/** * Module Name: RSS * Description: Allows to read RSS feeds */ var FeedParser = require('feedparser'), request = require('request'), _ = require('underscore')._; var rss = function(dbot) { this.pollInterval = 120000; this.titleCache = []; var self = this; this.internalAPI = { 'makeRequest': function(id,feed) { var fid = id, req = request(feed.url), feedparser = new FeedParser(); req.on('error', function (error) { if(dbot.config.debugMode) { dbot.say(feed.server,feed.channel,"RSS: Request for RSS feed got an error: "+error+" Start self-destruct sequence."); } }); req.on('response', function (res) { var stream = this; if (res.statusCode !== 200){ dbot.say(feed.server,feed.channel,"RSS: RSS server returned status code "+res.statusCode+". Bastard."); return; } stream.pipe(feedparser); }); feedparser.on('error', function(error) { if(dbot.config.debugMode) { dbot.say(feed.server,feed.channel,"RSS: Feedparser encountered an error: "+error+";;; Inform administrator!"); } }); feedparser.on('readable', function() { // This is where the action is! var stream = this, meta = this.meta, // **NOTE** the "meta" is always available in the context of the feedparser instance item; while (item = stream.read()) { if(item.pubdate.getTime() - feed.lastPosted > 0) { if(item.pubdate.getTime() > feed.newTime) { feed.newTime = item.pubdate.getTime(); } var rss = item; if(!_.include(self.titleCache, rss.title)) { var options = { uri: 'https://www.googleapis.com/urlshortener/v1/url', method: 'POST', json: { "longUrl": rss.link } }; request(options, function (error, response, body) { if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) { var rString = "["+feed.name+"] ["+rss.title+"] "; if(rss.author !== null && !_.isUndefined(rss.categories[0])) { rString += "[Post by "+rss.author+" in "+rss.categories[0]+"] "; } rString += "- "+body.id; dbot.say(feed.server,feed.channel, rString); } }); if(self.titleCache.length > 30) { self.titleCache.splice(0, 1); } self.titleCache.push(feed.title); } } } }); feedparser.on('end', function() { feed.lastPosted = feed.newTime; dbot.db.feeds[fid] = feed; }); }.bind(this), 'checkFeeds': function() { console.log("Checking feeds..."); for(var i=0;i