""" Tests for the RESTful HTTP API for nftables Copyright 2024, Georg Pfuetzenreuter Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"). You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. An English copy of the Licence is shipped in a file called LICENSE along with this applications source code. You may obtain copies of the Licence in any of the official languages at https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-eupl-12. """ from json import dumps, loads from falcon import HTTP_CREATED, HTTP_OK, HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED from pytest import mark vs = [4, 6] def test_get_set_unauthorized_no_token(client): response = client.simulate_get('/set/inet/filter/testset4') have_out = loads(response.content) assert response.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED assert 'title' in have_out assert have_out['title'] == 'Authentication required' def test_get_set_unauthorized_wrong_token(client): response = client.simulate_get( '/set/inet/filter/testset4', headers={'X-NFT-API-Token': 'pwned'}, ) have_out = loads(response.content) assert response.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED assert 'title' in have_out assert have_out['title'] == 'Unauthorized' def test_post_set_unauthorized_wrong_token_for_method(client): response = client.simulate_post( '/set/inet/filter/testset4', headers={ 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-NFT-API-Token': 'ICanOnlyGet', }, ) have_out = loads(response.content) assert response.status == HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED assert 'title' in have_out assert have_out['title'] == 'Unauthorized method for path' @mark.parametrize('v', vs) def test_get_set(client, nft_ruleset_populated_sets, v): # noqa ARG001, nft is not needed here want_out = { 4: ["", ""], 6: ["fd80::/64", "fe80::1"], } response = client.simulate_get( f'/set/inet/filter/testset{v}', headers={'X-NFT-API-Token': 'foo'}, ) have_out = loads(response.content) assert sorted(have_out) == sorted(want_out[v]) assert response.status == HTTP_OK @mark.parametrize('v', vs) @mark.parametrize('plvariant', ['address', 'network']) @mark.parametrize('plformat', ['string', 'list']) def test_append_to_set(client, nft_ruleset_populated_sets, v, plvariant, plformat): nft = nft_ruleset_populated_sets # all the matrixes could be moved to parameters if plformat == 'string': if plvariant == 'address': to_add = { 4: '', 6: 'fd10:f00::', } elif plvariant == 'network': to_add = { 4: '', 6: 'fd10:f00::/48', } added = to_add[v] elif plformat == 'list': if plvariant == 'address': to_add = { 4: [''], 6: ['fd10:f00::'], } elif plvariant == 'network': to_add = { 4: [''], 6: ['fd10:f00::/48'], } added = to_add[v][0] response = client.simulate_post( f'/set/inet/filter/testset{v}', body=dumps({ 'addresses': to_add[v], }), headers={ 'content-type': 'application/json', 'X-NFT-API-Token': 'foo', }, ) have_out = loads(response.content) assert have_out == {'status': True} assert response.status == HTTP_CREATED assert added in nft.cmd(f'list set inet filter testset{v}')[1]