var quotes = function(dbot) { var quotes = dbot.db.quoteArrs; var addStack = []; var rmAllowed = true; var commands = { '~q': function(data, params) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~q ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2); if(q) { q[1] = q[1].trim(); key = q[1].toLowerCase(); if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dbot.say(, q[1] + ': ' + dbot.interpolatedQuote(key)); } else { dbot.say(, 'Nobody loves ' + q[1]); } } }, // shows the biggest categories '~qstats': function(data, params) { var qSizes = []; for(var cat in quotes) { if(quotes[cat].length != 0) { qSizes.push([cat, quotes[cat].length]); } } qSizes = qSizes.sort(function(a, b) { return a[1] - b[1]; }); qSizes = qSizes.slice(qSizes.length - 10).reverse(); var qString = "Largest categories: "; for(var i=0;i<qSizes.length;i++) { qString += qSizes[i][0] + " (" + qSizes[i][1] + "), "; } dbot.say(, qString.slice(0, -2)); }, '~qsearch': function(data, params) { if(params[2] === undefined) { dbot.say(, 'Next time provide a search parameter. Commence incineration.'); } else { params[1].trim(); key = params[1].toLowerCase(); if(!quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dbot.say(, 'That category has no quotes in it. Commence incineration.'); } else { var matches = []; quotes[key].each(function(quote) { if(quote.indexOf(params[2]) != -1) { matches.push(quote); } }.bind(this)); if(matches.length == 0) { dbot.say(, 'No results found.'); } else { dbot.say(, params[1] + ' (' + params[2] + '): ' + matches.random() + ' [' + matches.length + ' results]'); } } } }, '~rmlast': function(data, params) { if(rmAllowed == true || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~rmlast ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2); if(q) { q[1] = q[1].trim() key = q[1].toLowerCase(); if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(q[1])) { if(!dbot.db.locks.include(q[1]) || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) { var quote = quotes[key].pop(); if(quotes[key].length === 0) { delete quotes[key]; } rmAllowed = false; dbot.say(, '\'' + quote + '\' removed from ' + q[1]); } else { dbot.say(, q[1] + ' is locked. Commence incineration.'); } } else { dbot.say(, 'No quotes exist under ' + q[1]); } } else { var last = addStack.pop(); if(last) { if(!dbot.db.locks.include(last)) { quotes[last].pop(); rmAllowed = false; dbot.say(, 'Last quote removed from ' + last + '.'); } else { dbot.say(, last + ' is locked. Commence incineration.'); } } else { dbot.say(, 'No quotes were added recently.'); } } } else { dbot.say(, 'No spamming that shit. Try again in a few minutes...'); } }, '~rm': function(data, params) { if(rmAllowed == true || dbot.admin.include(data.user)) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~rm ([\d\w\s-]*) (.+)$/, 3); if(q) { if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(q[1])) { if(!dbot.db.locks.include(q[1])) { var index = quotes[q[1]].indexOf(q[2]); if(index != -1) { quotes[q[1]].splice(index, 1); rmAllowed = false; dbot.say(, '\'' + q[2] + '\' removed from ' + q[1]); } else { dbot.say(, '\'' + q[2] + '\' doesn\'t exist under user \'' + q[1] + '\'.'); } } else { dbot.say(, q[1] + ' is locked. Initiate incineration.'); } } else { dbot.say(, 'No quotes exist under ' + q[1]); } } else { dbot.say(, 'Invalid syntax. Initiate incineration.'); } } else { dbot.say(, 'No spamming that shit. Try again in a few minutes...'); } }, '~qcount': function(data, params) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qcount ([\d\w\s-]*)/, 2); if(q) { q[1] = q[1].trim(); key = q[1].toLowerCase(); if(quotes.hasOwnProperty(key)) { dbot.say(, q[1] + ' has ' + quotes[key].length + ' quotes.'); } else { dbot.say(, 'No quotes under ' + q[1]); } } else { // Give total quote count var totalQuoteCount = 0; for(var category in quotes) { console.log('adding ' + category.length); totalQuoteCount += category.length; } dbot.say(, 'There are ' + totalQuoteCount + ' quotes in total.'); } }, '~qadd': function(data, params) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qadd ([\d\w\s-]*)=(.+)$/, 3); if(q) { key = q[1].toLowerCase(); if(!Object.isArray(quotes[key])) { quotes[key] = []; } else { if (q[2] in quotes[key]) { dbot.say(, 'Quote already in DB. Initiate incineration.'); return; } } quotes[key].push(q[2]); addStack.push(q[1]); rmAllowed = true; dbot.say(, 'Quote saved in \'' + q[1] + '\' (' + quotes[key].length + ')'); } else { dbot.say(, 'Invalid syntax. Initiate incineration.'); } }, '~qset': function(data, params) { var q = data.message.valMatch(/^~qset ([\d\w\s-]*)=(.+)$/, 3); if(q) { q[1] = q[1].trim(); key = q[1].toLowerCase(); if(!quotes.hasOwnProperty(key) || (quotes.hasOwnProperty(key) && quotes[key].length == 1)) { quotes[key] = [q[2]]; dbot.say(, 'Quote saved as ' + q[1]); } else { dbot.say(, 'No replacing arrays, you whore.'); } } }, '~rq': function(data, params) { var rQuote = Object.keys(quotes).random(); dbot.say(, rQuote + ': ' + dbot.interpolatedQuote(rQuote)); }, '~d': function(data, params) { dbot.say(, data.user + ': ' + dbot.interpolatedQuote(; }, '~link': function(data, params) { if(params[1] === undefined || !quotes.hasOwnProperty(params[1].toLowerCase())) { dbot.say(, 'Syntax error. Commence incineration.'); } else { dbot.say(, 'Link to "'+params[1]+'" -'+params[1]); } } }; return { 'onLoad': function() { dbot.timers.addTimer(1000 * 60 * 3, function() { rmAllowed = true; }); return commands; }, // For automatic quote retrieval 'listener': function(data, params) { if(data.user == 'reality') { var once = data.message.valMatch(/^I ([\d\w\s,'-]* once)/, 2); } else { var once = data.message.valMatch(/^reality ([\d\w\s,'-]* once)/, 2); } if(once) { if((dbot.db.bans.hasOwnProperty('~qadd') && dbot.db.bans['~qadd'].include(data.user)) || dbot.db.bans['*'].include(data.user)) { dbot.say(, data.user + ' is banned from using this command. Commence incineration.'); } else { dbot.db.quoteArrs['realityonce'].push('reality ' + once[1] + '.'); addStack.push('realityonce'); rmAllowed = true; dbot.instance.say(, '\'reality ' + once[1] + '.\' saved.'); } } }, 'on': 'PRIVMSG' }; }; exports.fetch = function(dbot) { return quotes(dbot); };