diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92cde39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierrc
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "singleQuote": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app.js b/app.js
index 7f21d05..2aaefbb 100644
--- a/app.js
+++ b/app.js
@@ -12,41 +12,7 @@ const pug = require('pug');
const compression = require('compression');
const express = require('express');
const cookieParser = require('cookie-parser');
-const r = require('redis');
-const redis = (() => {
- if (!config.redis_enabled) {
- // Stub Redis if disabled
- return {
- get: (_, callback) => callback(null, null),
- setex: (_, _1, _2, callback) => callback(null),
- on: () => {},
- };
- }
- const redisOptions = {
- host: '',
- port: 6379,
- };
- if (config.redis_db) {
- redisOptions.db = config.redis_db;
- }
- if (config.redis_host) {
- redisOptions.host = config.redis_host;
- }
- if (config.redis_port && config.redis_port > 0) {
- redisOptions.port = config.redis_port;
- }
- if (config.redis_password) {
- redisOptions.password = config.redis_password;
- }
- return r.createClient(redisOptions);
+const { redis } = require('./inc/redis');
const nodeFetch = require('node-fetch');
const fetch = config.http_proxy
@@ -162,12 +128,6 @@ if (config.redirect_http_to_https) {
-redis.on('error', (error) => {
- if (error) {
- console.error(`Redis error: ${error}`);
- }
const cacheControl = require('./cacheControl.js');
diff --git a/inc/processJsonPost.js b/inc/processJsonPost.js
index ef16664..754b589 100644
--- a/inc/processJsonPost.js
+++ b/inc/processJsonPost.js
@@ -1,155 +1,58 @@
-module.exports = function(fetch) {
- var compilePostComments = require('./compilePostComments.js')();
- var procPostMedia = require('./processPostMedia.js')();
- this.processJsonPost = (json, parsed, user_preferences) => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(!parsed) {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- }
+const compilePostComments = require('./compilePostComments.js')();
+const procPostMedia = require('./processPostMedia.js')();
- let post = json[0].data.children[0].data
- let post_id = post.name
- let comments = json[1].data.children
+async function processReplies(data, post_id, depth, user_preferences) {
+ let return_replies = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ let kind = data[i].kind;
+ let reply = data[i].data;
+ let obj = {};
+ if (kind !== 'more') {
+ obj = {
+ author: reply.author,
+ body_html: reply.body_html,
+ parent_id: reply.parent_id,
+ created: reply.created_utc,
+ edited: reply.edited,
+ score: reply.score,
+ ups: reply.ups,
+ id: reply.id,
+ permalink: teddifyUrl(reply.permalink),
+ stickied: reply.stickied,
+ distinguished: reply.distinguished,
+ score_hidden: reply.score_hidden,
+ edited: reply.edited,
+ replies: [],
+ depth: depth,
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false'
+ ? await formatUserFlair(reply)
+ : '',
+ controversiality:
+ user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false'
+ ? reply.controversiality
+ : '',
+ };
+ } else {
+ obj = {
+ type: 'load_more',
+ count: reply.count,
+ id: reply.id,
+ parent_id: reply.parent_id,
+ post_id: post_id,
+ children: [],
+ depth: depth,
+ };
+ }
- let obj = {
- author: post.author,
- created: post.created_utc,
- edited: post.edited,
- is_video: post.is_video,
- locked: post.locked,
- link_flair_text: post.link_flair_text,
- name: post_id,
- num_comments: post.num_comments,
- over_18: post.over_18,
- permalink: teddifyUrl(post.permalink),
- title: post.title,
- url: teddifyUrl(post.url, user_preferences),
- ups: post.ups,
- id: post.id,
- domain: post.domain,
- contest_mode: post.contest_mode,
- upvote_ratio: post.upvote_ratio,
- comments: null,
- has_media: false,
- media: null,
- images: null,
- crosspost: false,
- selftext: unescape(post.selftext_html),
- poll_data: post.poll_data,
- link_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatLinkFlair(post) : ''),
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '')
- }
+ if (reply.replies && kind !== 'more') {
+ if (reply.replies.data.children.length) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < reply.replies.data.children.length; j++) {
+ let comment = reply.replies.data.children[j].data;
+ let objct = {};
- let valid_embed_video_domains = ['gfycat.com']
- let has_gif = false
- let gif_to_mp4 = null
- let reddit_video = null
- let embed_video = false
- if(post.media)
- if(valid_embed_video_domains.includes(post.media.type))
- embed_video = true
- if(post.preview && !embed_video) {
- if(post.preview.reddit_video_preview) {
- if(post.preview.reddit_video_preview.is_gif) {
- has_gif = true
- gif_url = post.preview.reddit_video_preview.fallback_url
- } else {
- let file_ext = getFileExtension(post.preview.reddit_video_preview.fallback_url)
- if(file_ext === 'mp4') {
- post.media = true
- reddit_video = post.preview.reddit_video_preview
- }
- }
- }
- if(post.preview.images) {
- if(post.preview.images[0].source) {
- let file_ext = getFileExtension(post.preview.images[0].source.url)
- if(file_ext === 'gif') {
- has_gif = true
- let resolutions = post.preview.images[0].variants.mp4.resolutions
- gif_to_mp4 = resolutions[resolutions.length - 1]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- obj = await processPostMedia(obj, post, post.media, has_gif, reddit_video, gif_to_mp4)
- if(post.crosspost_parent_list) {
- post.crosspost = post.crosspost_parent_list[0]
- }
- if(post.crosspost) {
- obj = await processPostMedia(obj, post.crosspost, post.crosspost.media, has_gif, reddit_video, gif_to_mp4)
- obj.crosspost = {
- author: post.crosspost.author,
- created: post.crosspost.created_utc,
- subreddit: post.crosspost.subreddit,
- title: post.crosspost.title,
- name: post.crosspost.name,
- num_comments: post.crosspost.num_comments,
- over_18: post.crosspost.over_18,
- id: post.crosspost.id,
- permalink: teddifyUrl(post.crosspost.permalink),
- ups: post.crosspost.ups,
- selftext: unescape(post.selftext_html),
- selftext_crosspost: unescape(post.crosspost.selftext_html),
- poll_data: post.poll_data,
- is_crosspost: true,
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '')
- }
- }
- if(post.preview && !obj.has_media) {
- obj.images = {
- source: await downloadAndSave(post.preview.images[0].source.url)
- }
- }
- if(obj.media) {
- if(obj.media.source === 'external') {
- if(post.preview) {
- obj.images = {
- source: await downloadAndSave(post.preview.images[0].source.url)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(post.gallery_data) {
- obj.gallery = true
- obj.gallery_items = []
- for(var i = 0; i < post.gallery_data.items.length; i++) {
- let id = post.gallery_data.items[i].media_id
