## sstats Adds various stats functionality. ### Description This module provides a command which allows users to print stats, such as how many words etc.. ### Dependencies It has following dependencies: + [async](https://github.com/caolan/async) ### config.json database type and curses can be set. ``` { "dbType": "redis", "dependencies": [ "users" ], "curses": [ "s***", "f***" ] } ``` ### Commands #### ~words [user] Displays how many words a user wrote. Example: + ~words reality #### ~lines [user] Displays how many lines a user wrote. Example: + ~lines reality #### ~loudest [channel] Displays the users with the most lines written. Example: + ~loudest #tripsit #### ~uncouth [channel] Displays the users with the most curses written. Example: + ~uncouth #tripsit #### ~shoutiest [user] Displays the users with the most capital words written. Example: + ~shoutiest #tripsit #### ~wordiest [channel] Displays the users with the most words written. Example: + ~wordiest #tripsit #### ~clines [user] Displays how many lines a user wrote in all channels. Example: + ~clines reality #### ~last [user] Displays when the user was last seen. Example: + ~last reality #### ~trackword [word] Adding a word to being tracked. Example: + ~trackword derp #### ~word [word] Displays how often a word was written in all channels. Example: + ~word derp #### ~wordusers [word] Displays how often and by whom a word was written. Example: + ~wordusers derp ### TODO