var _ = require('underscore')._, uuid = require('node-uuid'); var commands = function(dbot) { var commands = { /*** Kick Management ***/ '~quiet': function(event) { var server = event.server, quieter = event.rUser, duration = event.input[1], channel = (event.input[2] ||, quietee = event.input[3].trim(), reason = event.input[4] || "N/A"; this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function(response) { event.reply(response); }); }, '~timeout': function(event) { var server = event.server, quieter = event.rUser, duration = this.config.timeoutTime, channel =, quietee = event.input[1], reason = event.input[2] || "N/A"; reason += ' #timeout'; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(server, quietee, function(err, user) { if(!err && user) { if(!_.has(this.recentTimeouts, { this.recentTimeouts[] = 0; } this.recentTimeouts[] += 1; setTimeout(function() { this.recentTimeouts[] -= 1; if(this.recentTimeouts[] == 0) { delete this.recentTimeouts[]; } }.bind(this), 300000); if(this.recentTimeouts[] == 3) { duration = null; reason += ' #permatimeout'; dbot.say(event.server, dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel, quietee + ' has been given three timeouts in the last hour, and so has been quieted indefinitely. Please review.'); } this.api.quietUser(server, quieter, duration, channel, quietee, reason, function(response) { event.reply(response); }); } }.bind(this)); }, '~unquiet': function(event) { var server = event.server, quieter = event.user, channel = (event.input[1] ||, quietee = event.input[2].trim(); if(_.has(this.hosts[server], quietee)) { if(_.include(this.config.quietBans, channel)) { this.api.unban(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel); } else { this.api.unquiet(server, this.hosts[server][quietee], channel); } event.reply(dbot.t('unquieted', { 'quietee': quietee }));'unquiet', server, event.rUser, channel, dbot.t('unquiet_notify', { 'unquieter': quieter, 'quietee': quietee }), false, quietee); } }, '~ckick': function(event) { var server = event.server, kicker = event.user, kickee = event.input[2], channel = event.input[1], reason = event.input[3]; if(_.isUndefined(channel)) { channel =; } channel = channel.trim(); this.api.kick(server, kickee, channel, reason + ' (requested by ' + kicker + ')');'kick', server, event.rUser, channel, dbot.t('ckicked', { 'kicker': kicker, 'kickee': kickee, 'reason': reason }), false, kickee); }, // Kick and ban from all channels on the network. '~nban': function(event) { if(!event.input) return; var server = event.server, banner = event.user, timeout = event.input[1], banee = event.input[2], reason = event.input[3], adminChannel = dbot.config.servers[server].admin_channel, channels = _.keys(dbot.instance.connections[server].channels), network = event.server; if(this.config.network_name[event.server]) { network = this.config.network_name[event.server]; } dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, banee, function(host) { // Add host record entry if(host) { if((reason.match('#line') || reason.match('#specialk') || reason.match('#kline')) && _.include(dbot.access.moderator(), event.rUser.primaryNick)) { var t = ' !P '; if(timeout) { t = ' !T ' + (timeout * 60); } dbot.say(event.server, 'operserv', 'akill add '+banee + t + banee + ' banned by ' + banner + ': ' + reason); } // Ban from current channel first this.api.ban(server, host,; this.api.kick(server, banee,, reason + ' (network-wide ban)'); channels = _.without(channels,; if(!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) { channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel); } else { adminChannel =; } // Ban the user from all channels var i = 0; var banChannel = function(channels) { if(i >= channels.length) return; var channel = channels[i]; this.api.ban(server, host, channel); this.api.kick(server, banee, channel, reason + ' (network-wide ban)'); i++; banChannel(channels); }.bind(this); banChannel(channels); this.hosts[event.server][banee] = host; // Create notify string if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) { timeout = timeout.trim(); var msTimeout = new Date(new Date().getTime() + (parseFloat(timeout) * 3600000)); if(_.has(dbot.modules, 'remind')) { msTimeout = dbot.api.remind.parseTime(timeout); if(!msTimeout) { return event.reply('Invalid time. Remember you must give e.g. 5m now.'); } timeout = timeout.replace(/([\d]+)d/, '$1 days').replace(/([\d]+)h/, '$1 hours ').replace(/([\d]+)m/, '$1 minutes ').replace(/([\d]+)s/, '$1 seconds').trim(); } else { timeout += ' hours'; } if(!_.has(this.tempBans, event.server)) this.tempBans[event.server] = {}; this.tempBans[event.server][banee] = msTimeout; this.internalAPI.addTempBan(event.server, banee, msTimeout); var notifyString = dbot.t('tbanned', { 'network': network, 'banner': banner, 'banee': banee, 'hours': timeout, 'reason': reason }); } else { var notifyString = dbot.t('nbanned', { 'network': network, 'banner': banner, 'banee': banee, 'reason': reason }); } // Add qutoe category documenting ban if(this.config.document_bans) { var id = uuid.v4(); var banRecord = { 'id': id, 'time': new Date().getTime(), 'server': server, 'banee': banee, 'banner': banner, 'host': host, 'reason': reason };'nbans', id, banRecord, function() {}); } // Notify moderators, banee if(!_.isUndefined(adminChannel)) { channels = _.without(channels, adminChannel); } else { adminChannel =; }'ban', server, event.rUser, adminChannel, notifyString, false, banee); dbot.say(event.server, adminChannel, notifyString); if(!