- if(post.media_metadata[id]) {
- if(post.media_metadata[id].p) {
- if(post.media_metadata[id].p[0]) {
- let item = { source: null, thumbnail: null, large: null }
- if(post.media_metadata[id].s && post.media_metadata[id].p[0].u) {
- item = {
- type: post.media_metadata[id].e,
- source: await downloadAndSave(post.media_metadata[id].s.u),
- thumbnail: await downloadAndSave(post.media_metadata[id].p[0].u),
- large: await downloadAndSave(post.media_metadata[id].p[post.media_metadata[id].p.length - 1].u),
- }
- }
- obj.gallery_items.push(item)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let comms = []
- for(var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
- let comment = comments[i].data
- let kind = comments[i].kind
- let obj = {}
- if(kind !== 'more') {
- obj = {
+ if (comment.author && comment.body_html) {
+ objct = {
author: comment.author,
body_html: comment.body_html,
parent_id: comment.parent_id,
@@ -159,174 +62,341 @@ module.exports = function(fetch) {
ups: comment.ups,
id: comment.id,
permalink: teddifyUrl(comment.permalink),
- stickied: comment.stickied,
- distinguished: comment.distinguished,
score_hidden: comment.score_hidden,
- edited: comment.edited,
+ distinguished: comment.distinguished,
+ distinguished: comment.edited,
replies: [],
- depth: comment.depth,
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(comment) : ''),
- controversiality: (user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false' ? comment.controversiality : '')
- }
+ depth: depth + 1,
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false'
+ ? await formatUserFlair(comment)
+ : '',
+ controversiality:
+ user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false'
+ ? comment.controversiality
+ : '',
+ };
} else {
- obj = {
+ objct = {
type: 'load_more',
count: comment.count,
id: comment.id,
parent_id: comment.parent_id,
- post_id: post.name,
- children: []
- }
- }
- if(comment.replies && kind !== 'more') {
- if(comment.replies.data) {
- if(comment.replies.data.children.length > 0) {
- obj.replies = await processReplies(comment.replies.data.children, post_id, 1, user_preferences)
+ post_id: post_id,
+ children: [],
+ depth: depth + 1,
+ };
+ if (comment.children) {
+ for (var k = 0; k < comment.children.length; k++) {
+ objct.children.push(comment.children[k]);
- if(comment.children) {
- for(var j = 0; j < comment.children.length; j++) {
- obj.children.push(comment.children[j])
+ if (comment.replies) {
+ if (comment.replies.data) {
+ if (comment.replies.data.children.length > 0) {
+ objct.replies = await processReplies(
+ comment.replies.data.children,
+ post_id,
+ depth,
+ user_preferences
+ );
+ }
- comms.push(obj)
+ obj.replies.push(objct);
- obj.comments = comms
- resolve(obj)
- })()
- })
- }
- this.finalizeJsonPost = async (processed_json, post_id, post_url, morechildren_ids, viewing_comment, user_preferences) => {
- let comments_html = `
- delete processed_json['comments']
- let post_data = processed_json
- return { post_data: post_data, comments: comments_html }
- }
- this.processReplies = async (data, post_id, depth, user_preferences) => {
- let return_replies = []
- for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
- let kind = data[i].kind
- let reply = data[i].data
- let obj = {}
- if(kind !== 'more') {
- obj = {
- author: reply.author,
- body_html: reply.body_html,
- parent_id: reply.parent_id,
- created: reply.created_utc,
- edited: reply.edited,
- score: reply.score,
- ups: reply.ups,
- id: reply.id,
- permalink: teddifyUrl(reply.permalink),
- stickied: reply.stickied,
- distinguished: reply.distinguished,
- score_hidden: reply.score_hidden,
- edited: reply.edited,
- replies: [],
- depth: depth,
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(reply) : ''),
- controversiality: (user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false' ? reply.controversiality : '')
- }
- } else {
- obj = {
- type: 'load_more',
- count: reply.count,
- id: reply.id,
- parent_id: reply.parent_id,
- post_id: post_id,
- children: [],
- depth: depth
- }
+ if (reply.children) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < reply.children.length; j++) {
+ obj.children.push(reply.children[j]);
- if(reply.replies && kind !== 'more') {
- if(reply.replies.data.children.length) {
- for(var j = 0; j < reply.replies.data.children.length; j++) {
- let comment = reply.replies.data.children[j].data
- let objct = {}
- if(comment.author && comment.body_html) {
- objct = {
- author: comment.author,
- body_html: comment.body_html,
- parent_id: comment.parent_id,
- created: comment.created_utc,
- edited: comment.edited,
- score: comment.score,
- ups: comment.ups,
- id: comment.id,
- permalink: teddifyUrl(comment.permalink),
- score_hidden: comment.score_hidden,
- distinguished: comment.distinguished,
- distinguished: comment.edited,
- replies: [],
- depth: depth + 1,
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(comment) : ''),
- controversiality: (user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false' ? comment.controversiality : '')
- }
- } else {
- objct = {
- type: 'load_more',
- count: comment.count,
- id: comment.id,
- parent_id: comment.parent_id,
- post_id: post_id,
- children: [],
- depth: depth + 1
- }
- if(comment.children) {
- for(var k = 0; k < comment.children.length; k++) {
- objct.children.push(comment.children[k])
- }
- }
- }
- if(comment.replies) {
- if(comment.replies.data) {
- if(comment.replies.data.children.length > 0) {
- objct.replies = await processReplies(comment.replies.data.children, post_id, depth, user_preferences)
- }
- }
- }
- obj.replies.push(objct)
- }
- }
- }
- if(reply.children) {
- for(var j = 0; j < reply.children.length; j++) {
- obj.children.push(reply.children[j])
- }
- }
- return_replies.push(obj)
- return return_replies
+ return_replies.push(obj);
+ return return_replies;
+async function processJsonPost(json, parsed, user_preferences) {
+ if (!parsed) {
+ json = JSON.parse(json);
+ }
+ let post = json[0].data.children[0].data;
+ let post_id = post.name;
+ let comments = json[1].data.children;
+ let obj = {
+ author: post.author,
+ created: post.created_utc,
+ edited: post.edited,
+ is_video: post.is_video,
+ locked: post.locked,
+ link_flair_text: post.link_flair_text,
+ name: post_id,
+ num_comments: post.num_comments,
+ over_18: post.over_18,
+ permalink: teddifyUrl(post.permalink),
+ title: post.title,
+ url: teddifyUrl(post.url, user_preferences),
+ ups: post.ups,
+ id: post.id,
+ domain: post.domain,
+ contest_mode: post.contest_mode,
+ upvote_ratio: post.upvote_ratio,
+ comments: null,
+ has_media: false,
+ media: null,
+ images: null,
+ crosspost: false,
+ selftext: unescape(post.selftext_html),
+ poll_data: post.poll_data,
