var fs = require('fs'), _ = require('underscore')._, sys = require('sys'), exec = require('child_process').exec; var commands = function(dbot) { var noChangeConfig = [ 'servers', 'name', 'moduleNames' ]; var commands = { // Join a channel 'join': function(event) { var channel = event.params[1]; if(_.has(event.allChannels, channel)) { event.reply(dbot.t('already_in_channel', {'channel': channel})); } else { dbot.instance.join(event, channel); event.reply(dbot.t('join', {'channel': channel})); } }, // Leave a channel 'part': function(event) { var channel = event.params[1]; if(!_.has(event.allChannels, channel)) { event.reply(dbot.t('not_in_channel', {'channel': channel})); } else { event.instance.part(event, channel); event.reply(dbot.t('part', {'channel': channel})); } }, // Op admin caller in given channel 'opme': function(event) { var channel = event.params[1]; // If given channel isn't valid just op in current one. if(!_.has(event.allChannels, channel)) { channel =; } dbot.instance.mode(event, channel, ' +o ' + event.user); }, // Do a git pull and reload 'greload': function(event) { exec("git pull", function (error, stdout, stderr) { exec("git submodule update", function (error, stdout, stderr) { event.reply(dbot.t('gpull')); commands.reload(event); event.message = 'version'; event.action = 'PRIVMSG'; event.params = event.message.split(' '); dbot.instance.emit(event); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }, // Display commit information for part of dbot 'version': function(event){ var cmd = "git log --pretty=format:'%h (%s): %ar' -n 1 -- "; if(event.params[1]){ var input = event.params[1].trim(); if(_.has(dbot.modules, input.split("/")[0])){ cmd += "modules/"+input; } else{ cmd += input; } } exec(cmd, function(error, stdout, stderr){ if(stdout.length > 0){ event.reply(stdout); } else{ event.reply(dbot.t("no_version")); } }.bind(this)); }, 'status': function(event) { var moduleName = event.params[1]; if(_.has(dbot.status, moduleName)) { var status = dbot.status[moduleName]; if(status === true) { event.reply(dbot.t('status_good', { 'module': moduleName, 'reason': status })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('status_bad', { 'module': moduleName, 'reason': status })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t("status_unloaded")); } }, // Reload DB, translations and modules. 'reload': function(event) { dbot.db = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('db.json', 'utf-8')); dbot.reloadModules(); process.nextTick(function() { event.reply(dbot.t('reload')); }); }, // Say something in a channel 'say': function(event) { var channel = event.params[1]; if(event.params[1] === "@") { channel =; } var message = event.params.slice(2).join(' '); dbot.say(event.server, channel, message); }, // Load new module 'load': function(event) { var moduleName = event.params[1]; if(!_.include(dbot.config.moduleNames, moduleName)) { dbot.customConfig.moduleNames.push(moduleName); this.internalAPI.saveConfig(); dbot.reloadModules(); process.nextTick(function() { if(dbot.status[moduleName] === true) { event.reply(dbot.t('load_module', { 'moduleName': moduleName })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('load_failed', { 'module': moduleName })); } }); } else { if(moduleName == 'web') { event.reply(dbot.t('already_loaded_web')); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('already_loaded', { 'moduleName': moduleName })); } } }, // Unload a loaded module 'unload': function(event) { var moduleNames = dbot.config.moduleNames; var moduleName = event.params[1]; if(_.include(moduleNames, moduleName)) { var moduleDir = '../' + moduleName + '/'; try { var cacheKey = require.resolve(moduleDir + moduleName); delete require.cache[cacheKey]; } catch(err) { } dbot.customConfig.moduleNames = _.without(dbot.config.moduleNames, moduleName); this.internalAPI.saveConfig(); dbot.reloadModules(); process.nextTick(function() { event.reply(dbot.t('unload_module', { 'moduleName': moduleName })); }); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('unload_error', { 'moduleName': moduleName })); } }, /*** Config options ***/ 'setconfig': function(event) { var configPath = event.input[1], newOption = event.input[2]; if(!_.include(noChangeConfig, configPath)) { this.internalAPI.getCurrentConfig(configPath, function(config) { if(config !== null) { // Convert to boolean type if config item boolean if(_.isBoolean(config)) { newOption = (newOption == "true"); } // Convert to integer type is config item integer if(_.isNumber(config)) { newOption = parseInt(newOption); } if(_.isArray(config)) { event.reply(dbot.t("config_array", { "alternate": "pushconfig" })); } event.reply(configPath + ": " + config + " -> " + newOption); config = newOption;'config', configPath, { 'key': configPath, 'value': config }, function(err) { dbot.reloadModules(); }); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("no_config_key", {'path': configPath})); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("config_lock")); } }, 'pushconfig': function(event) { var configPath = event.input[1], newOption = event.input[2]; if(!_.include(noChangeConfig, configPath)) { this.internalAPI.getCurrentConfig(configPath, function(config) { if(config !== null) { if(_.isArray(config)) { event.reply(configPath + ": " + config + " << " + newOption); config.push(newOption);'config', configPath, { 'key': configPath, 'value': config }, function(err) { dbot.reloadModules(); }); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("config_array", { "alternate": "setconfig" })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t("no_config_key")); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("config_lock")); } }, 'showconfig': function(event) { var configPath = event.params[1]; if(configPath) { this.internalAPI.getCurrentConfig(configPath, function(config) { if(config !== null) { if(_.isArray(config)) { event.reply(dbot.t("config_keys_location", { "path": configPath, "value": config })); } else if(_.isObject(config)) { event.reply(dbot.t("config_keys_location", { "path": configPath, "value": _.keys(config) })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("config_keys_location", { "path": configPath, "value": config })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t("no_config_key", {'path': configPath})); configPath = configPath.split('.'); configPath.pop(); event.params[1] = configPath.join('.'); this.commands['showconfig'](event); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply(dbot.t("config_keys_location", { "path": "root", "value": _.keys(dbot.config) })); } }, 'savemodules': function(event) { fs.readFile('config.json', 'utf-8', function(err, config) { config = JSON.parse(config); config.moduleNames = _.keys(dbot.modules); fs.writeFile('config.json', JSON.stringify(config, null, ' '), function() { event.reply(dbot.t('modules_saved', { 'modules': _.keys(dbot.modules) })); }); }); } }; _.each(commands, function(command) { command.access = 'admin'; }); commands['showconfig'].access = 'moderator'; commands['join'].access = 'moderator'; commands['part'].access = 'moderator'; commands['opme'].access = 'moderator'; commands['say'].access = 'moderator'; commands['pushconfig'].regex = [/pushconfig ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/, 3]; commands['setconfig'].regex = [/setconfig ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/, 3]; return commands; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return commands(dbot); }