ids_to_show.join() } let key = `morechildren:${post_url};1` redis.get(key, (error, json) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error getting the ${key} key from redis.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } if(json) { console.log(`Redirecting to ${post_url} with cursor...`); return res.redirect(`${post_url}?cursor=${page}&page=${page}`) } else { let url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/api/morechildren?api_type=json&children=${ids_to_show}&limit_children=false&link_id=t3_${post_id}` fetch(encodeURI(url), redditApiGETHeaders()) .then(result => { if(result.status === 200) { result.json() .then(json => { if(json.json.data) { if(json.json.data.things) { let comments = json.json.data.things redis.setex(key, config.setexs.posts, JSON.stringify(comments), (error) => { if(error) { console.error(`Error setting the ${key} key to redis.`, error) return res.render('post', { post: null, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } else { redis.setex(`morechildren_ids:${post_url}`, config.setexs.posts, JSON.stringify(all_ids)) console.log(`Fetched the JSON from reddit API (endpoint "morechildren") with url: ${url}.`) console.log(`Redirecting to ${post_url} with cursor...`) return res.redirect(`${post_url}?cursor=${page}&page=${page}`) } }) } else { return res.redirect(post_url) } } else { return res.redirect(post_url) } }) } else { console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`) console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) } }).catch(error => { console.log(`Error fetching the JSON from reddit API (endpoint "morechildren") with url: ${url}.`, error) return res.render('index', { json: null, http_status_code: result.status, user_preferences: req.cookies }) }) } }) } }) }