_.isUndefined(timeout)) { dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('tbanned_notify', { 'network': network, 'banner': banner, 'reason': reason, 'hours': timeout, 'admin_channel': adminChannel })); } else { dbot.say(event.server, banee, dbot.t('nbanned_notify', { 'network': network, 'banner': banner, 'reason': reason, 'hours': timeout, 'admin_channel': adminChannel })); } // err dbot.say(event.server, 'NickServ', 'FREEZE ' + banee + ' ON ' + reason); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('no_user', { 'user': banee })); } }.bind(this)); }, '~nunban': function(event) { var unbanee = event.params[1], unbanner = event.rUser; this.api.networkUnban(event.server, unbanee, unbanner, function(err) { if(err) { event.reply(dbot.t('nunban_error', { 'unbanee': unbanee })); } }); }, /*** Kick Stats ***/ // Give the number of times a given user has been kicked and has kicked // other people. '~kickcount': function(event) { var username = event.params[1]; if(!_.has(dbot.db.kicks, username)) { var kicks = '0'; } else { var kicks = dbot.db.kicks[username]; } if(!_.has(dbot.db.kickers, username)) { var kicked = '0'; } else { var kicked = dbot.db.kickers[username]; } event.reply(dbot.t('user_kicks', { 'user': username, 'kicks': kicks, 'kicked': kicked })); }, // Output a list of the people who have been kicked the most and those // who have kicked other people the most. '~kickstats': function(event) { var orderedKickLeague = function(list, topWhat) { var kickArr = _.chain(list) .pairs() .sortBy(function(kick) { return kick[1] }) .reverse() .first(10) .value(); var kickString = "Top " + topWhat + ": "; for(var i=0;i= 3 && < 2) { event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' succeeded. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + + ').'); this.api.quietUser(event.server, event.rUser, '10m',, target, reason + '[votequiet]', function(response) { event.reply(response); }); } else { event.reply('Attempt to quiet ' + target + ' failed. Count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + + ').'); } var nString = 'A votequiet was attempted on ' + target + ' in ' + + '. It was initiated by ' + event.rUser.primaryNick + '. ' + vq.yes.join(', ') + ' voted yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). '; if( > 0) { nString +=', ') + ' voted no (' + + ').' }'votequiet', event.server, event.rUser,, nString, false, target); setTimeout(function() { delete this.voteQuiets[]; }.bind(this), 600000); }.bind(this), 40000); } else { if(this.voteQuiets[].spent) { event.reply('A votequiet attempt has already been made on this user in the last 10 minutes.'); } else { event.reply('There is already a votequiet attempt active for this user.'); } } } else { event.reply('Target does not seem to be in the channel.'); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('Target does not seem to be in the channel.'); } }, '~voteyes': function(event) { var target = event.params[1]; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function(err, user) { if(!err && user) { if( == { return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.'); } if(_.has(this.voteQuiets, && !this.voteQuiets[].spent) { var vq = this.voteQuiets[]; if( != { return event.reply('Vote must be in ' +; } if(!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(, event.rUser.primaryNick)) { vq.yes.push(event.rUser.primaryNick); event.reply('Voted yes on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + + ').'); } else { event.reply('You have already voted.'); } } else { event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].'); } } else { event.reply('No idea who that is m8'); } }.bind(this)); }, '~voteno': function(event) { var target = event.params[1]; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, target, function(err, user) { if(!err && user) { if( == { return event.reply('You cannot vote on your own silencing. Be good.'); } if(_.has(this.voteQuiets, && !this.voteQuiets[].spent) { var vq = this.voteQuiets[]; if( != { return event.reply('Vote must be in ' +; } if(!_.include(vq.yes, event.rUser.primaryNick) && !_.include(, event.rUser.primaryNick)) {; event.reply('Voted no on votequiet for ' + target + '. New count: Yes (' + vq.yes.length + '). No (' + + ').'); } else { event.reply('You have already voted.'); } } else { event.reply('There is no active votequiet for this user. You can start one by typing "~votequiet ' + target + ' [reason].'); } } else { event.reply('No idea who that is m8'); } }.bind(this)); } }; _.each(commands, function(command) { command.access = 'moderator'; }); commands['~kickcount'].access = 'regular'; commands['~kickstats'].access = 'regular'; commands['~votequiet'].access = 'regular'; commands['~voteyes'].access = 'regular'; commands['~voteno'].access = 'regular'; commands['~quiet'].access = 'voice'; commands['~timeout'].access = 'voice'; commands['~unquiet'].access = 'voice'; commands['~nban'].access = 'power_user'; commands['~nunban'].access = 'power_user'; commands['~ckick'].regex = /^ckick (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/; commands['~nban'].regex = /^nban (\d[\d\.dhms]+)? ?([^ ]+) (.+)$/; commands['~quiet'].regex = /^quiet (\d[\d\.hms]+)? ?(#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/; commands['~timeout'].regex = /^timeout ([^ ]+) ?(.*)?$/; commands['~unquiet'].regex = /^unquiet (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) ?$/; commands['~votequiet'].regex = [/^votequiet ([^ ]+) (.+)$/, 3]; return commands; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return commands(dbot); };