+ link_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatLinkFlair(post) : '',
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '',
+ };
+ let valid_embed_video_domains = ['gfycat.com'];
+ let has_gif = false;
+ let gif_to_mp4 = null;
+ let reddit_video = null;
+ let embed_video = false;
+ if (post.media)
+ if (valid_embed_video_domains.includes(post.media.type)) embed_video = true;
+ if (post.preview && !embed_video) {
+ if (post.preview.reddit_video_preview) {
+ if (post.preview.reddit_video_preview.is_gif) {
+ has_gif = true;
+ gif_url = post.preview.reddit_video_preview.fallback_url;
+ } else {
+ let file_ext = getFileExtension(
+ post.preview.reddit_video_preview.fallback_url
+ );
+ if (file_ext === 'mp4') {
+ post.media = true;
+ reddit_video = post.preview.reddit_video_preview;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (post.preview.images) {
+ if (post.preview.images[0].source) {
+ let file_ext = getFileExtension(post.preview.images[0].source.url);
+ if (file_ext === 'gif') {
+ has_gif = true;
+ let resolutions = post.preview.images[0].variants.mp4.resolutions;
+ gif_to_mp4 = resolutions[resolutions.length - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ obj = await processPostMedia(
+ obj,
+ post,
+ post.media,
+ has_gif,
+ reddit_video,
+ gif_to_mp4
+ );
+ if (post.crosspost_parent_list) {
+ post.crosspost = post.crosspost_parent_list[0];
+ }
+ if (post.crosspost) {
+ obj = await processPostMedia(
+ obj,
+ post.crosspost,
+ post.crosspost.media,
+ has_gif,
+ reddit_video,
+ gif_to_mp4
+ );
+ obj.crosspost = {
+ author: post.crosspost.author,
+ created: post.crosspost.created_utc,
+ subreddit: post.crosspost.subreddit,
+ title: post.crosspost.title,
+ name: post.crosspost.name,
+ num_comments: post.crosspost.num_comments,
+ over_18: post.crosspost.over_18,
+ id: post.crosspost.id,
+ permalink: teddifyUrl(post.crosspost.permalink),
+ ups: post.crosspost.ups,
+ selftext: unescape(post.selftext_html),
+ selftext_crosspost: unescape(post.crosspost.selftext_html),
+ poll_data: post.poll_data,
+ is_crosspost: true,
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '',
+ };
+ }
+ if (post.preview && !obj.has_media) {
+ obj.images = {
+ source: await downloadAndSave(post.preview.images[0].source.url),
+ };
+ }
+ if (obj.media) {
+ if (obj.media.source === 'external') {
+ if (post.preview) {
+ obj.images = {
+ source: await downloadAndSave(post.preview.images[0].source.url),
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (post.gallery_data) {
+ obj.gallery = true;
+ obj.gallery_items = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < post.gallery_data.items.length; i++) {
+ let id = post.gallery_data.items[i].media_id;
+ if (post.media_metadata[id]) {
+ if (post.media_metadata[id].p) {
+ if (post.media_metadata[id].p[0]) {
+ let item = { source: null, thumbnail: null, large: null };
+ if (post.media_metadata[id].s && post.media_metadata[id].p[0].u) {
+ item = {
+ type: post.media_metadata[id].e,
+ source: await downloadAndSave(post.media_metadata[id].s.u),
+ thumbnail: await downloadAndSave(
+ post.media_metadata[id].p[0].u
+ ),
+ large: await downloadAndSave(
+ post.media_metadata[id].p[
+ post.media_metadata[id].p.length - 1
+ ].u
+ ),
+ };
+ }
+ obj.gallery_items.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ let comms = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
+ let comment = comments[i].data;
+ let kind = comments[i].kind;
+ let obj = {};
+ if (kind !== 'more') {
+ obj = {
+ author: comment.author,
+ body_html: comment.body_html,
+ parent_id: comment.parent_id,
+ created: comment.created_utc,
+ edited: comment.edited,
+ score: comment.score,
+ ups: comment.ups,
+ id: comment.id,
+ permalink: teddifyUrl(comment.permalink),
+ stickied: comment.stickied,
+ distinguished: comment.distinguished,
+ score_hidden: comment.score_hidden,
+ edited: comment.edited,
+ replies: [],
+ depth: comment.depth,
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false'
+ ? await formatUserFlair(comment)
+ : '',
+ controversiality:
+ user_preferences.highlight_controversial != 'false'
+ ? comment.controversiality
+ : '',
+ };
+ } else {
+ obj = {
+ type: 'load_more',
+ count: comment.count,
+ id: comment.id,
+ parent_id: comment.parent_id,
+ post_id: post.name,
+ children: [],
+ };
+ }
+ if (comment.replies && kind !== 'more') {
+ if (comment.replies.data) {
+ if (comment.replies.data.children.length > 0) {
+ obj.replies = await processReplies(
+ comment.replies.data.children,
+ post_id,
+ 1,
+ user_preferences
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (comment.children) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < comment.children.length; j++) {
+ obj.children.push(comment.children[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ comms.push(obj);
+ }
+ obj.comments = comms;
+ return obj;
+async function finalizeJsonPost(
+ processed_json,
+ post_id,
+ post_url,
+ morechildren_ids,
+ viewing_comment,
+ user_preferences
+) {
+ let comments_html = ``;
+ delete processed_json['comments'];
+ let post_data = processed_json;
+ return { post_data: post_data, comments: comments_html };
+module.exports = {
+ processReplies,
+ processJsonPost,
+ finalizeJsonPost,
diff --git a/inc/processJsonSubreddit.js b/inc/processJsonSubreddit.js
index cb9f058..8d8f57f 100644
--- a/inc/processJsonSubreddit.js
+++ b/inc/processJsonSubreddit.js
@@ -1,83 +1,90 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../config');
- const link = require('./components/link')
- this.processJsonSubreddit = (json, from, subreddit_front, user_preferences, saved) => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(from === 'redis') {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- }
- if(json.error) {
- resolve({ error: true, error_data: json })
- } else {
- if(saved) {
- let t = {
- data: {
- before: null,
- after: null,
- children: json
- }
- }
- json = t
- }
- let before = json.data.before
- let after = json.data.after
+const config = require('../config');
+const link = require('./components/link');
- let ret = {
- info: {
- before: before,
- after: after
- },
- links: []
- }
+async function processJsonSubreddit(
+ json,
+ from,
+ subreddit_front,
+ user_preferences,
+ saved
+) {
+ if (from === 'redis') {
+ json = JSON.parse(json);
+ }
+ if (json.error) {
+ return { error: true, error_data: json };
+ } else {
+ if (saved) {
+ let t = {
+ data: {
+ before: null,
+ after: null,
+ children: json,
+ },
+ };
+ json = t;
+ }
- let children_len = json.data.children.length
+ let before = json.data.before;
+ let after = json.data.after;
- for(var i = 0; i < children_len; i++) {
- let data = json.data.children[i].data
+ let ret = {
+ info: {
+ before: before,
