{ "command_ban": { "en": "{user} is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.", "es": "{user} está prohibido de usar esta instrucción. Comenzar incineración.", "na'vi": "Tsu'ori {user} ke tung. Nga skxawng lu.", "cy": "Mae {user} wedi ei gohurio gan ddefnyddio'r gorchymun yma. Cychwyn orfflosgiad", "nl": "{user} mag dit commando niet meer gebruiken. Bereid het verbrandingsritueel voor." }, "syntax_error": { "en": "Invalid syntax. Initiate incineration.", "es": "Sintaxis no válida. Iniciar incineración.", "na'vi": "Ngeyä pamrel keyawr lu. Nga skxawng lu.", "cy": "Cystrawen annilys. Cychwyn orfflosgiad", "nl": "Ongeldige syntax. Bereid het verbrandingsritueel voor." }, "usage": { "en": "Usage for {command}: {usage}.", "na'vi": "Nga tsun sivar ìlä {command}: {usage}.", "cy": "Defnydd o {command}: {usage}.", "nl": "{command} wordt op de volgende manier gebruikt: {usage}." }, "no_usage_info": { "en": "No usage information found for {command}.", "na'vi": "Oel ke tsun sivar {comamnd}it", "cy": "Ni chanfuwyd gwybodaeth am ddefnydd o {command}", "nl": "Geen gebruiksinformatie gevonden voor {command}." }, "help_link": { "en": "Help for {module}: {link}", "na'vi": "{module}ä srungìl {link} it tok", "cy": "Cymorth am {module}: {link}", "nl": "Hulp voor {module}: {link}" }, "no_help": { "en": "No help found for {module}.", "na'vi": "Fì{module}ìri oel ke tsun run srungit", "cy": "Ni chanfuwyd cymorth am {module}", "nl": "Geen hulp gevonden voor {module}." }, "loaded_modules": { "en": "Loaded modules: {modules}.", "cy": "Modiwlau sy'n lwythodd: {modules}.", "nl": "Geladen modules: {modules}." }, "access_denied": { "en": "{user}: You don't have the access level to run this command." } }