/* * This file was AUTO-GENERATED by pypgmopts. * * https://github.com/johndoe31415/pypgmopts * * Do not edit it by hand, your changes will be overwritten. * * Generated at: 2019-10-25 11:06:30 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "argparse_client.h" static enum argparse_client_option_t last_parsed_option; static char last_error_message[256]; static const char *option_texts[] = { [ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT] = "-t / --timeout", [ARG_CLIENT_PORT] = "-p / --port", [ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS] = "--no-luks", [ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE] = "-v / --verbose", [ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME] = "filename", [ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME] = "hostname", }; enum argparse_client_option_internal_t { ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SHORT = 't', ARG_CLIENT_PORT_SHORT = 'p', ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE_SHORT = 'v', ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LONG = 1000, ARG_CLIENT_PORT_LONG = 1001, ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS_LONG = 1002, ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE_LONG = 1003, ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME_LONG = 1004, ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_LONG = 1005, }; static void errmsg_callback(const char *errmsg, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, errmsg); vsnprintf(last_error_message, sizeof(last_error_message), errmsg, ap); va_end(ap); } static void errmsg_option_callback(enum argparse_client_option_t error_option, const char *errmsg, ...) { last_parsed_option = error_option; va_list ap; va_start(ap, errmsg); vsnprintf(last_error_message, sizeof(last_error_message), errmsg, ap); va_end(ap); } bool argparse_client_parse(int argc, char **argv, argparse_client_callback_t argument_callback, argparse_client_plausibilization_callback_t plausibilization_callback) { last_parsed_option = ARGPARSE_CLIENT_NO_OPTION; const char *short_options = "t:p:v"; struct option long_options[] = { { "timeout", required_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LONG }, { "port", required_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_PORT_LONG }, { "no-luks", no_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS_LONG }, { "verbose", no_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE_LONG }, { "filename", required_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME_LONG }, { "hostname", required_argument, 0, ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME_LONG }, { 0 } }; while (true) { int optval = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (optval == -1) { break; } last_error_message[0] = 0; enum argparse_client_option_internal_t arg = (enum argparse_client_option_internal_t)optval; switch (arg) { case ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_SHORT: case ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT_LONG: last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT; if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, optarg, errmsg_callback)) { return false; } break; case ARG_CLIENT_PORT_SHORT: case ARG_CLIENT_PORT_LONG: last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_PORT; if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_PORT, optarg, errmsg_callback)) { return false; } break; case ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS_LONG: last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS; if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS, optarg, errmsg_callback)) { return false; } break; case ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE_SHORT: case ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE_LONG: last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE; if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE, optarg, errmsg_callback)) { return false; } break; default: last_parsed_option = ARGPARSE_CLIENT_NO_OPTION; errmsg_callback("unrecognized option supplied"); return false; } } const int positional_argument_cnt = argc - optind; const int flexible_positional_args_cnt = positional_argument_cnt - 1; last_parsed_option = ARGPARSE_CLIENT_POSITIONAL_ARG; if (positional_argument_cnt < 1) { errmsg_callback("expected a minimum of 1 positional argument, but %d given.", positional_argument_cnt); return false; } if (positional_argument_cnt > 2) { errmsg_callback("expected a maximum of 2 positional arguments, but %d given.", positional_argument_cnt); return false; } int positional_index = optind; last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME; if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME, argv[positional_index++], errmsg_callback)) { return false; } last_parsed_option = ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME; for (int i = 0; i < flexible_positional_args_cnt; i++) { if (!argument_callback(ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME, argv[positional_index++], errmsg_callback)) { return false; } } if (plausibilization_callback) { if (!plausibilization_callback(errmsg_option_callback)) { return false; } } return true; } void argparse_client_show_syntax(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: luksrku client [-t secs] [-p port] [--no-luks] [-v] filename [hostname]\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Connects to a luksrku key server and unlocks local LUKS volumes.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "positional arguments:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " filename Exported database file to load TLS-PSKs and list of\n"); fprintf(stderr, " disks from.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " hostname When hostname is given, auto-searching for suitable\n"); fprintf(stderr, " servers is disabled and only a connection to the given\n"); fprintf(stderr, " hostname is attempted.\n"); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "optional arguments:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -t secs, --timeout secs\n"); fprintf(stderr, " When searching for a keyserver and not all volumes can\n"); fprintf(stderr, " be unlocked, abort after this period of time, given in\n"); fprintf(stderr, " seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -p port, --port port Port that is used for both UDP and TCP communication.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " Defaults to 23170.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " --no-luks Do not call LUKS/cryptsetup. Useful for testing\n"); fprintf(stderr, " unlocking procedure.\n"); fprintf(stderr, " -v, --verbose Increase verbosity. Can be specified multiple times.\n"); } void argparse_client_parse_or_quit(int argc, char **argv, argparse_client_callback_t argument_callback, argparse_client_plausibilization_callback_t plausibilization_callback) { if (!argparse_client_parse(argc, argv, argument_callback, plausibilization_callback)) { if (last_parsed_option > ARGPARSE_CLIENT_POSITIONAL_ARG) { if (last_error_message[0]) { fprintf(stderr, "luksrku client: error parsing argument %s -- %s\n", option_texts[last_parsed_option], last_error_message); } else { fprintf(stderr, "luksrku client: error parsing argument %s -- no details available\n", option_texts[last_parsed_option]); } } else if (last_parsed_option == ARGPARSE_CLIENT_POSITIONAL_ARG) { fprintf(stderr, "luksrku client: error parsing optional arguments -- %s\n", last_error_message); } argparse_client_show_syntax(); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } #ifdef __ARGPARSE_MAIN__ /* gcc -D __ARGPARSE_MAIN__ -O2 -Wall -o argparse argparse_client.c */ static const char *option_enum_to_str(enum argparse_client_option_t option) { switch (option) { case ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT: return "ARG_CLIENT_TIMEOUT"; case ARG_CLIENT_PORT: return "ARG_CLIENT_PORT"; case ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS: return "ARG_CLIENT_NO_LUKS"; case ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE: return "ARG_CLIENT_VERBOSE"; case ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME: return "ARG_CLIENT_FILENAME"; case ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME: return "ARG_CLIENT_HOSTNAME"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } bool arg_print_callback(enum argparse_client_option_t option, const char *value, argparse_client_errmsg_callback_t errmsg_callback) { fprintf(stderr, "%s = \"%s\"\n", option_enum_to_str(option), value); return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { argparse_client_parse_or_quit(argc, argv, arg_print_callback, NULL); return 0; } #endif