+ after: after,
+ },
+ links: [],
+ };
- if(data.over_18)
- if((config.nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false')
- continue
+ let children_len = json.data.children.length;
- /*
- // Todo: Remove this once the link component is done
- // but keep it for now in case we need it later
- let obj = {
- author: data.author,
- created: data.created_utc,
- domain: data.domain,
- id: data.id,
- images: images,
- is_video: data.is_video,
- link_flair_text: data.link_flair_text,
- locked: data.locked,
- media: data.media,
- selftext_html: data.selftext_html,
- num_comments: data.num_comments,
- over_18: data.over_18,
- permalink: data.permalink,
- score: data.score,
- subreddit: data.subreddit,
- title: data.title,
- ups: data.ups,
- upvote_ratio: data.upvote_ratio,
- url: replaceDomains(data.url, user_preferences),
- stickied: data.stickied,
- is_self_link: is_self_link,
- subreddit_front: subreddit_front,
- link_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatLinkFlair(data) : ''),
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(data) : '')
- } */
+ for (var i = 0; i < children_len; i++) {
+ let data = json.data.children[i].data;
- let obj = await link.fromJson(data, user_preferences, subreddit_front)
+ if (data.over_18)
+ if (
+ (config.nsfw_enabled === false &&
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') ||
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false'
+ )
+ continue;
- ret.links.push(obj)
- }
- resolve(ret)
- }
- })()
- })
+ /*
+ // Todo: Remove this once the link component is done
+ // but keep it for now in case we need it later
+ let obj = {
+ author: data.author,
+ created: data.created_utc,
+ domain: data.domain,
+ id: data.id,
+ images: images,
+ is_video: data.is_video,
+ link_flair_text: data.link_flair_text,
+ locked: data.locked,
+ media: data.media,
+ selftext_html: data.selftext_html,
+ num_comments: data.num_comments,
+ over_18: data.over_18,
+ permalink: data.permalink,
+ score: data.score,
+ subreddit: data.subreddit,
+ title: data.title,
+ ups: data.ups,
+ upvote_ratio: data.upvote_ratio,
+ url: replaceDomains(data.url, user_preferences),
+ stickied: data.stickied,
+ is_self_link: is_self_link,
+ subreddit_front: subreddit_front,
+ link_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatLinkFlair(data) : ''),
+ user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(data) : '')
+ } */
+ let obj = await link.fromJson(data, user_preferences, subreddit_front);
+ ret.links.push(obj);
+ }
+ return ret;
+module.exports = processJsonSubreddit;
diff --git a/inc/processJsonUser.js b/inc/processJsonUser.js
index 83c8fce..86dc084 100644
--- a/inc/processJsonUser.js
+++ b/inc/processJsonUser.js
@@ -1,97 +1,106 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../config');
- const link = require('./components/link')
- this.processJsonUser = function(json, parsed, after, before, user_preferences, kind, post_type) {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(!parsed) {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- }
+const config = require('../config');
+const link = require('./components/link');
- let about = json.about.data
- let posts = []
- let view_more_posts = false
- let posts_limit = 25
- let user_front = false
- if(json.overview.data.children.length > posts_limit) {
- view_more_posts = true
- } else {
- posts_limit = json.overview.data.children.length
- }
- if(!after && !before) {
- user_front = true
- }
- if(json.overview.data.children) {
- if(json.overview.data.children[posts_limit - 1]) {
- after = json.overview.data.children[posts_limit - 1].data.name
- }
- if(json.overview.data.children[0]) {
- before = json.overview.data.children[0].data.name
- }
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
- let post = json.overview.data.children[i].data
- let thumbnail = 'self'
- let type = json.overview.data.children[i].kind
- let obj
- let post_id = post.permalink.split('/').slice(-2)[0] + '/'
- let url = post.permalink.replace(post_id, '')
- if(type !== kind && kind)
- continue
- if(post.over_18)
- if((config.nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false')
- continue
- if(type === 't3') {
- obj = await link.fromJson(post, user_preferences)
- obj.type = 't3'
- }
- if(type === 't1') {
- obj = {
- type: type,
- subreddit: post.subreddit,
- title: post.title,
- created: post.created_utc,
- subreddit_name_prefixed: post.subreddit_name_prefixed,
- ups: post.ups,
- url: replaceDomains(url, user_preferences),
- edited: post.edited,
- body_html: unescape(post.body_html),
- num_comments: post.num_comments,
- over_18: post.over_18,
- permalink: post.permalink,
- link_author: post.link_author,
- link_title: post.link_title,
- user_flair: (user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '')
- }
- }
- posts.push(obj)
- }
- let obj = {
- username: about.name,
- icon_img: await downloadAndSave(about.icon_img, "icon_"),
- created: about.created_utc,
- verified: about.verified,
- link_karma: about.link_karma,
- comment_karma: about.comment_karma,
- view_more_posts: view_more_posts,
- user_front: user_front,
- post_type: post_type,
- before: before,
- after: after,
- posts: posts
- }
- resolve(obj)
- })()
- })
+async function processJsonUser(
+ json,
+ parsed,
+ after,
+ before,
+ user_preferences,
+ kind,
+ post_type
+) {
+ if (!parsed) {
+ json = JSON.parse(json);
+ let about = json.about.data;
+ let posts = [];
+ let view_more_posts = false;
+ let posts_limit = 25;
+ let user_front = false;
+ if (json.overview.data.children.length > posts_limit) {
+ view_more_posts = true;
+ } else {
+ posts_limit = json.overview.data.children.length;
+ }
+ if (!after && !before) {
+ user_front = true;
+ }
+ if (json.overview.data.children) {
+ if (json.overview.data.children[posts_limit - 1]) {
+ after = json.overview.data.children[posts_limit - 1].data.name;
+ }
+ if (json.overview.data.children[0]) {
+ before = json.overview.data.children[0].data.name;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
+ let post = json.overview.data.children[i].data;
+ let thumbnail = 'self';
+ let type = json.overview.data.children[i].kind;
+ let obj;
+ let post_id = post.permalink.split('/').slice(-2)[0] + '/';
+ let url = post.permalink.replace(post_id, '');
+ if (type !== kind && kind) continue;
+ if (post.over_18)
+ if (
+ (config.nsfw_enabled === false &&
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') ||
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false'
+ )
+ continue;
+ if (type === 't3') {
+ obj = await link.fromJson(post, user_preferences);
+ obj.type = 't3';
+ }
+ if (type === 't1') {
+ obj = {
+ type: type,
+ subreddit: post.subreddit,
+ title: post.title,
+ created: post.created_utc,
