/* luksrku - Tool to remotely unlock LUKS disks using TLS. Copyright (C) 2016-2019 Johannes Bauer This file is part of luksrku. luksrku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; this program is ONLY licensed under version 3 of the License, later versions are explicitly excluded. luksrku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with luksrku; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Johannes Bauer */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "keydb.h" #include "util.h" #include "log.h" static unsigned int keydb_getsize_hostcount(unsigned int host_count) { return sizeof(struct keydb_t) + (host_count * sizeof(struct host_entry_t)); } static unsigned int keydb_getsize(const struct keydb_t *keydb) { return keydb_getsize_hostcount(keydb->host_count); } struct keydb_t* keydb_new(void) { struct keydb_t *keydb = calloc(sizeof(struct keydb_t), 1); keydb->keydb_version = KEYDB_VERSION; keydb->server_database = true; return keydb; } void keydb_free(struct keydb_t *keydb) { memset(keydb, 0, keydb_getsize(keydb)); free(keydb); } struct keydb_t* keydb_add_host(struct keydb_t *keydb, const char *hostname) { struct keydb_t *new_keydb = realloc(keydb, keydb_getsize_hostcount(keydb->host_count + 1)); if (!new_keydb) { return NULL; } memset(&new_keydb->hosts[new_keydb->host_count], 0, sizeof(struct host_entry_t)); new_keydb->host_count++; return new_keydb; } bool keydb_write(const struct keydb_t *keydb, const char *filename, const char *passphrase) { enum kdf_t kdf; if ((!passphrase) || (strlen(passphrase) == 0)) { /* For empty password, we can also use garbage KDF */ kdf = KDF_PBKDF2_SHA256_1000; } else { kdf = KDF_SCRYPT_N17_r8_p1; } return write_encrypted_file(filename, keydb, keydb_getsize(keydb), passphrase, kdf); } struct keydb_t* keydb_read(const char *filename) { struct decrypted_file_t decrypted_file = read_encrypted_file(filename); if (!decrypted_file.success) { return NULL; } struct keydb_t *keydb = (struct keydb_t*)decrypted_file.data; if (keydb->keydb_version != KEYDB_VERSION) { log_msg(LLVL_ERROR, "keydb in %s could be read, but is of version %u (we expected %u).\n", keydb->keydb_version, KEYDB_VERSION); OPENSSL_cleanse(decrypted_file.data, decrypted_file.data_length); free(decrypted_file.data); return NULL; } if (decrypted_file.data_length != keydb_getsize(keydb)) { log_msg(LLVL_ERROR, "keydb in %s could be read, but was %u bytes long (we expected %u).\n", decrypted_file.data_length, keydb_getsize(keydb)); OPENSSL_cleanse(decrypted_file.data, decrypted_file.data_length); free(decrypted_file.data); return NULL; } return keydb; }