/** * Module Name: Ignore * Description: Handles commands in which users can choose to ignore listeners * and commands from certain modules. It also populates the JSBot instance with * this information, since that actually performs the ignorance. Also provides * commands for moderators to choose the bot to ignore certain channels. */ var _ = require('underscore')._; var ignore = function(dbot) { var commands = { '~ignore': function(event) { var module = event.params[1]; var ignorableModules = _.chain(dbot.modules) .filter(function(module, name) { return dbot.config[module].ignorable === true; }) .pluck('name') .value(); if(_.isUndefined(module)) { event.reply(dbot.t('ignore_usage', { 'user': event.user, 'modules': ignorableModules.join(', ') })); } else { if(_.include(ignorableModules, module)) { if(_.has(dbot.db.ignores, event.user) && _.include(dbot.db.ignores[event.user], module)) { event.reply(dbot.t('already_ignoring', { 'user': event.user })); } else { if(_.has(dbot.db.ignores, module)) { dbot.db.ignores[event.user].push(module); } else { dbot.db.ignores[event.user] = [module]; } dbot.instance.ignoreTag(event.user, module); event.reply(dbot.t('ignored', { 'user': event.user, 'module': module })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t('invalid_ignore', { 'user': event.user })); } } }, '~unignore': function(event) { var ignoredModules = []; if(_.has(dbot.db.ignores, event.user)) { ignoredModules = dbot.db.ignores[event.user]; } var module = event.params[1]; if(_.isUndefined(module)) { event.reply(dbot.t('unignore_usage', { 'user': event.user, 'modules': ignoredModules.join(', ') })); } else { if(_.include(ignoredModules, module)) { dbot.db.ignores[event.user].splice(dbot.db.ignores[event.user].indexOf(module), 1); dbot.instance.removeIgnore(event.user, module) event.reply(dbot.t('unignored', { 'user': event.user, 'module': module })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('invalid_unignore', { 'user': event.user })); } } }, '~ignorechannel': function(event) { var channel = ((event.params[1] == '@') ? event.channel.name : event.params[1]); var module = event.params[2]; // Ignoring the value of 'ignorable' at the moment if(_.include(dbot.config.moduleNames, module)) { if(!_.has(dbot.db.ignores, channel)) dbot.db.ignores[channel] = []; if(!_.include(dbot.db.ignores[channel], module)) { dbot.db.ignores[channel].push(module); dbot.instance.ignoreTag(channel, module); event.reply(dbot.t('ignoring_channel', { 'module': module, 'channel': channel })e; } else { event.reply(dbot.t('already_ignoring_channel', { 'module': module, 'channel': channel })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t('module_not_exist', { 'module': module })); } }, '~unignorechannel': function(event) { var channel = ((event.params[1] == '@') ? event.channel.name : event.params[1]); var module = event.params[2]; if(!_.has(dbot.db.ignores, channel)) dbot.db.ignores[channel] = []; if(_.include(dbot.db.ignores[channel], module)) { dbot.db.ignores[channel] = _.without(dbot.db.ignores[channel], module); dbot.instance.removeIgnore(channel, module); event.reply(dbot.t('unignoring_channel', { 'module': module, 'channel': channel })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('not_ignoring_channel', { 'module': module, 'channel': channel })); } } }; commands['~ignorechannel'].access = 'moderator'; commands['~unignorechannel'].access = 'moderator'; this.commands = commands; this.onLoad = function() { dbot.instance.clearIgnores(); _.each(dbot.db.ignores, function(ignores, item) { _.each(ignores, function(ignore) { dbot.instance.ignoreTag(item, ignore); }, this); }, this); }; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return new ignore(dbot); };