forked from GitHub/dbot

### lastfm module removed ~taste and taste compare functions from lastfm - their API no longer supports these calls Improved error reporting for ~suggestion and also parallelized the youtube/spotify queries ### spotify module removed link matching - the Link module provides the exact same information as directly querying spotify so there's no real point
Various Spotify functionality.
This module posts information on Spotify links, as well as providing Spotify search functionality.
Edit the “api_key_clientid” setting with your Spotify API client ID. Edit the “api_key_clientsecret” setting with your Spotify API client secret.
~spotify [query]
Search spotify for a song.
~syt [youtube link]
Attempt to get a Spotify link from a YouTube link. If no link is provided with the commands, it will attempt to use the last link posted in the channel.
spotifySearch(query, callback)
Run a search query on Spotify. If no results are found, the callback will pass false. If a result is found, the callback takes two arguments: data about the found track, and a link to the track.
Posts information about a Spotify link when one is posted in a channel.