{ "start_button": "开始", "start_greeting": "欢迎来到 Kiwi IRC!", "close": "关闭", "connect": "连接", "connecting": "正在连接···", "connected": "已连接", "settings": "设置", "kiwi_settings": "Kiwi 设置", "channels": "频道", "access": "Access", "banned": "封禁用户", "invited": "Invited Users", "notifications": "通知消息", "username": "用户名", "password": "密码", "server_password": "Server Password", "password_have": "我有密码", "server": "服务器", "nick": "昵称", "channel": "频道", "messages": "消息", "network": "网络", "znc": "ZNC", "logging_in": "正在登录···", "invalid_login": "无效登录", "do_search": "搜索···", "ok": "好", "cancel": "取消", "yes": "是", "no": "否", "not_found": "Not found.", "warning": "警告", "window_unload": "这将关闭所有的 KiwiIRC 对话。您确定关闭此窗口吗?", "whois_realname": "真实名称", "whois_status": "状态", "whois_status_available": "可用", "send_a_message": "发送消息", "more_information": "更多信息", "ignore_user": "忽略用户", "connection_channel": "频道", "away": "Away", "week": "{{count}} 个星期", "week_plural": "{{count}} weeks", "day": "{{count}} day", "day_plural": "{{count}} days", "hour": "{{count}} hour", "hour_plural": "{{count}} hours", "minute": "{{count}} minute", "minute_plural": "{{count}} minutes", "second": "{{count}} second", "second_plural": "{{count}} seconds", "settings_general": "通用", "settings_language": "Language", "settings_theme": "主题", "refresh_theme": "刷新主题", "settings_themeurl": "主题地址", "settings_messagelayout": "Message Layout", "settings_use_monospace": "使用等宽字体", "settings_default_handler": "Use Kiwi as my default IRC client", "settings_layout_compact": "传统 IRC 布局", "settings_show_autocomplete": "显示自动补全列表", "settings_messages_title": "聊天信息", "settings_timestamps": "显示时间戳", "settings_24hour_timestamps": "使用 24 小时制时间戳", "settings_emoticons": "显示表情", "settings_block_private": "不接收新私信", "settings_scrollback": "历史消息", "settings_formatting": "额外格式", "settings_nick_colouring": "聊天彩色昵称", "settings_share_typing": "Share when I'm typing a message", "settings_show_inline_previews": "Show inline image previews", "settings_show_joinpart": "令加入/部分信息变成活动", "settings_mute_sound": "静音提示", "settings_highlight": "高亮单词(使用空格分开)", "settings_aliases": "别名", "what_are_aliases": "What are aliases?", "send_message": "发送消息", "bufferkey_input": "Enter Channel Key", "bufferkey_rejoin": "Rejoin {{channel}}", "settings_notify": "提示我", "settings_notify_all": "所有信息", "settings_notify_mentioned": "我被提及", "settings_notify_never": "从不", "settings_notify_mute": "静音", "settings_show_message_counts": "Hide unread message count", "operator_tools": "操作工具", "settings_default_ban_mask": "默认封禁理由", "settings_default_kick_reason": "默认踢出原因", "settings_advanced_title": "Advanced Settings", "settings_advanced_warning": "Monsters be here, only click this button if you know what you are doing", "settings_advanced_button": "Enable Advanced Settings", "settings_advanced_header": "Danger Zone: Changing some of these settings may break things!", "settings_advanced_reset": "重置", "settings_advanced_filter": "Filter", "bans_refresh": "刷新封禁列表", "bans_user": "已封禁用户", "bans_by": "封禁", "bans_refreshing": "正在刷新封禁列表···", "bans_nobody": "无人被封禁!", "invites_refresh": "Refresh invite list", "invites_user": "Invited user", "invites_by": "Invited by", "invites_refreshing": "Refreshing invite