var _ = require('underscore')._, moment = require('moment'), async = require('async'); var commands = function(dbot) { var commands = { '~ncount': function(event) { var chanCounts = {}, typeCounts = {}, total = 0, offString = event.params[1] || null; offset = moment().subtract(offString, 1).valueOf() || null, nick = event.params[2] || event.user; /*if(!offset || !offset.isValid()) { event.reply('Invalid timescale. Try \'week\''); return; }*/ dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, nick, function(err, user) { if(user) { this.db.scan('notifies', function(notify) { if(notify.user == { if(!offString) { if(!_.has(chanCounts, chanCounts[] = 0; if(!_.has(typeCounts, notify.type)) typeCounts[notify.type] = 0; chanCounts[]++; typeCounts[notify.type]++; total++; } else { if(notify.time > offset) { if(!_.has(chanCounts, chanCounts[] = 0; if(!_.has(typeCounts, notify.type)) typeCounts[notify.type] = 0; chanCounts[]++; typeCounts[notify.type]++; total++; } } } }, function() { var cCounts = _.chain(chanCounts) .pairs() .sortBy(function(p) { return p[1]; }) .reverse() .first(10) .value(); var cString = ''; for(var i=0;i 0) { var nTimes = _.keys(notes).sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b); }); var n = 0; _.each(nTimes, function(key) { event.reply('['+n+'][\u00036note\u000f][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + notes[key].reason); n++; }); } else { event.reply('No notes found for ' + tName); } }); } else { event.reply(event.params[1] + ' not found.'); } }.bind(this)); }, '~sustatus': function(event) { var user = event.input[1]; if( == '') { return event.reply('~_~ do that in #moderators ~_~'); } dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, user, function(err, user) { if(user) { dbot.api.users.getUserAliases(, function(err, aliases) { var ban = 0, latest_ban = {'time':0}, latest_unban = {'time':0}, unban = 0, quiet = 0, warn = 0, report = 0, items = {}; aliases.push(user.primaryNick);'notifies', { 'server': event.server }, function(notify) { if(_.include(aliases, { if(notify.type == 'ban') { ban++; if(notify.time > latest_ban.time) { latest_ban = notify; } } else if(notify.type == 'unban') { unban++; if(notify.time > latest_unban.time) { latest_unban = notify; } } else if(notify.type == 'quiet') { quiet++; } else if(notify.type == 'warn') { warn++; } else if(notify.type == 'report') { report++; } items[notify.time] = notify; } }, function() { if(quiet != 0 || warn != 0 || report != 0 || ban != 0) { event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has been warned ' + warn + ' times, quieted ' + quiet + ' times, and reported ' + report + ' times.'); var sTimes = _.keys(items).sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b); }); if(sTimes.length < 70) { event.reply('[\u00036reports\u000f]'); var n = 0; _.each(sTimes, function(time) { if(items[time].type == 'report') { event.reply('[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message); n++; } }); event.reply('[\u00037quiets\u000f]'); var n = 0; _.each(sTimes, function(time) { if(items[time].type == 'quiet') { event.reply('[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message); n++; } }); event.reply('[\u00035warns\u000f]'); var n = 0; _.each(sTimes, function(time) { if(items[time].type == 'warn') { event.reply('[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message); n++; } }); event.reply('[\u00034bans\u000f]'); var n = 0; _.each(sTimes, function(time) { if(items[time].type == 'ban' || items[time].type == 'unban') { event.reply('[' + n + '][' + moment(parseInt(time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + '] ' + items[time].message); n++; } }); } else { event.reply('There are too many to show without killing everyone :S'); } if(latest_ban.time != 0) { if(latest_unban.time == 0 || (latest_unban.time < latest_ban.time)) { event.reply('Current Ban Status: \u00034Banned\u000f since ' + moment(latest_ban.time).fromNow() + ' (' + moment(parseInt(latest_ban.time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ')'); event.reply('Reason: ' + latest_ban.message); } else { var a = moment(latest_ban.time); var b = moment(latest_unban.time); event.reply('Current Ban Status: \u00037Unbanned\u000f since ' + moment(parseInt(latest_unban.time)).format('DD/MM/YYYY') + ' after being banned for ' + b.diff(a, 'days') + ' days'); event.reply('Most recent ban reason: ' + latest_ban.message); } } else { event.reply('Current Ban Status: \u00033Never banned (\u00037probably\u00033)\u000f'); } } else { event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has no record.'); } }); }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('never heard of em'); } }.bind(this)); }, '~ustatus': function(event) { var user = event.input[1]; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, user, function(err, user) { if(user) { var ban = null, quiet = 0 warn = 0; // i'll fix it