Depressionbot IRC Bot
Depressionbot is an IRC bot which aims to be the fanciest IRC bot around - On the general standard of software fanciness, dbot is rated as being ‘81% the same as bathing in fine, fine grape juice.’
Please note that this documentation is not complete and is a work in progress, given I started it rather a long time after I began development of the project. Please don’t judge me too harshly for this as I am, in fact, mildly allergic to writing documentation.
- Node JS
- JSBot, a Javascript library which handles the IRC protocol.
- Various modules have their own requirements also.
External Modules
JSBot and externally developed modules can be imported by running the following commands in the cloned repository:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Will attempt to correct a users’ spelling by using the levenshtein distance algorithm. One corrects the spelling of their previous message by simply posting a message with their correction and an asterisk:
> user: I am a tutrle.
> user: *turtle
user meant: I am a turtle.
The regular expression for this module also accepts two asterisks at the beginning of the correction, or at the end; it also accepts several words as the correction and deals with these fairly intelligently. Users may also attempt to correct another users like so:
> userone: I am a tutrle.
> usertwo: userone: *turtle
> usertwo thinks userone meant: I am a turtle.