list...", "invites_nobody": "Nobody is invited!", "invite_public_channel": "This is a public channel.", "invite_private_channel": "Only invited users can join.", "invite_set_private": "Only allow invited users", "invite_set_public": "Allow anybody to join", "invite_registered_only": "Only registered users can join", "invite_add_invite": "Add invite", "invite_any_registered": "(Any registered user)", "channel_topic": "主题", "channel_moderated": "主持聊天", "channel_invite": "仅限邀请", "channel_moderated_topic": "只有管理员可以修改主题", "channel_external": "阻挡除此频道之外的信息", "channel_list_fetch": "点击刷新按钮更新频道列表", "channel_list_nonefound": "未找到任何频道,请稍后再试", "container_welcome": "欢迎来到 Kiwi IRC!", "container_statebrowser": "显示状态浏览器", "hide_topic": "Hide Topic", "display_topic": "Display Topic", "channel_settings": "Channel Settings", "container_join": "加入频道", "container_notconnected": "未连接", "container_privmsg": "与 {{user}} 的私聊", "prompt_leave_channel": "Really leave the channel?", "input_placeholder": "在此处发送信息···", "media_loading": "正在加载 {{url}}···", "messages_load": "载入历史聊天记录", "unread_messages": "未读信息", "settings_server_details": "服务器信息", "settings_port": "端口", "settings_znc_other": "在此 ZNC 账号上的其他网络将被添加至网络列表中", "settings_your_details": "您的信息", "settings_nickname": "昵称", "settings_advanced": "高级", "settings_encoding": "编码", "settings_show_raw": "显示原始信息", "settings_use_websocket": "Direct websocket", "settings_autorun": "当连接时运行指令", "settings_danger": "危险选项", "settings_remove": "移除网络", "person": "有 {{count}} 人在线", "person_plural": "有 {{count}} 人在线", "filter_users": "Filter users in channel", "reconnect_channel": "重连至 {{channel}}", "reconnect_network": "重连至 {{network}} 以开始聊天", "reconnect_query": "重连以继续和 {{user}} 的聊天", "not_connected": "You are not currently connected!", "reconnect_settings": "连接设置", "network_noconnect": "We couldn't connect to that server :(", "network_connect": "Connect To Network", "network_name": "Network Name", "side_close": "关闭设置", "side_options": "频道设置", "side_settings": "您的设置", "side_joins": "在成员加入时显示", "side_topics": "当频道主题改变时显示", "side_nick_changes": "当用户修改昵称时显示", "side_mode_changes": "当用户改变频道模式时显示", "side_formatting": "额外信息格式", "side_colours": "列表中的昵称颜色", "side_buffer": "无缓冲区", "no_topic_set": "这个频道没有主题", "about": "About", "created_at": "创建于 {{when}}", "highlights": "Highlights", "nobody_mentioned_you": "Nobody has mentioned you yet...", "error_starting": "启动 Kiwi IRC 时出现问题:(", "error_installed": "请确保您已正确安装 Kiwi IRC 并可加载配置", "state_leave": "离开 {{name}}", "state_account": "您的账户", "state_remembered": "您的设置和网络将保存在此电脑上。", "state_forget": "忘记我", "state_network": "这里还没有网络。", "state_add": "是否添加一个?", "state_available": "可用网络", "add_network": "Add Network", "new_network": "New Network", "no_network": "No Network", "state_configure": "配置网络", "state_disconnected": "未连接。", "state_join": "加入新 #频道", "filter_channels": "Filter channels", "find_more_channels": "Find More Channels", "change_nick": "修改昵称", "enter_new_nick": "请输入新昵称……", "user_you": "This is you!", "user_account": "账户名:{{user}}", "user_realname": "真实名称:{{realname}}", "user_bot": "是否为机器人", "user_help": "是否可寻求帮助", "user_op": "是否为管理员", "user_server": "已连接至 {{server}} {{info}}", "user_secure": "通过 SSL/TLS 安全连接", "user_channels": "也在 {{channels}} 