var fs = require('fs'), _ = require('underscore')._, jsbot = require('./jsbot/jsbot'), DatabaseDriver = require('./database').DatabaseDriver, async = require('async'); require('./snippets'); var DBot = function() { /*** Load the DB ***/ if(fs.existsSync('db.json')) { try { this.db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('db.json', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { console.log('Error loading db.json. Stopping: ' + err); process.exit(); } } else { this.db = {}; } this.reloadConfig(); /*** Load the fancy DB ***/ this.ddb = new DatabaseDriver(this.config); /*** Load main strings ***/ try { this.strings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('strings.json', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { console.log('Probably a syntax error in strings.json: ' + err); this.strings = {}; } // Initialise run-time resources this.usage = {}; this.status = {}; this.sessionData = {}; // Populate bot properties with config data // Create JSBot and connect to each server this.instance = jsbot.createJSBot(; _.each(this.config.servers, function(server, name) { this.instance.addConnection(name, server.server, server.port, this.config.admin, function(event) { var server = this.config.servers[event.server]; _.each(server.channels, function(channel) { this.instance.join(event, channel); }, this); }.bind(this), server.nickserv, server.password); }, this); // Load the modules and connect to the server this.reloadModules(); this.instance.connectAll(); }; DBot.prototype.reloadConfig = function() { this.config = {}; if(!fs.existsSync('config.json')) { console.log('Error: config.json file does not exist. Stopping'); process.exit(); } try { var configFile = fs.readFileSync('config.json', 'utf-8'); this.config = JSON.parse(configFile); this.customConfig = JSON.parse(configFile); } catch(err) { console.log('Config file is invalid. Stopping: ' + err); process.exit(); } try { var defaultConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.json.sample', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { console.log('Error loading sample config. Bugger off this should not even be edited. Stopping.'); process.exit(); } // Load missing config directives from sample file if(!_.has(this.customConfig, 'modules')) { this.customConfig.modules = {}; this.config.modules = {}; } _.defaults(this.config, defaultConfig); }; // Say something in a channel DBot.prototype.say = function(server, channel, message) { this.instance.say(server, channel, message); }; // Format given stored string in config language DBot.prototype.t = function(string, formatData) { var formattedString = 'String not found. Something has gone screwy. Maybe.'; if(_.has(this.strings, string)) { var lang = this.config.language; if(!_.has(this.strings[string], lang)) { lang = "en"; } if(_.has(this.strings[string], lang)) { var module = this.stringMap[string]; formattedString = this.strings[string][lang].format(formatData); if(this.config.modules[module] && this.config.modules[module].outputPrefix) { formattedString = '[' + this.config.modules[module].outputPrefix + '] ' + formattedString; } } } return formattedString; }; /*DBot.prototype.act = function(channel, data) { this.instance.send('PRIVMSG', channel, ':\001ACTION ' + data + '\001'); }*/ // Save the database file = function() { fs.writeFileSync('db.json', JSON.stringify(this.db, null, ' ')); }; // Hot-reload module files. DBot.prototype.reloadModules = function() {; if(this.modules) { // Run 'onDestroy' code for each module if it exists. _.each(this.modules, function(module) { if(module.onDestroy) { module.onDestroy(); } }); } this.rawModules = []; this.pages = {}; this.status = {}; this.modules = {}; this.commands = {}; this.api = {}; this.stringMap = {}; this.usage = {}; this.reloadConfig(); this.ddb.createDB(name, this.config.dbType, {}, function(db) {}); try { this.strings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('strings.json', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { this.strings = {}; } var moduleNames = this.config.moduleNames; // Enforce having command. it can still be reloaded, but dbot _will not_ // function without it, so not having it should be impossible if(!