# Makefile for OOMAnalyser # # Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Carsten Grohmann # License: MIT (see LICENSE.txt) # THIS PROGRAM COMES WITH NO WARRANTY .PHONY: help clean distclean # Makefile defaults SHELL = /bin/sh BASE_DIR = . PYTHON3_BIN = /usr/bin/python3.7 ROLLUP_BIN = rollup ROLLUP_OPTS = --format=umd --name OOMAnalyser --file=OOMAnalyser.js TRANSCRYPT_BIN = transcrypt TRANSCRYPT_OPTS = --build --map --nomin --sform --esv 6 VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR = env export VIRTUAL_ENV := $(abspath ${VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR}) export PATH := ${VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR}/bin:${PATH} HELP= @grep -B1 '^[a-zA-Z\-]*:' Makefile |\ awk 'function p(h,t){printf"%-12s=%s\n",h,t;};\ /\#+/{t=$$0;};\ /:/{gsub(":.*","");h=$$0};\ /^--/{p(h,t);t=h="";};\ END{p(h,t)}' |\ sed -n 's/=.*\#+/:/gp' #+ Show this text help: $(HELP) #+ Clean python compiler files and automatically generated files clean: @echo "Remove all automatically generated files ..." @find $(BASE_DIR) -depth -type f -name "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \; @find $(BASE_DIR) -depth -type f -name "*.pyo" -exec rm -f {} \; @find $(BASE_DIR) -depth -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm -f {} \; @find $(BASE_DIR) -depth -type f -name "*~" -exec rm -f {} \; @$(RM) --force --recursive .wdm @$(RM) --force --recursive __target__ #+ Remove all automatically generated and Git repository data distclean: clean venv-clean @echo "Remove Git repository data (.git*) ..." @(RM) --force .git .gitignore $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate: requirements.txt test -d $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR) || virtualenv -p $(PYTHON3_BIN) $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR) . $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/pip install -Ur requirements.txt touch $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate #+ Setup the virtual environment from scratch venv: $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate #+ Freeze the current virtual environment by update requirements.txt venv-freeze: source $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate && $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/pip freeze > requirements.txt #+ Remove the virtual environment venv-clean: rm -rf $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR) #+ Compile Python to JavaScript build: venv . $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate $(TRANSCRYPT_BIN) $(TRANSCRYPT_OPTS) OOMAnalyser.py $(ROLLUP_BIN) $(ROLLUP_OPTS) -- __target__/OOMAnalyser.js #+ Serve the current directory on websrv: $(PYTHON3_BIN) -m http.server 8080 --bind #+ Run Selenium based web tests test: build . $(VIRTUAL_ENV_DIR)/bin/activate DISPLAY=:1 xvfb-run python ./test.py