+ subreddit_name_prefixed: post.subreddit_name_prefixed,
+ ups: post.ups,
+ url: replaceDomains(url, user_preferences),
+ edited: post.edited,
+ body_html: unescape(post.body_html),
+ num_comments: post.num_comments,
+ over_18: post.over_18,
+ permalink: post.permalink,
+ link_author: post.link_author,
+ link_title: post.link_title,
+ user_flair:
+ user_preferences.flairs != 'false' ? await formatUserFlair(post) : '',
+ };
+ }
+ posts.push(obj);
+ }
+ let obj = {
+ username: about.name,
+ icon_img: await downloadAndSave(about.icon_img, 'icon_'),
+ created: about.created_utc,
+ verified: about.verified,
+ link_karma: about.link_karma,
+ comment_karma: about.comment_karma,
+ view_more_posts: view_more_posts,
+ user_front: user_front,
+ post_type: post_type,
+ before: before,
+ after: after,
+ posts: posts,
+ };
+ return obj;
+module.exports = processJsonUser;
diff --git a/inc/processSearchResults.js b/inc/processSearchResults.js
index aa97b9d..c968d59 100644
--- a/inc/processSearchResults.js
+++ b/inc/processSearchResults.js
@@ -1,62 +1,70 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../config');
- const link = require('./components/link')
- this.processSearchResults = (json, parsed, after, before, user_preferences) => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(!parsed) {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- }
- let posts = []
- let search_firstpage = false
- let before = json.data.before
- let after = json.data.after
- if(!after && !before) {
- search_firstpage = true
- }
- let suggested_subreddits = false
- if(json.suggested_subreddits) {
- if(json.suggested_subreddits.data) {
- if(json.suggested_subreddits.data.children.length > 0) {
- suggested_subreddits = json.suggested_subreddits.data.children
- }
- }
- }
- if(json.data.children) {
- let view_more_posts = false
- let posts_limit = 25
+const config = require('../config');
+const link = require('./components/link');
- if(json.data.children.length > posts_limit) {
- view_more_posts = true
- } else {
- posts_limit = json.data.children.length
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
- let post = json.data.children[i].data
- if(post.over_18)
- if((config.nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false')
- continue
- let obj = await link.fromJson(post, user_preferences)
- posts.push(obj)
- }
- }
- let obj = {
- search_firstpage: search_firstpage,
- before: before,
- after: after,
- posts: posts,
- suggested_subreddits: suggested_subreddits,
- }
- resolve(obj)
- })()
- })
+async function processSearchResults(
+ json,
+ parsed,
+ after,
+ before,
+ user_preferences
+) {
+ if (!parsed) {
+ json = JSON.parse(json);
+ let posts = [];
+ let search_firstpage = false;
+ before = json.data.before;
+ after = json.data.after;
+ if (!after && !before) {
+ search_firstpage = true;
+ }
+ let suggested_subreddits = false;
+ if (json.suggested_subreddits) {
+ if (json.suggested_subreddits.data) {
+ if (json.suggested_subreddits.data.children.length > 0) {
+ suggested_subreddits = json.suggested_subreddits.data.children;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (json.data.children) {
+ let view_more_posts = false;
+ let posts_limit = 25;
+ if (json.data.children.length > posts_limit) {
+ view_more_posts = true;
+ } else {
+ posts_limit = json.data.children.length;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
+ let post = json.data.children[i].data;
+ if (post.over_18)
+ if (
+ (config.nsfw_enabled === false &&
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') ||
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false'
+ )
+ continue;
+ let obj = await link.fromJson(post, user_preferences);
+ posts.push(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ let obj = {
+ search_firstpage: search_firstpage,
+ before: before,
+ after: after,
+ posts: posts,
+ suggested_subreddits: suggested_subreddits,
+ };
+ return obj;
+module.exports = processSearchResults;
diff --git a/inc/processSubredditAbout.js b/inc/processSubredditAbout.js
index af13604..0800f14 100644
--- a/inc/processSubredditAbout.js
+++ b/inc/processSubredditAbout.js
@@ -1,106 +1,67 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../config')
- this.processSubredditAbout = (subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(subreddit && !subreddit.includes('+') && subreddit !== 'all') {
- function returnRelevantKeys(json) {
- return {
- title: json.data.title,
- public_description_html: json.data.public_description_html,
- active_user_count: json.data.active_user_count,
- subscribers: json.data.subscribers,
- created_utc: json.data.created_utc,
- over18: json.data.over18,
- description_html: json.data.description_html,
- moderators: json.moderators
- }
- }
- let key = `${subreddit}:sidebar`
- redis.get(key, (error, json) => {
- if(error) {
- console.error(`Error getting the ${subreddit}:sidebar key from redis.`, error)
- resolve(null)
- }
- if(json) {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- resolve(returnRelevantKeys(json))
- } else {
- let url = `https://reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about.json`
- if(config.use_reddit_oauth) {
- url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about`
- }
- fetch(encodeURI(url), redditApiGETHeaders())
- .then(result => {
- if(result.status === 200) {
- result.json()
- .then(json => {
- json.moderators = []
- redis.setex(key, config.setexs.sidebar, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => {
- if(error) {
- console.error('Error setting the sidebar key to redis.', error)
- return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies })
- } else {
- console.log('Fetched the sidebar from reddit API.')
- let moderators_url = `https://reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about/moderators.json`
- if(config.use_reddit_oauth) {
- moderators_url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about/moderators`
- }
- resolve(returnRelevantKeys(json))
- /*
- * The following code is commented out because Reddit doesn't
- * anymore support fetching moderators for subreddits
- * when not logged in.
- * This might change in the future though.
- * https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit/issues/207
- */
- /*
- fetch(encodeURI(moderators_url), redditApiGETHeaders())
- .then(mod_result => {
- if(mod_result.status === 200) {
- mod_result.json()
- .then(mod_json => {
- json.moderators = mod_json
- redis.setex(key, config.setexs.sidebar, JSON.stringify(json), (error) => {
- if(error) {
- console.error('Error setting the sidebar with moderators key to redis.', error)
- return res.render('index', { json: null, user_preferences: req.cookies })
- } else {
- console.log('Fetched the moderators from reddit API.')
