/** * Module Name: Last.FM * Description: Various lastfm functionality. */ var _ = require('underscore')._, request = require('request'), async = require('async'), moment = require('moment'); var lastfm = function(dbot) { this.ApiRoot = 'http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/'; this.internalAPI = { 'getLastFM': function(server, nick, callback) { dbot.api.profile.getProfile(server, nick, function(err, user, profile) { if(user) { if(profile && _.has(profile.profile, 'lastfm')) { callback(user, profile.profile.lastfm); } else { callback(user, null); } } else { callback(null, null); } }); } }; this.api = { 'getRandomArtistTrack': function(mbid, callback) { request.get(this.ApiRoot, { 'qs': { 'method': 'artist.gettoptracks', 'mbid': mbid, 'api_key': this.config.api_key, 'format': 'json', 'limit': 10 }, 'json': true }, function(err, res, body) { if(_.has(body, 'toptracks') && _.has(body.toptracks, 'track')) { var tracks = body.toptracks.track; choice = _.random(0, tracks.length - 1), track = tracks[choice]; callback(null, track); } else { callback('idk', body); } }); }, 'getSimilarArtists': function(mbid, callback) { request.get(this.ApiRoot, { 'qs': { 'method': 'artist.getsimilar', 'mbid': mbid, 'api_key': this.config.api_key, 'format': 'json', 'limit': 10 }, 'json': true }, function(err, res, body) { if(_.has(body, 'similarartists') && _.has(body.similarartists, 'artist')) { callback(null, body.similarartists.artist); } else { callback('idk', body); } }); }, 'getListening': function(username, callback) { request.get(this.ApiRoot, { 'qs': { 'user': username, 'limit': 2, 'nowplaying': true, 'method': 'user.getrecenttracks', 'api_key': this.config.api_key, 'format': 'json' }, 'json': true }, function(err, res, body) { if(_.has(body, 'error') && body.error == 6) { callback('no_user', null); } else if(_.has(body, 'recenttracks') && _.has(body.recenttracks, 'track') && !_.isUndefined(body.recenttracks.track[0])) { callback(null, body.recenttracks.track[0]); } else { callback('no_listen', null); } }); }, 'tasteCompare': function(user, oUser, callback) { request.get(this.ApiRoot, { 'qs': { 'type1': 'user', 'type2': 'user', 'value1': user, 'value2': oUser, 'method': 'tasteometer.compare', 'api_key': this.config.api_key, 'format': 'json' }, 'json': true }, function(err, res, body) { if(_.has(body, 'error') && body.error == 6 || body.error == 7) { callback('no_user', user, null); } else if(_.has(body, 'comparison') && _.has(body.comparison, 'result')) { callback(null, body.comparison.result); } else { callback('idk', null); } }); }, 'getInfo': function(lfm, callback) { request.get(this.ApiRoot, { 'qs': { 'user': lfm, 'method': 'user.getinfo', 'api_key': this.config.api_key, 'format': 'json' }, 'json': true }, function(err, res, body) { if(_.has(body, 'error') && body.error == 6 || body.error == 7) { callback('no_user', null); } else if(_.has(body, 'user')) { callback(null, body.user); } else { callback('idk', null); } }); } }; this.commands = { '~lastfm': function(event) { var user = event.rUser, lfm = event.rProfile.lastfm; if(event.res[0]) { user = event.res[0].user; lfm = event.res[0].lfm; } this.api.getInfo(lfm, function(err, profile) { if(!err) { console.log(profile); event.reply(dbot.t('lfm_profile', { 'user': user.currentNick, 'plays': profile.playcount.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,"), 'date': moment(profile.registered['#text']).format('DD/MM/YYYY'), 'link': profile.url })); } else { if(err == 'no_user') { event.reply('Unknown Last.FM user.'); } else if(err == 'no_listen') { event.reply(dbot.t('no_listen', { 'user': event.user })); } } }); }, '~scrobbliest': function(event) { dbot.api.profile.getAllProfilesWith('lastfm', function(profiles) { if(profiles) { var plays = []; async.each(profiles, function(profile, done) { this.api.getInfo(profile.profile.lastfm, function(err, lProfile) { if(!err) { plays.push({ 'user': profile.id, 'plays': parseInt(lProfile.playcount) }); } done(); }); }.bind(this), function() { var scrobbliest = _.chain(plays) .sortBy(function(p) { return p.plays; }) .reverse() .first(10) .value(); async.each(scrobbliest, function(item, done) { dbot.api.users.getUser(item.user, function(user) { item.user = user; done(); }); }, function() { var output = dbot.t('lfm_scrobbliest'); _.each(scrobbliest, function(item) { output += item.user.currentNick + ' (' + item.plays.toString().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,")+ '), '; }); event.reply(output.slice(0, -2)); }); }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('no suitable profiles'); } }.bind(this)); }, '~suggestion': function(event) { this.api.getListening(event.rProfile.lastfm, function(err, track) { if(!err) { this.api.getSimilarArtists(track.artist.mbid, function(err, similar) { if(!err) { var choice = _.random(0, similar.length - 1); this.api.getRandomArtistTrack(similar[choice].mbid, function(err, track) { if(!err) { var output = dbot.t('lfm_suggestion', { 'user': event.user, 'name': track.name, 'artist': track.artist.name }); var term = track.name + ' ' + track.artist.name; dbot.api.youtube.search(term, function(body) { if(_.isObject(body) && _.has(body, 'feed') && _.has(body.feed, 'entry')) { var v = body.feed.entry[0]; link = v.link[0].href.match(dbot.modules.youtube.LinkRegex); if(link) { output += ' - http://youtu.be/' + link[2]; } } event.reply(output); }); } else { event.reply('something broke'); } }); } else { event.reply('something broke'); } }.bind(this)); } else { if(err == 'no_user') { event.reply('Unknown Last.FM user.'); } else if(err == 'no_listen') { event.reply(dbot.t('no_listen', { 'user': event.user })); } } }.bind(this)); }, '~listening': function(event) { var user = event.rUser, lfm = event.rProfile.lastfm; if(event.res[0]) { user = event.res[0].user; lfm = event.res[0].lfm; } this.api.getListening(lfm, function(err, track) { if(!err) { var term = track.name + ' ' + track.artist['#text'], output = ''; if(_.has(track, '@attr') && _.has(track['@attr'], 'nowplaying') && track['@attr'].nowplaying == 'true') { output = dbot.t('now_listening', { 'user': user.currentNick, 'track': track.name, 'artist': track.artist['#text'] }); } else { output = dbot.t('last_listened', { 'user': user.currentNick, 'track': track.name, 'artist': track.artist['#text'] }); } dbot.api.youtube.search(term, function(body) { if(_.isObject(body) && _.has(body, 'feed') && _.has(body.feed, 'entry')) { var v = body.feed.entry[0]; link = v.link[0].href.match(dbot.modules.youtube.LinkRegex); if(link) { output += ' - http://youtu.be/' + link[2]; } } event.reply(output); }); } else { if(err == 'no_user') { event.reply('Unknown LastFM user.'); } else if(err == 'no_listen') { event.reply(dbot.t('no_listen', { 'user': user.currentNick })); } } }); }, '~taste': function(event) { var u1 = event.rUser, lfm1 = event.rProfile.lastfm, u2 = event.res[0].user, lfm2 = event.res[0].lfm; this.api.tasteCompare(event.rProfile.lastfm, lfm2, function(err, comp) { if(!err) { var score = Math.floor(comp.score * 100); event.reply(dbot.t('taste_compat', { 'user1': event.user, 'user2': u2.currentNick, 'score': score })); } else { if(err == 'no_user') { event.reply('Unknown Last.FM user.'); } else { event.reply('Well something went wrong and I don\'t know what it means'); } } }); }, '~tastiest': function(event) { var sortGoodScores = function(goodScores) { var tastiest = _.chain(goodScores) .sortBy(function(p) { return p.score; }) .reverse() .first(10) .value(); async.each(tastiest, function(pair, done) { if(!_.isObject(pair.p1)) { // fix this dbot.api.users.getUser(pair.p1, function(user) { pair.p1 = user; dbot.api.users.getUser(pair.p2, function(user) { pair.p2 = user; done(); }); }); } else { done(); } }, function() { var output = 'Most musically compatible users: '; _.each(tastiest, function(pair) { output += pair.p1.currentNick + ' & ' + pair.p2.currentNick + ' (' + pair.score + '%), '; }); event.reply(output.slice(0, -2)); }); }; if(this.tastyCache && Date.now() - this.tastyCacheStamp <= 1800000) { sortGoodScores(this.tastyCache); } else { event.reply('Updating tasty cache... Hold onto your coconuts...'); dbot.api.profile.getAllProfilesWith('lastfm', function(profiles) { if(profiles) { var scores = {}; // Using this structure first for easier testing in the async async.eachSeries(profiles, function(p1, next) { scores[p1.id] = {}; async.eachSeries(profiles, function(p2, subnext) { if(p1.id == p2.id || p1.profile.lastfm == p2.profile.lastfm || _.has(scores, p2.id) && _.has(scores[p2.id], p1.id)) { subnext(); } else { this.api.tasteCompare(p1.profile.lastfm, p2.profile.lastfm, function(err, comp) { if(!err) { var score = Math.floor(comp.score * 100); scores[p1.id][p2.id] = score; } subnext(); }); } }.bind(this), function() { next(); }); }.bind(this), function(err) { // Now we better structure the scores for sorting var goodScores = []; _.each(scores, function(subscores, p1) { _.each(subscores, function(aScore, p2) { goodScores.push({ 'p1': p1, 'p2': p2, 'score': aScore }); }); }); this.tastyCache = goodScores; this.tastyCacheStamp = new Date().getTime(); sortGoodScores(goodScores); }.bind(this)); } else { event.reply('No suitable profiles'); } }.bind(this)); } }, '~artists': function(event) { var u1 = event.rUser, lfm1 = event.rProfile.lastfm, u2 = event.res[0].user, lfm2 = event.res[0].lfm; this.api.tasteCompare(event.rProfile.lastfm, lfm2, function(err, comp) { if(!err) { var artists = _.pluck(comp.artists.artist, 'name').join(', '); event.reply(dbot.t('common_artists', { 'user1': event.user, 'user2': u2.currentNick, 'common': artists })); } else { if(err == 'no_user') { event.reply('Unknown Last.FM user.'); } else { event.reply('Well something went wrong and I don\'t know what it means'); } } }); } }; this.commands['~taste'].regex = [/^taste ([\d\w[\]{}^|\\`_-]+?)/, 2]; this.commands['~artists'].regex = [/^artists ([\d\w[\]{}^|\\`_-]+?)/, 2]; _.each(this.commands, function(command) { command.resolver = function(event, callback) { if(event.rProfile && _.has(event.rProfile, 'lastfm')) { if(event.params[1]) { this.internalAPI.getLastFM(event.server, event.params[1], function(user, lfm) { if(user && lfm) { event.res.push({ 'user': user, 'lfm': lfm }); callback(false); } else { if(!user) { event.reply('Unknown user.'); } else { event.reply(user.currentNick + ': Set a lastfm username with "~set lastfm username"'); } callback(true); } }); } else { callback(false); } } else { event.reply(event.user + ': Set a lastfm username with "~set lastfm username"'); callback(true); } }.bind(this); }, this); }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return new lastfm(dbot); };