later'notifies', { 'server': event.server }, function(notify) { if(notify.message.match('banned ' + user.primaryNick) || notify.message.match('issued a warning to ' + user.primaryNick) || notify.message.match('has quieted ' + user.primaryNick)) { if(notify.type == 'ban') { ban = notify.time; } else if(notify.type == 'quiet') { quiet++; } else if(notify.type == 'warn') { warn++; } } }, function() { if(ban) { event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' was banned on ' + new Date(ban).toUTCString()); } if(quiet != 0 || warn != 0) { event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has been warned ' + warn + ' times, and quieted ' + quiet + ' times.'); } else if(!ban) { event.reply(user.primaryNick + ' has no record.'); } }); } else { event.reply('never heard of em'); } }.bind(this)); }, '~clearmissing': function(event) { if(_.has(this.pending, { var count = this.pending[].length; delete this.pending[]; event.reply(dbot.t('cleared_notifies', { 'count': count })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('no_missed_notifies')); } }, '~report': function(event) { var channelName = (event.input[1] ||, nick = event.input[2], reason = event.input[3].trim(); channelName = channelName.trim(); if(channelName == event.user) { channelName = dbot.config.servers[event.server].admin_channel; } if(reason.charAt(reason.length - 1) != '.') reason += '.'; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, nick, function(err, reportee) { if(_.has(event.allChannels, channelName)) { if(reportee) { this.api.notify('report', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, dbot.t('report', { 'reporter': event.rUser.primaryNick, 'reportee': nick, 'reason': reason }), false, nick); event.reply(dbot.t('reported', { 'reported': nick })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('user_not_found', { 'reported': nick, 'channel': channelName })); } } else { event.reply(dbot.t('not_in_channel', { 'channel': channelName })); } }.bind(this)); }, '~notify': function(event) { var channelName = event.input[1], message = event.input[2]; if(_.has(event.allChannels, channelName)) { if(this.config.firstHost) { var first = message.split(' ')[0]; dbot.api.users.resolveUser(event.server, first, function(err, user) { if(user && _.include(this.config.host_lookup, channelName)) { dbot.api.nickserv.getUserHost(event.server, first, function(host) { message = message.replace(first, first + ' [' + host + ']'); this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message, host, first); }.bind(this)); } else { this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message); } }.bind(this)); } else { this.api.notify('notify', event.server, event.rUser, channelName, message); } event.reply(dbot.t('notified', { 'user': event.user, 'channel': channelName })); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('not_in_channel', { 'channel': channelName })); } }, '~nunsub': function(event) { var cName = event.input[1], cId = event.input[1] + '.' + event.server; if(_.has(dbot.instance.connections[event.server].channels, cName)) {'nunsubs', cId, function(err, nunsubs) { if(!nunsubs) { var nunsubs = { 'id': cId, 'users': [] } } if(!_.include(nunsubs, { nunsubs.users.push(;'nunsubs', cId, nunsubs, function() { var reply = dbot.t('nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName }) if(_.has(this.config.chan_redirs, cName)) { reply += dbot.t('n_also_found', { 'afaName' : this.config.chan_redirs[cName] }); } event.reply(reply); }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('already_nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName })); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('Channel not known.'); } }, '~ununsub': function(event) { var cName = event.input[1], cId = event.input[1] + '.' + event.server; if(_.has(dbot.instance.connections[event.server].channels, cName)) {'nunsubs', cId, function(err, nunsubs) { if(!_.isUndefined(nunsubs) && _.include(nunsubs.users, { nunsubs.users = _.without(nunsubs.users,;'nunsubs', cId, nunsubs, function() { event.reply(dbot.t('ununsubbed', { 'cName': cName })); }); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('not_nunsubbed', { 'cName': cName })); } }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('Channel not known.'); } } }; commands['~report'].regex = /^report (#[^ ]+ )?([^ ]+) (.*)$/; commands['~notify'].regex = [/^notify ([^ ]+) (.+)$/, 3]; commands['~nunsub'].regex = [/^nunsub ([^ ]+)$/, 2]; commands['~ununsub'].regex = [/^ununsub ([^ ]+)$/, 2]; commands['~ustatus'].regex = [/^ustatus ([^ ]+)$/, 2]; commands['~sustatus'].regex = [/^sustatus ([^ ]+)$/, 2]; commands['~ustatus'].access = 'power_user'; commands['~sustatus'].access = 'power_user'; commands['~ncount'].access = 'power_user'; commands['~notes'].access = 'power_user'; return commands; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return commands(dbot); };