- resolve(returnRelevantKeys(json))
- }
- })
- })
- } else {
- console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching moderators data from reddit API. ${mod_result.status} – ${mod_result.statusText}`)
- console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text)
- resolve(returnRelevantKeys(json))
- }
- }).catch(error => {
- console.error('Error fetching moderators.', error)
- resolve(returnRelevantKeys(json))
- })
- */
- }
- })
- })
- } else {
- console.error(`Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API. ${result.status} – ${result.statusText}`)
- console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text)
- resolve(null)
- }
- }).catch(error => {
- console.error('Error fetching the sidebar.', error)
- resolve(null)
- })
- }
- })
- } else {
- resolve(null)
- }
- })()
- })
+const config = require('../config');
+const { redisAsync } = require('./redis');
+function returnRelevantKeys(json) {
+ return {
+ title: json.data.title,
+ public_description_html: json.data.public_description_html,
+ active_user_count: json.data.active_user_count,
+ subscribers: json.data.subscribers,
+ created_utc: json.data.created_utc,
+ over18: json.data.over18,
+ description_html: json.data.description_html,
+ moderators: json.moderators,
+ };
+async function processSubredditAbout(subreddit, redis, fetch, RedditAPI) {
+ if (subreddit && !subreddit.includes('+') && subreddit !== 'all') {
+ const key = `${subreddit}:sidebar`;
+ try {
+ const cached = await redisAsync.get(key);
+ if (cached !== null) {
+ return returnRelevantKeys(JSON.parse(cached));
+ }
+ let url = `https://reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about.json`;
+ if (config.use_reddit_oauth) {
+ url = `https://oauth.reddit.com/r/${subreddit}/about`;
+ }
+ const subredditAboutRequest = await fetch(url, redditApiGETHeaders());
+ if (subredditAboutRequest.ok) {
+ let response = await subredditAboutRequest.json();
+ response.moderators = [];
+ await redisAsync.setex(
+ key,
+ config.setexs.sidebar,
+ JSON.stringify(response)
+ );
+ console.log(`Fetched sidebar for ${subreddit} from reddit API`);
+ return returnRelevantKeys(response);
+ } else {
+ console.error(
+ `Something went wrong while fetching data from reddit API:
+ ${subredditAboutRequest.status} – ${subredditAboutRequest.statusText}`
+ );
+ console.error(config.reddit_api_error_text);
+ return null;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error('Error fetching the sidebar: ', error);
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+module.exports = processSubredditAbout;
diff --git a/inc/processSubredditsExplore.js b/inc/processSubredditsExplore.js
index ab3f931..66ed2f9 100644
--- a/inc/processSubredditsExplore.js
+++ b/inc/processSubredditsExplore.js
@@ -1,52 +1,58 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../config');
- this.processJsonSubredditsExplore = (json, from, subreddit_front, user_preferences) => {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- (async () => {
- if(from === 'redis') {
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- }
- if(json.error) {
- resolve({ error: true, error_data: json })
- } else {
- let before = json.data.before
- let after = json.data.after
+const config = require('../config');
- let ret = {
- info: {
- before: before,
- after: after
- },
- links: []
- }
+async function processJsonSubredditsExplore(
+ json,
+ from,
+ subreddit_front,
+ user_preferences
+) {
+ if (from === 'redis') {
+ json = JSON.parse(json);
+ }
+ if (json.error) {
+ return { error: true, error_data: json };
+ } else {
+ let before = json.data.before;
+ let after = json.data.after;
- let children_len = json.data.children.length
+ let ret = {
+ info: {
+ before: before,
+ after: after,
+ },
+ links: [],
+ };
- for(var i = 0; i < children_len; i++) {
- let data = json.data.children[i].data
- if(data.over_18)
- if((config.nsfw_enabled === false && user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') || user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false')
- continue
- let obj = {
- created: data.created_utc,
- id: data.id,
- over_18: data.over_18,
- display_name: data.display_name,
- display_name_prefixed: data.display_name_prefixed,
- public_description: data.public_description,
- url: replaceDomains(data.url, user_preferences),
- subscribers: data.subscribers,
- over_18: data.over18,
- title: data.title,
- subreddit_front: subreddit_front,
- }
- ret.links.push(obj)
- }
- resolve(ret)
- }
- })()
- })
+ let children_len = json.data.children.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < children_len; i++) {
+ let data = json.data.children[i].data;
+ if (data.over_18)
+ if (
+ (config.nsfw_enabled === false &&
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled != 'true') ||
+ user_preferences.nsfw_enabled === 'false'
+ )
+ continue;
+ let obj = {
+ created: data.created_utc,
+ id: data.id,
+ over_18: data.over_18,
+ display_name: data.display_name,
+ display_name_prefixed: data.display_name_prefixed,
+ public_description: data.public_description,
+ url: replaceDomains(data.url, user_preferences),
+ subscribers: data.subscribers,
+ over_18: data.over18,
+ title: data.title,
+ subreddit_front: subreddit_front,
+ };
+ ret.links.push(obj);
+ }
+ return ret;
+module.exports = processJsonSubredditsExplore;
diff --git a/inc/redis.js b/inc/redis.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0918d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inc/redis.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+const config = require('../config');
+const { promisify } = require('util');
+const r = require('redis');
+const redisOptions = {
+ host: '',
+ port: 6379,
+if (config.redis_db) {
+ redisOptions.db = config.redis_db;
+if (config.redis_host) {
+ redisOptions.host = config.redis_host;
+if (config.redis_port && config.redis_port > 0) {
+ redisOptions.port = config.redis_port;
+if (config.redis_password) {
+ redisOptions.password = config.redis_password;
+// Stub Redis if disabled
+const stub = {
+ get: (_, callback) => callback(null, null),
+ setex: (_, _1, _2, callback) => callback(null),
+ on: () => {},
+const redisDisabled = !config.redis_enabled;
+const redis = redisDisabled ? stub : r.createClient(redisOptions);
+const redisAsync = {
+ get: promisify(redis.get).bind(redis),
+ setex: promisify(redis.setex).bind(redis),
+redis.on('error', (error) => {
+ if (error) {
+ console.error(`Redis error: ${error}`);
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ redis,
+ redisAsync,
diff --git a/inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js b/inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js
index f135940..eea258b 100644
--- a/inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js
+++ b/inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js
@@ -1,114 +1,130 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../../config')
- this.handleTedditApiSubreddit = async (json, req, res, from, api_type, api_target, subreddit) => {
- if(!config.api_enabled) {
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- let msg = { info: 'This instance do not support API requests. Please see https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit#instances for instances that support API, or setup your own instance.' }
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(msg))
- }
- console.log('Teddit API request - subreddit')
- let _json = json // Keep the original json
- if(from === 'redis')
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- if(api_type === 'rss') {
- let protocol = (config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http')
- let items = ''
- for(var i = 0; i < json.data.children.length; i++) {
- let link = json.data.children[i].data
- let thumbnail = ''
- let post_image = ''
- let is_self_link = false
- let valid_reddit_self_domains = ['reddit.com']
+const processJsonSubreddit = require('../processJsonSubreddit');
- if(link.domain) {
- let tld = link.domain.split('self.')