_.include(moduleNames, 'command')) { moduleNames.push("command"); } // Reload Javascript snippets var path = require.resolve('./snippets'); delete require.cache[path]; require('./snippets'); // Clear JSBot listeners and hooks this.instance.removeListeners(); this.instance.clearHooks(); var name, moduleDir, config; for(i=0;i<moduleNames.length;i++) { name = moduleNames[i]; this.status[name] = true; moduleDir = './modules/' + name + '/'; try { var cacheKey = require.resolve(moduleDir + name); delete require.cache[cacheKey]; } catch(err) { this.status[name] = 'Error loading module: ' + err + ' ' + err.stack.split('\n')[2].trim(); continue; } if(!_.has(this.config.modules, name)) this.config.modules[name] = {}; if(fs.existsSync(moduleDir + 'config.json')) { try { var defaultConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(moduleDir + 'config.json', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { // Syntax error this.status[name] = 'Error parsing config: ' + err + ' ' + err.stack.split('\n')[2].trim(); continue; } this.config.modules[name] = _.defaults(this.config.modules[name], defaultConfig); } var config = this.config.modules[name]; // Don't shit out if dependencies not met if(_.has(config, 'dependencies')) { _.each(config.dependencies, function(dependency) { if(!_.include(moduleNames, dependency)) { console.log('Warning: Automatically loading ' + dependency); moduleNames.push(dependency); } }, this); } // Groovy funky database shit if(!_.has(config, 'dbType') || config.dbType == 'olde') { // Generate missing DB keys _.each(config.dbKeys, function(dbKey) { if(!_.has(this.db, dbKey)) { this.db[dbKey] = {}; } }, this); } } _.each(moduleNames, function(name) { if(this.status[name] === true) { try { var moduleDir = './modules/' + name + '/'; var rawModule = require(moduleDir + name); var module = rawModule.fetch(this); this.rawModules.push(rawModule); } catch(err) { var stack = err.stack.split('\n')[2].trim(); this.status[name] = 'Error loading module: ' + err + ' ' + stack; console.log('Error loading module: ' + err + ' ' + stack); return; } = name; module.db = this.ddb.databank; module.config = this.config.modules[name]; // Load the module data _.each([ 'commands', 'pages', 'api' ], function(property) { var propertyObj = {}; if(fs.existsSync(moduleDir + property + '.js')) { try { var propertyKey = require.resolve(moduleDir + property); if(propertyKey) delete require.cache[propertyKey]; propertyObj = require(moduleDir + property).fetch(this); } catch(err) { console.log('Module error (' + + ') in ' + property + ': ' + err); } } if(!_.has(module, property)) module[property] = {}; _.extend(module[property], propertyObj); _.each(module[property], function(item, itemName) { item.module = name; if(_.has(module.config, property) && _.has(module.config[property], itemName)) { _.extend(item, module.config[property][itemName]); } module[property][itemName] = _.bind(item, module); _.extend(module[property][itemName], item); }, this); if(property == 'api') { this[property][name] = module[property]; } else { _.extend(this[property], module[property]); } }, this); // Load the module listener if(module.listener) { if(!_.isArray(module.on)) { module.on = [ module.on ]; } _.each(module.on, function(on) { this.instance.addListener(on,, module.listener); }, this); } // Load string data for the module _.each([ 'usage', 'strings' ], function(property) { var propertyData = {}; try { propertyData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(moduleDir + property + '.json', 'utf-8')); } catch(err) { console.log('Data error (' + + ') in ' + property + ': ' + err); }; _.extend(this[property], propertyData); if(property == 'strings') { _.each(_.keys(propertyData), function(string) { this.stringMap[string] = name; }.bind(this)); } }, this); // Provide toString for module name module.toString = function() { return; } this.modules[] = module; } }.bind(this)); process.nextTick(function() { _.each(this.modules, function(module, name) { if(module.onLoad) { try { module.onLoad(); } catch(err) { this.status[name] = 'Error in onLoad: ' + err + ' ' + err.stack.split('\n')[1].trim(); console.log('MODULE ONLOAD ERROR (' + name + '): ' + err ); } } }, this); // Legacy fix for ~ command prefix _.each(this.commands, function(command, cName) { if(cName.charAt(0) == '~') { delete this.commands[cName]; this.commands[cName.substring(1)] = command; } }, this); _.each(this.usage, function(command, cName) { if(cName.charAt(0) == '~') { delete this.usage[cName]; this.usage[cName.substring(1)] = command; } }, this); }.bind(this));; }; new DBot();