/** * Module name: kill_namespam * Description: destroy those wot hilight too many nicks at once . usually * advertising their rubbish irc server (do not) */ var _ = require('underscore')._; var kill_namespam = function(dbot) { this.listener = function(event) { // Here we listen for atropos if(event.channel == this.config.cliconn_channel) { if(event.message.match('▶')) { var matchedPattern = _.find(this.config.cliconn_patterns, function(p) { return event.message.match(p); }) if(matchedPattern) { var ip = event.message.split(' ') // Alternatively you can just do dbot.api.kick.kill(event.server, event.user, message); dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add *@'+ ip +' !P Naughty Nelly Auto-kill v6.2'); var msg = dbot.t('clikill_act', { 'ip': ip, 'pattern': matchedPattern }); event.reply(msg); dbot.api.report.notify('autokill', event.server, event.user, dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel, msg, ip, ip); } } } // This is the namespam if(event.channel == event.user) return; // return if pm if(_.includes(this.config.exempt, event.user)) return; var message; var naughty = false; // Check distinctive spam content match if(_.any(this.config.advert_content, function(spam) { return event.message.indexOf(spam) != -1; })) { message = dbot.t('spamcont_act', { 'user': event.user, 'channel': event.channel, 'action': this.config.action }); naughty = true; } // Name highlight spam if(_.filter(event.message.split(' '), function(word) { return _.has(event.channel.nicks, word); }).length > this.config.sensitivity) { message = dbot.t('namespam_act', { 'user': event.user, 'channel': event.channel, 'action': this.config.action, 'sensitivity': this.config.sensitivity }); naughty = true; } if(naughty) { switch(this.config.action) { case 'kickban': dbot.api.kick.ban(event.server, event.host, event.channel); dbot.api.kick.kick(event.server, event.user, message); break; case 'kill': dbot.api.kick.kill(event.server, event.user, message); default: break; } dbot.api.report.notify('spam', event.server, event.user, event.channel, message, event.host, event.user); } }.bind(this); this.on = 'PRIVMSG'; this.commands = { '~add_spamkill': function(event) { this.config.advert_content.push(event.params.slice(1).join(' ')) event.reply('Users daring to utter the above to be classified as spam.'); }, '~del_spamkill': function(event) { this.config.advert_content = _.without(this.config.advert_content, event.params.slice(1).join(' ')); event.reply('Users will no longer be killed for this utterance.'); }, '~add_clikill': function(event) { var pattern = event.params.slice(1).join(' '); this.config.cliconn_patterns.push(pattern); event.reply('Client connection notices matching pattern /'+ pattern +'/ shall henceforth get rekt.'); }, '~del_clikill': function(event) { var pattern = event.params.slice(1).join(' '); this.config.cliconn_patterns = _.without(this.config.cliconn_patterns, pattern); event.reply('Client connection notices matching pattern /'+ pattern +'/ will no longer get rekt.'); }, '~list_clikill': function(event) { event.reply('Currently active "cliconn" kills (tip: when using this, don\'t include your own slashes aroudn the patterns!): '); _.each(this.config.cliconn_patterns, function(pattern, i) { event.reply('['+i+'] /' + pattern + '/'); }); } }; _.each(this.commands, function(c) { c.access = 'moderator'; }); }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return new kill_namespam(dbot); };