- if(tld.length > 1) {
- if(!tld[1].includes('.')) {
- is_self_link = true
- link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url)
+module.exports = function () {
+ const config = require('../../config');
+ this.handleTedditApiSubreddit = async (
+ json,
+ req,
+ res,
+ from,
+ api_type,
+ api_target,
+ subreddit
+ ) => {
+ if (!config.api_enabled) {
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+ let msg = {
+ info: 'This instance do not support API requests. Please see https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit#instances for instances that support API, or setup your own instance.',
+ };
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(msg));
+ }
+ console.log('Teddit API request - subreddit');
+ let _json = json; // Keep the original json
+ if (from === 'redis') json = JSON.parse(json);
+ if (api_type === 'rss') {
+ let protocol = config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http';
+ let items = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < json.data.children.length; i++) {
+ let link = json.data.children[i].data;
+ let thumbnail = '';
+ let post_image = '';
+ let is_self_link = false;
+ let valid_reddit_self_domains = ['reddit.com'];
+ if (link.domain) {
+ let tld = link.domain.split('self.');
+ if (tld.length > 1) {
+ if (!tld[1].includes('.')) {
+ is_self_link = true;
+ link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url);
- if(config.valid_media_domains.includes(link.domain) || valid_reddit_self_domains.includes(link.domain)) {
- is_self_link = true
- link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url)
+ if (
+ config.valid_media_domains.includes(link.domain) ||
+ valid_reddit_self_domains.includes(link.domain)
+ ) {
+ is_self_link = true;
+ link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url);
- if(link.preview && link.thumbnail !== 'self') {
- if(!link.url.startsWith('/r/') && isGif(link.url)) {
- let s = await downloadAndSave(link.thumbnail, 'thumb_')
- thumbnail = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`
+ if (link.preview && link.thumbnail !== 'self') {
+ if (!link.url.startsWith('/r/') && isGif(link.url)) {
+ let s = await downloadAndSave(link.thumbnail, 'thumb_');
+ thumbnail = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`;
} else {
- if(link.preview.images[0].resolutions[0]) {
- let s = await downloadAndSave(link.preview.images[0].resolutions[0].url, 'thumb_')
- thumbnail = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`
- if(!isGif(link.url) && !link.post_hint.includes(':video')) {
- s = await downloadAndSave(link.preview.images[0].source.url)
- post_image = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`
+ if (link.preview.images[0].resolutions[0]) {
+ let s = await downloadAndSave(
+ link.preview.images[0].resolutions[0].url,
+ 'thumb_'
+ );
+ thumbnail = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`;
+ if (!isGif(link.url) && !link.post_hint.includes(':video')) {
+ s = await downloadAndSave(link.preview.images[0].source.url);
+ post_image = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`;
- link.permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.permalink}`
- if(is_self_link)
- link.url = link.permalink
- if(req.query.hasOwnProperty('full_thumbs')) {
- if(!post_image)
- post_image = thumbnail
- thumbnail = post_image
+ link.permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.permalink}`;
+ if (is_self_link) link.url = link.permalink;
+ if (req.query.hasOwnProperty('full_thumbs')) {
+ if (!post_image) post_image = thumbnail;
+ thumbnail = post_image;
- let enclosure = ''
- if(thumbnail != '') {
- let mime = ''
- let ext = thumbnail.split('.').pop()
- if(ext === 'png')
- mime = 'image/png'
- else
- mime = 'image/jpeg'
- enclosure = ``
+ let enclosure = '';
+ if (thumbnail != '') {
+ let mime = '';
+ let ext = thumbnail.split('.').pop();
+ if (ext === 'png') mime = 'image/png';
+ else mime = 'image/jpeg';
+ enclosure = ``;
- let append_desc_html = `
[link] [comments]`
+ let append_desc_html = `
[link] [comments]`;
items += `
- ${new Date(link.created_utc*1000).toGMTString()}
+ ${new Date(
+ link.created_utc * 1000
+ ).toGMTString()}
- `
+ `;
- let r_subreddit = '/r/' + subreddit
- let title = r_subreddit
- let link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${r_subreddit}`
- if(subreddit === '/') {
- r_subreddit = 'frontpage'
- title = 'teddit frontpage'
- link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}`
+ let r_subreddit = '/r/' + subreddit;
+ let title = r_subreddit;
+ let link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${r_subreddit}`;
+ if (subreddit === '/') {
+ r_subreddit = 'frontpage';
+ title = 'teddit frontpage';
+ link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}`;
- let xml_output =
- `
+ let xml_output = `
@@ -117,50 +133,57 @@ module.exports = function() {
Subreddit feed for: ${r_subreddit}
- `
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml')
- return res.end(xml_output)
+ `;
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml');
+ return res.end(xml_output);
} else {
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- if(api_target === 'reddit') {
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(json))
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+ if (api_target === 'reddit') {
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(json));
} else {
- let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(_json, from, null, req.cookies)
- let protocol = (config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http')
- for(var i = 0; i < processed_json.links.length; i++) {
- let link = processed_json.links[i]
- let valid_reddit_self_domains = ['reddit.com']
- let is_self_link = false
+ let processed_json = await processJsonSubreddit(
+ _json,
+ from,
+ null,
+ req.cookies
+ );
- if(link.domain) {
- let tld = link.domain.split('self.')
- if(tld.length > 1) {
- if(!tld[1].includes('.')) {
- is_self_link = true
- link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url)
+ let protocol = config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http';
+ for (var i = 0; i < processed_json.links.length; i++) {
+ let link = processed_json.links[i];
+ let valid_reddit_self_domains = ['reddit.com'];
+ let is_self_link = false;
+ if (link.domain) {
+ let tld = link.domain.split('self.');
+ if (tld.length > 1) {
+ if (!tld[1].includes('.')) {
+ is_self_link = true;
+ link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url);
- if(config.valid_media_domains.includes(link.domain) || valid_reddit_self_domains.includes(link.domain)) {
- is_self_link = true
- link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url)
+ if (
+ config.valid_media_domains.includes(link.domain) ||
+ valid_reddit_self_domains.includes(link.domain)
+ ) {
+ is_self_link = true;
+ link.url = teddifyUrl(link.url);
- link.permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.permalink}`
- if(is_self_link)
- link.url = link.permalink
- if(link.images) {
- if(link.images.thumb !== 'self') {
- link.images.thumb = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.images.thumb}`
+ link.permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.permalink}`;
+ if (is_self_link) link.url = link.permalink;
+ if (link.images) {
+ if (link.images.thumb !== 'self') {
+ link.images.thumb = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${link.images.thumb}`;
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(processed_json))
- }
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(processed_json));
+ }
- }
+ };
diff --git a/inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js b/inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js
index 3efde60..f07c2bb 100644
--- a/inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js
+++ b/inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js
@@ -1,74 +1,86 @@
-module.exports = function() {
- const config = require('../../config')
- this.handleTedditApiUser = async (json, req, res, from, api_type, api_target, user) => {
- if(!config.api_enabled) {
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- let msg = { info: 'This instance do not support API requests. Please see https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit#instances for instances that support API, or setup your own instance.' }
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(msg))
+const processJsonUser = require('../processJsonUser');
+module.exports = function () {
+ const config = require('../../config');
+ this.handleTedditApiUser = async (
+ json,
+ req,
+ res,
+ from,
+ api_type,
+ api_target,
+ user
+ ) => {
+ if (!config.api_enabled) {
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+ let msg = {
+ info: 'This instance do not support API requests. Please see https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit#instances for instances that support API, or setup your own instance.',
+ };
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(msg));
- console.log('Teddit API request - user')
