Georg Pfuetzenreuter c79daac988
Support multiple keys per user
In use cases where one user is supposed to be reachable with multiple
public keys, but where each public key should only have access to a
specific set of commands, the variable $SSH_USER_AUTH will be considered
together with colon separated username->key pairs in the configuration
to determine the set of commands to use.

Signed-off-by: Georg Pfuetzenreuter <>
2024-10-20 15:36:03 +02:00

75 lines
2.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -W
# Wrapper to be used as a forced SSH command.
# Copyright 2024, Georg Pfuetzenreuter <>
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or - as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence").
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# An English copy of the Licence is shipped in a file called LICENSE along with this applications source code.
# You may obtain copies of the Licence in any of the official languages at
use v5.26; # Leap 15.6
use List::Util 'any';
die "Usage: $0 <config> <command line>" unless @ARGV;
my $configfile = shift @ARGV;
die "File $configfile does not exist" unless -f $configfile;
my %config = do $configfile;
die "Couldn't parse $configfile: $@" if $@;
die "Couldn't run $configfile" unless %config;
my $user = $ENV{'USER'};
my $authfile = $ENV{'SSH_USER_AUTH'};
my %publickeys;
if ($authfile && -f $authfile) {
open my $fh, '<', $authfile or die "Found authentication file, but failed to read it: $!";
while (<$fh>) {
$_ =~ /^publickey (ssh-[a-z0-9]+ .*)$/;
$publickeys{$1} = 1;
close $fh or print STDERR "Failed to close authentication file: $!";
foreach my $userentry (keys %config) {
my @userelements = split(':', $userentry);
if (scalar @userelements > 1) {
my $entry_user = $userelements[0];
my $entry_key = $userelements[1];
if ($entry_user eq $user && exists($publickeys{$entry_key})) {
$user = $userentry;
if (! exists($config{$user}) ) {
print STDERR 'Unauthorized user.';
exit 1
my $cmd;
my $ssh_cmd = $ENV{'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND'};
if ($ssh_cmd) {
$cmd = $ssh_cmd;
} elsif (@ARGV) {
$cmd = qq{@ARGV};
} else {
print STDERR 'Missing command.';
exit 1
my %cmds = map { qr/^$_$/ => 1 } @{$config{$user}};
if ( any { $cmd =~ $_ } keys %cmds ) {
exec $cmd;
} else {
print STDERR 'Execution denied.';
exit 1