频道", "user_access": "访问等级", "user_normal": "普通", "user_kick": "从频道中踢出", "user_ban": "从频道中封禁", "user_kickban": "从频道中踢出并封禁", "error_no_channel_join": "Please specify a channel to join. eg /join #example", "error_nick_in_use": "用户名{{nick}} 已被使用", "error_empty_nick": "You must enter a new nickname", "error_no_number": "Nickname must not start with a number", "modes_give_ops": "{{nick}} 将管理员权限授予了 {{target}}", "modes_take_ops": "{{nick}} 移除了 {{target}} 的管理员权限", "modes_give_halfops": "{{nick}} 将半管理员权限授予了 {{target}}", "modes_take_halfops": "{{nick}} 移除了 {{target}} 的半管理员权限", "modes_give_voice": "{{nick}} 将语音权限授予了 {{target}}", "modes_take_voice": "{{nick}} 移除了 {{target}} 的语音权限", "modes_give_admin": "{{nick}} 将行政员权限授予了 {{target}}", "modes_take_admin": "{{nick}} 移除了 {{target}} 的行政员权限", "modes_give_owner": "{{nick}} 将所有者权限授予了 {{target}}", "modes_take_owner": "{{nick}} 移除了 {{target}} 的所有者权限", "modes_gives_ban": "{{nick}} 封禁了 {{target}}", "modes_takes_ban": "{{nick}} 解封了 {{target}}", "modes_other": "{{nick}} 将 {{mode}} 设置在 {{target}} 上", "command_msg": "发送消息", "command_action": "Do something physical", "command_join": "Join a channel", "command_part": "Leave a channel", "command_cycle": "Leave, then re-join a channel", "command_nick": "Change your nickname", "command_query": "Start a private conversation with someone", "command_invite": "Invite somebody into the channel", "command_topic": "为当前频道设置主题", "command_notice": "Send a notice", "command_quote": "Send a raw command to the IRC server", "command_kick": "Kick somebody from the channel", "command_clear": "Clear all messages from this window", "command_ctcp": "Send a CTCP command to somebody", "command_quit": "Disconnect from the IRC server", "command_server": "Connect to a new IRC network", "command_whois": "Request information on somebody", "command_whowas": "Request information on somebody that disconnected recently", "command_away": "Set yourself as away", "command_back": "Set yourself as active", "command_encoding": "Change your connection encoding", "command_ignore": "Ignore messages from somebody", "command_unignore": "Stop ignoring somebody", "command_dice": "掷骰子", "dice_roll": "掷出{{sides}}面骰子,结果为{{number}}点", "personal_client": "您的 IRC 客户端", "personal_addjoin": "添加您的网络。加入您的频道。", "personal_return": "您回来时他们仍然在这等您。", "personal_add": "添加网络", "personal_connect_to": "You are trying to connect to {{network}}", "personal_added_to_existing": "Network has been added to your existing Kiwi window.", "personal_add_existing_tab": "Add network to existing Kiwi window", "personal_connect_temporary": "Temporarily connect to this network", "personal_saved": "已保存的网络", "rizon_title": "Kiwi IRC (全新版本) - Rizon 预览版", "rizon_websockets": "直接网页套接字。无需 Kiwi 服务器或 webirc 的介入。", "rizon_thanks": "(感谢 Adam @Rizon 开发网页套接字服务器的支持!)", "rizon_dev": "试试开发者版本的 Kiwi IRC!", "disconnected": "已断开", "connected_to": "已连接至 {{network}}!", "has_joined": "{{nick}} 已加入", "kicked_you_from": "{{nick}} 已将您从 {{channel}} 踢出", "was_kicked_from": "{{nick}} 被 {{chanop}} 从 {{channel}} 中踢出", "has_left": "{{nick}} 已离开", "invited_you": "{{nick}} 邀请您加入 {{channel}}", "nick_in_use_retrying": "昵称 {{nick}} 已被使用。正在重试 {{newnick}}...", "now_known_as": "{{nick}} 现在已更名为 {{newnick}}", "changed_topic_to": "修改了主题至:{{topic}}" }