- let _json = json // Keep the original json
- if(from === 'redis')
- json = JSON.parse(json)
- let protocol = (config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http')
- let link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}/user/${user}`
- if(api_type === 'rss') {
- let items = ''
- let posts_limit = 25
- if(json.overview.data.children.length <= posts_limit) {
- posts_limit = json.overview.data.children.length
+ console.log('Teddit API request - user');
+ let _json = json; // Keep the original json
+ if (from === 'redis') json = JSON.parse(json);
+ let protocol = config.https_enabled ? 'https' : 'http';
+ let link = `${protocol}://${config.domain}/user/${user}`;
+ if (api_type === 'rss') {
+ let items = '';
+ let posts_limit = 25;
+ if (json.overview.data.children.length <= posts_limit) {
+ posts_limit = json.overview.data.children.length;
- for(var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
- let post = json.overview.data.children[i].data
- let post_id = post.permalink.split('/').slice(-2)[0] + '/'
- let url = post.permalink.replace(post_id, '')
- let permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${post.permalink}`
- let comments_url = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${url}`
- let kind = json.overview.data.children[i].kind
- let t1_elements = ''
- let t3_elements = ''
- if(kind === 't1') {
- let append_desc_html = `
[link] [comments]`
+ for (var i = 0; i < posts_limit; i++) {
+ let post = json.overview.data.children[i].data;
+ let post_id = post.permalink.split('/').slice(-2)[0] + '/';
+ let url = post.permalink.replace(post_id, '');
+ let permalink = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${post.permalink}`;
+ let comments_url = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${url}`;
+ let kind = json.overview.data.children[i].kind;
+ let t1_elements = '';
+ let t3_elements = '';
+ if (kind === 't1') {
+ let append_desc_html = `
[link] [comments]`;
t1_elements = `
- `
+ `;
- if(kind === 't3') {
- let s = await downloadAndSave(post.thumbnail, 'thumb_')
- let thumbnail = ''
- let enclosure = ''
- if(s !== 'self' && s != '') {
- let img = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`
- thumbnail = `${img}`
- let mime = ''
- let ext = s.split('.').pop()
- if(ext === 'png')
- mime = 'image/png'
- else
- mime = 'image/jpeg'
- enclosure = ``
+ if (kind === 't3') {
+ let s = await downloadAndSave(post.thumbnail, 'thumb_');
+ let thumbnail = '';
+ let enclosure = '';
+ if (s !== 'self' && s != '') {
+ let img = `${protocol}://${config.domain}${s}`;
+ thumbnail = `${img}`;
+ let mime = '';
+ let ext = s.split('.').pop();
+ if (ext === 'png') mime = 'image/png';
+ else mime = 'image/jpeg';
+ enclosure = ``;
- let append_desc_html = `submitted by r/${post.subreddit}`
- append_desc_html += `
+ let append_desc_html = `submitted by r/${post.subreddit}`;
+ append_desc_html += `
t3_elements = `
- `
+ `;
- let title = post.title
- if(!post.title)
- title = post.link_title
+ let title = post.title;
+ if (!post.title) title = post.link_title;
items += `
@@ -76,7 +88,9 @@ module.exports = function() {
- ${new Date(post.created_utc*1000).toGMTString()}
+ ${new Date(
+ post.created_utc * 1000
+ ).toGMTString()}
@@ -85,11 +99,10 @@ module.exports = function() {
- `
+ `;
- let xml_output =
- `
+ let xml_output = `
@@ -97,17 +110,23 @@ module.exports = function() {
- `
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml')
- return res.end(xml_output)
+ `;
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/rss+xml');
+ return res.end(xml_output);
} else {
- res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
- if(api_target === 'reddit') {
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(json))
+ res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
+ if (api_target === 'reddit') {
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(json));
} else {
- let processed_json = await processJsonUser(json, true, null, null, req.cookies)
- return res.end(JSON.stringify(processed_json))
- }
+ let processed_json = await processJsonUser(
+ json,
+ true,
+ null,
+ null,
+ req.cookies
+ );
+ return res.end(JSON.stringify(processed_json));
+ }
- }
+ };
diff --git a/routes/home.js b/routes/home.js
index ceb5800..b68ba45 100644
--- a/routes/home.js
+++ b/routes/home.js
@@ -2,16 +2,9 @@ const config = require('../config');
const { redis, fetch } = require('../app');
const homeRoute = require('express').Router();
-const processUser = require('../inc/processJsonUser.js')();
-const processPost = require('../inc/processJsonPost.js')();
-const processAbout = require('../inc/processSubredditAbout.js')();
-const tedditApiUser = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js')();
-const processSearches = require('../inc/processSearchResults.js')();
-const processSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js')();
+const processJsonSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js');
const tedditApiSubreddit = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')();
const processMoreComments = require('../inc/processMoreComments.js')();
-const processSubredditsExplore =
- require('../inc/processSubredditsExplore.js')();
homeRoute.get('/:sort?', async (req, res, next) => {
let past = req.query.t;
diff --git a/routes/save.js b/routes/save.js
index 6a8cdbf..9479700 100644
--- a/routes/save.js
+++ b/routes/save.js
@@ -2,16 +2,9 @@ const config = require('../config');
const { redis, fetch } = require('../app');
const saveRoutes = require('express').Router();
-const processUser = require('../inc/processJsonUser.js')();
-const processPost = require('../inc/processJsonPost.js')();
-const processAbout = require('../inc/processSubredditAbout.js')();
-const tedditApiUser = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js')();
-const processSearches = require('../inc/processSearchResults.js')();
-const processSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js')();
+const processJsonSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js');
const tedditApiSubreddit = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')();
const processMoreComments = require('../inc/processMoreComments.js')();
-const processSubredditsExplore =
- require('../inc/processSubredditsExplore.js')();
saveRoutes.get('/saved', (req, res, next) => {
let saved = req.cookies.saved;
diff --git a/routes/subreddit.js b/routes/subreddit.js
index a8830dc..e6efad2 100644
--- a/routes/subreddit.js
+++ b/routes/subreddit.js
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ const config = require('../config');
const { redis, fetch, RedditAPI } = require('../app');
const subredditRoutes = require('express').Router();
-const processUser = require('../inc/processJsonUser.js')();
-const processPost = require('../inc/processJsonPost.js')();
-const processAbout = require('../inc/processSubredditAbout.js')();
-const tedditApiUser = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js')();
-const processSearches = require('../inc/processSearchResults.js')();
-const processSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js')();
+const {
+ processJsonPost,
+ finalizeJsonPost,
+} = require('../inc/processJsonPost.js');
+const processSubredditAbout = require('../inc/processSubredditAbout.js');
+const processSearchResults = require('../inc/processSearchResults.js');
+const processJsonSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js');
const tedditApiSubreddit = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')();
const processMoreComments = require('../inc/processMoreComments.js')();
-const processSubredditsExplore =
- require('../inc/processSubredditsExplore.js')();
+const processJsonSubredditsExplore = require('../inc/processSubredditsExplore.js');
subredditRoutes.get('/r/:subreddit/search', (req, res, next) => {
let subreddit = req.params.subreddit;
diff --git a/routes/user.js b/routes/user.js
index 4abd6cf..23b2150 100644
--- a/routes/user.js
+++ b/routes/user.js
@@ -2,16 +2,11 @@ const config = require('../config');
const { redis, fetch } = require('../app');
const userRoutes = require('express').Router();
-const processUser = require('../inc/processJsonUser.js')();
-const processPost = require('../inc/processJsonPost.js')();
-const processAbout = require('../inc/processSubredditAbout.js')();
+const processJsonUser = require('../inc/processJsonUser.js');
const tedditApiUser = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleUser.js')();
-const processSearches = require('../inc/processSearchResults.js')();
-const processSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js')();
+const processJsonSubreddit = require('../inc/processJsonSubreddit.js');
const tedditApiSubreddit = require('../inc/teddit_api/handleSubreddit.js')();
const processMoreComments = require('../inc/processMoreComments.js')();
-const processSubredditsExplore =
- require('../inc/processSubredditsExplore.js')();
userRoutes.get('/user/:user/:kind?', (req, res, next) => {
let kind = '';