/** * Module Name: youtube * Description: Various Youtube functionality */ var _ = require('underscore')._, request = require('request'); var youtube = function(dbot) { this.ApiRoot = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api'; this.params = { 'alt': 'json', 'v': 2 }; this.LinkRegex = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/; this.commands = { '~youtube': function(event) { request.get(this.ApiRoot + '/videos', { 'qs': _.extend(this.params, { 'q': event.input[1], 'max-results': 1 }), 'json': true }, function(error, response, body) { if(_.isObject(body) && _.has(body, 'feed') && _.has(body.feed, 'entry')) { var v = body.feed.entry[0]; if(!_.has(v, 'yt$rating')) { v['yt$rating'] = { 'numLikes': 0, 'numDislikes': 0 }; } if(!_.has(v, 'yt$statistics')) { v['yt$statistics'] = { 'viewCount': 0 }; } var link = v.link[0].href.match(this.LinkRegex)[2]; event.reply(dbot.t('yt_video', { 'title': v.title['$t'], 'plays': v['yt$statistics'].viewCount, 'author': v.author[0].name['$t'], 'likes': v['yt$rating'].numLikes, 'dislikes': v['yt$rating'].numDislikes }) + ' - ' + 'http://youtu.be/' + link); } else { event.reply(dbot.t('yt_noresults')); } }.bind(this)); } }; this.commands['~youtube'].regex = [/^~youtube (.+)$/, 2]; this.onLoad = function() { dbot.api.link.addHandler(this.name, this.LinkRegex, function(match, name, callback) { console.log('DEBUG: well it got to the callback'); request.get(this.ApiRoot + '/videos/' + match[2], { 'qs': this.params, 'json': true }, function(error, response, body) { console.log('DEBUG: well it got to the callback of the callback'); console.log('DEBUG: ' + match[2]); console.log('DEBUG: ' + error); console.log('DEBUG: ' + body); if(_.isObject(body) && _.has(body, 'entry')) { var v = body.entry; if(!_.has(v, 'yt$rating')) { v['yt$rating'] = { 'numLikes': 0, 'numDislikes': 0 }; } if(!_.has(v, 'yt$statistics')) { v['yt$statistics'] = { 'viewCount': 0 }; } callback(dbot.t('yt_video', { 'title': v.title['$t'], 'plays': v['yt$statistics'].viewCount, 'author': v.author[0].name['$t'], 'likes': v['yt$rating'].numLikes, 'dislikes': v['yt$rating'].numDislikes })); } }); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this); }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return new youtube(dbot); };